
  1. 社区卫生服务收支两条线管理是社区卫生服务综合改革的重要内容。

    Separation of Revenue from Expenditure is a major part in community health service reform .

  2. 城市社区卫生服务收支两条线运行模式研究

    Study on the operational model of " revenue and expenditure separate management " in community health care

  3. 最后对社区卫生服务收支两条线管理进行了瞻望。

    Finally , the author looks forward a good result in two line managements of receipts and expenditures in community health services .

  4. 本文探索社区卫生服务收支两条线管理机制是社区卫生服务历史发展的必然,是公益公平卫生服务的最佳模式,具有重大的政治意义。

    In this text , the author considers that the two lines management mechanism of receipts and expenditure is the inevitable history development in community health service and the best model that serve of public-spirited and fair hygiene , and has important of political meaning .

  5. 社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理实施效果分析

    Analysis of Effects of Separation of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets Implemented in Community Health Service Institutions

  6. 2003&2005年上海市郊区社区卫生服务中心收支状况分析

    Analysis of Income and Expense of Shanghai Suburban Community Health Service Centers from 2003 to 2005

  7. 北京市社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理实施后服务提供方服务量变化初步分析

    Changes of Service Quantity Following Implementation of Separated Management of Income and Expenditure in Beijing Community Health Services Institutions

  8. 典型地区社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理模式的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Models of Separation of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets ( SREB ) Implemented in Community Health Service ( CHS ) Institutions in Typical Areas

  9. 结论社区卫生服务机构财务收支状况的发展趋势不容乐观;

    Conclusion The income and expenses of community health service institutions counterpoise .

  10. 服务作为国际收支平衡表中经常账户下的重要项目,已经成为推动世界经济发展的重要动力之一。

    Abstr act As an important current account item in the balance of payment , service trade is playing a more and more important role in the development of world economy .

  11. 目的:了解赣州市社区卫生服务机构的经济收支情况及支出流向。

    Objective : To understand current operational economical status and expenditure structure of Community Health Services ( CHS ) in GanZhou .

  12. 我国服务贸易的发展现状是服务贸易国际收支逆差变动较大,且逆差有不断加大的趋势;

    The present situation of service trade development in China is that passive balance of payment has changed greatly , and passive balance of payment tends to broaden .

  13. 同时,构建宏观卫生服务模式,明确指导思想,形成新社区卫生服务收支两条线管理运行机制,并对新模式的试运行结果进行了总结。

    In the same time , the author sets up a new health service mode and new operational mechanism , and tries to summary the operational results of the new model .