
  • Graphic Design;Plane Design;photoshop
  1. 展览追溯了美国从19世纪至今的平面设计历史。

    The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present

  2. 我在上一门平面设计课程。

    I 'm taking a course in graphic design .

  3. 然而,热门专业第四名却有点意思:包括时装设计、室内设计和网页/平面设计在内的设计相关专业相当受欢迎。

    However , things get interesting when it comes to the fourth place : Design-related majors including fashion design , interior design and Web / graphic design are quite popular .

  4. 动态、交互道路CAD平面设计系统研究

    Study on Dynamic and Interactive CAD in Highway Horizontal Alignment Design

  5. WCDMA高密度媒体网关用户平面设计与实现

    Research and Development of High Density Media Gateway User Plane of WCDMA System

  6. 在平面设计软件中实现SVG格式文档输出

    Exporting SVG Format File by DTP Software

  7. 18岁的罗茜·莱克目前正在温哥华的卡普兰大学学习平面设计及插画,她在Tumblr上发布了一张照片,照片题为“评判”。

    Rosea Lake , 18 , who is studying graphic design and illustration at Capilano University in Vancouver , posted a photograph titled Judgements to her Tumblr account .

  8. 论当代商业性平面设计中的红色文化符号

    The " Red Culture " Symbols in Contemporary Commercial Graphic Design

  9. 改扩建钢铁企业总平面设计研究

    Research on General Layout of the Reconstructing and Extending Steel Complex

  10. 平面设计的表现手法在不同的时代或不同的地域应该有一种属于自己的设计语言体系。

    Different times and places show different means of graphic design .

  11. 漫画与平面设计交互影响之缘由

    The Reason of Cartoon and Graphic Design Influencing with Each Other

  12. 中国传统图形与现代平面设计研究

    The Study on the Traditional Chinese Graphics and Modern Graphic Design

  13. 音乐,电影,摄影,平面设计,建筑。

    In music , films , photography , graphic design , architecture .

  14. 现代书籍设计艺术离不开平面设计基础。

    Modern book designing is closely related to plane designing .

  15. 现代平面设计中艺术符号的研究

    The Research of Art Symbols in the Modern Visual Design

  16. 基于思维的平面设计图形创意研究

    The Research on Graphic Design Based on Tension of Thinking

  17. 试论中国当代平面设计民族化风格

    Prospect for Nationalized Style in Contemporary Graphic Design in China

  18. 缓和曲线在城市道路平面设计中的应用

    Application of Mitigating Curve in Plane Design of Urban Roads

  19. 平面设计视觉美学的计算机辅助分析

    Computer Aided Analysis System of Visual Aesthetics for Graphic Design

  20. 屋檐下的个性&浅论平面设计中的个性化

    The Individuation under the Eaves & The Individuation of the Plain Design

  21. 平面设计的意境创构研究

    Study on Artistic Conception 's Creativity and Structure in the Graphic Design

  22. 城市道路斜交路口平面设计分析

    Layout Design of Skew Intersection at Grade on Urban Highways

  23. 符号及符号互动对平面设计的影响

    Influence of Signs and Interaction between Sign on the Flat Surface Design

  24. 我们是专业的程序开发和平面设计团队。

    We are professional development and graphic design team .

  25. 高桥分公司炼油厂喷气燃料加氢脱硫醇装置的平面设计

    Plot plan of jet fuel HYDRO-SWEETENING unit in the refinery of Gaoqiao Company

  26. 工厂总平面设计对环境要素的配置及评价

    The distribution and valuation of the environmental factors in plant general layout design

  27. 浅议平面设计中的民族文化特色

    Discussing on the national culture characteristic in graphic design

  28. 平面设计软件在陶瓷装饰设计中的应用研究

    The Research of the Use of Graphic Design Software in Ceramic Decoration Design

  29. 工业企业总平面设计防振间距的研究

    The study on vibration proof distance of total plane design for industrial enterprises

  30. 平面设计的空间创意

    Space Originality in Digital Planar Design THE SPACE OF SEPERATING LINES IN PLANE