
  • 网络Server;server-side;server side;session
  1. 服务器端采用WEB服务或TCP/IP技术为客户端提供服务。

    The server is based on Web Services or TCP / IP server .

  2. NET平台下,用户可以使用控件和正则表达式在服务器端实现输入验证,通过几个例子简单地介绍了在ASP。

    NET , users can apply controls and regular expression to input check in web server .

  3. 基于WEB服务器端数据库查询系统的设计

    Design of Web Based Server Database Inquiry System

  4. 系统主要分C端(客户端)和S端(服务器端)。

    System mainly points theC-terminal ( client ) and S-terminal ( server ) .

  5. WEB服务器端自动打包技术的Java实现

    Implement of Automatic Packaging on the Terminal of Server in Java Programming

  6. Web页面的服务器端导航历史

    Server-side navigation history of Web pages

  7. 表单值的服务器端验证使用类似的方式执行到任何其他web应用程序。

    Server-side validation of the form values is performed in a similar fashion to any other Web application .

  8. ASP(ACTIVESERVERPAGES)是一种由微软公司开发的服务器端技术。

    ASP ( Active Server Pages ) is server-side technology developed by Microsoft .

  9. 而在服务器端,自定义栈可以在一个新的domain中进行定义。

    On the server side , a custom stack can be defined in a new domain .

  10. target属性表明服务器端数据源的目标URL。

    The target attribute indicates the target URL for the server-side data source .

  11. 毕竟,servlet实际上是服务器端基于REST的Web服务。

    After all , a servlet is fundamentally a server-side REST-based Web service .

  12. CA认证系统服务器端通信的优化

    The Optimization of Communication of the Server End of CA Authentication System

  13. 服务器端异常将转到系统log文件。

    Server-side exceptions go to the system log file .

  14. 服务器端的Web服务实现的开发和客户端Web服务请求程序的开发不能并行进行。

    The development of the server-side Web service implementation and the client-side Web service requester can 't proceed in parallel .

  15. 由浏览器替代客户端,服务器端由WEB服务器、数据库系统服务器及中间件组成。

    While the client is replaced with a browser , the server consists of web server , database server and middleware .

  16. CORBA分布式构件技术(CCM:CORBAComponentModel)是一种支持服务器端分布式应用开发和运行管理的中间件技术。

    CORBA Component Model ( CCM ) is a middleware to support server-side distributed application development and running management .

  17. 同时根据网管系统中客户端和服务器端消息交互的特点,设计了一种统一的消息交互的F接口方便客户端和服务器端消息交互。

    Also , a unified interface F is designed for intercommunication between client and server .

  18. 由服务器端触发Web页更新在JSF内并非易事。

    Any Web page change triggered by the server side is not easy in JSF .

  19. 在LotusComponentDesigner中,编程的核心在服务器端,它是资源之所在。

    The thrust of programming in Lotus Component Designer is server-side , where the resources are .

  20. 服务器端部署描述符将告诉服务器端的AXIS服务器要调用哪个Web服务。

    The server side deployment descriptor will tell the AXIS server on the server side which web service to invoke .

  21. 告诉Ajax在服务器端代码执行完成时应该调用哪个方法

    Telling Ajax which method to call when the server-side code completes

  22. GPRS技术在车载导航系统中服务器端设计与实现

    Design and implementation of server in vehicle navigation system with GPRS

  23. 基于J2EE的Web开发,在服务器端通常采用多层结构。

    Based on the Web 's development of J2EE , multiple layer architecture has been usually used at the server .

  24. 出于安全性的考虑,数据库服务器端使用Oracle数据库。

    Because of safety consideration , Oracle Server is used as database server .

  25. 实现B/S结构的管理信息系统涉及到的技术可以分为两个方面:服务器端技术和客户端技术。

    The technique of B / S-based Management Information Systems can be divided into two aspects : the server technique and the client technique .

  26. Comet有时也称反向Ajax或服务器端推技术(server-sidepush)。

    Comet is sometimes called reverse Ajax or server-side push .

  27. 本文更加深入地探究在服务器端Java应用程序中处理瞬时和永久XML数据。

    This article dives more deeply into the topic of working with transient and persistent XML in a server-side Java application .

  28. 无论是否限制对脚本的访问,Web客户机应该不能调用服务器端脚本的任何函数。

    Whether or not you restrict the access to your scripts , Web clients should not be able to invoke any function of a server-side script .

  29. 服务器端只需使用一些Java注释将服务转变成Ajax服务。

    The server-side only requires a few Java annotations to turn any service into an Ajax service .

  30. 客户端或服务器端网络API连接

    Client-or server-side network API connectivity