
fú zhuānɡ shè jì
  • costume designing;clothing design;dress designing
  1. KUHLE在服装设计上虽然具有强烈的都市风格,但“时尚、简单”是描述KUHLE品牌设计原理的最好字眼。

    KUHLE in dress designing , although has the intense metropolis style , but " is fashionable , is simple " describes the KUHLE brand principle of design best phrase .

  2. 面料是推动服装设计创新的主要因素

    The Lining is Promotes the Dress Designing Innovation the Primary Factor

  3. 这些服装设计过于花哨。

    The costume designs are too fussy .

  4. 现在服装设计趋向简单。

    There 's a movement towards simple designs in clothing these days .

  5. 最佳服装设计:凯瑟琳-马丁《了不起的盖茨比》

    Best costumes : Catherine Martin , The Great Gatsby

  6. 整合CAD与手工创作教学&服装设计课程教学探讨

    Integrating the CAD with creating stage by hand & Discussion on the teaching of clothing design

  7. 在一两年内我可以和Max待在家从事我的服装设计。

    For a year or two , I could stay at home with Max and do my dress designs .

  8. 系统介绍了SVG在服装设计系统中的应用,目的是为了更加适合网上服装款式设计系统发布的需要。

    The intention of application of SVG in the design system of garment was to promulgate the garment design system in the network more adaptive .

  9. 此后,Kickstarter这类众筹网站可以为各种各样的事情筹资,从开设博客到服装设计公司,再到拍摄独立影片,几乎无所不包。

    Since then crowdfunding sites such as kickstarterhave been used to raise money for everything from blogs to clothing design companies and independent films .

  10. 一种交互式计算机辅助服装设计系统(GCAD-1)

    An interactive computer aided garment design system ( gcad-1 )

  11. 所以,基于DIY理念的绿色服装设计为绿色服装的研究带来新的启发和灵感。

    This kind of design theme makes the green fashion design to develop sustainable , so the green fashion design based on the DIY concept brings inspiration and enlightenment for the research of green fashion design .

  12. 最后,用该模型描述了2个常见用遗传算法解决的问题,即TSP问题和交互式遗传算法中的服装设计问题,结果表明该模型的可行性。

    At last , the model is applied to the description of two problems solved by genetic algorithm , i.e. , travelling salesman problem ( TSP ) and fashion design problem in interactive genetic algorithm ( IGA ) . The result indicates its feasibility .

  13. 针织面料性能对服装设计和制作的影响

    Influence of performance of knitting fabric on garment design and production

  14. 服装设计艺术风格的审美内涵分析

    Analysis of the Aesthetic Content of Artistic Styles in Fashion Designing

  15. 服装设计风格泛化的表现方法及其现状分析

    The Manifestation and Current State Analysis of Fashion Design Style Generalization

  16. 创新专业服装设计图库,为您提供最新服装流行趋势!

    Professional clothes picture storehouses , provide the latest clothing trend .

  17. 工矿企业劳保服装设计与开发

    Design and Development of Labor Insurance Garment for Mine Industry Enterprises

  18. 纳士杯中国职业服装设计大赛在京揭幕

    Nashi Cup Contest for Professional Costume Design cut ribbons in Beijing

  19. 体验式服装设计与服装快速反应

    The experienced fashion design and the rapid response of apparel

  20. 中老年服装设计与市场开发

    Garment Desi & n and Market Development for the Middle and Old

  21. 浅谈高职服装设计教育

    Talking about Training for Fashion Design in High Vocational College

  22. 论色感在服装设计中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of the Color Sense in the Clothing Design

  23. 服装设计公司是法国服装业的精髓和运作中枢。

    Design company is the nerve center of French fashion .

  24. 环境艺术与服装设计动感语意的比较

    Comparing Environmental Design and Clothing Design in Terms of Movement

  25. 中国服装设计教育的现状与未来

    Status Quo and the Future of Chinese Fashion Design Education

  26. 服装设计的情感符号构成与表现形式

    Expression Form and Composition of Emotional Sign in Fashion Design

  27. 大体上说,我最喜欢服装设计。

    On balance , dress designing appeals to me most .

  28. 2003年深圳国际服装设计教育论坛暨国际服装设计教育展纪要

    Brief Introduction on 2003 Shenzhen International Fashion Design Education Seminar / Exhibition

  29. 服装设计创意表现应考虑的因素

    The Comprehensive Factors to be Considered for Originality Representation in Fashion Design

  30. 品牌服装设计理念研究

    A Research on the Design Concept of Branded Apparel