
  • Web Design
  1. OfficeOnline的附加业务是网页设计。

    In terms of extra services offered , Office Online does web design .

  2. 我爱FLASH,即使我个人是主修平面设计和HTML网页设计。

    I love FLASH , even though I was majoring in graphic design and HTML web design .

  3. Web网站中网页设计的技术应用与探讨

    The Technical Application and Discussion about the Design of Web Net Station

  4. 基于Web的教学网页设计要点浅析

    A discussion of the key points based on the design of web 's teaching net page

  5. 我们很容易将Web应用程序和网站搞混,就像搞混用户界面设计与网页设计一样。

    Confusing Web applications and websites is easy , as is confusing user interface design and website design .

  6. 动态C在远程温度控制系统网页设计中的应用

    The Application of Dynamic C in the Design of the Web Page for a Remote Temperature Control System

  7. 第三部份则对Web教学过程中教师、学生和网页设计三个基本要素进行了分析;

    Thirdly , it analyses the three elementary components in Web instruction : teacher , student and Web page design ;

  8. 网页设计中的Flash动画视觉语言研究

    The Research on Vision Language of Flash Cartoon in Webpage Design

  9. 浅谈网页设计中Flash与ASP技术的结合

    Discusses in Shallowly the Homepage Design Flash and ASP Technical Union

  10. ASP是目前网页设计中的最常用技术的技术之一;

    ASP is one of the popular technologies today .

  11. 串接样式表在网页设计中的应用CSS样式表与不同的浏览器

    Application of Cascading Stylesheets in Webpage Design CSS and Different Browsers

  12. 浅析CSS样式在网页设计中的应用

    An Analysis of Application of CSS Form in Web Design

  13. CSS技术为网页设计提供了更丰富、更美观的表现方式。

    CSS technique provides a various and beautiful mode for Web design .

  14. 网页设计及可用性是人机交互(CI)个大学科的子集。

    Web design and usability are subsets of the greater discipline of human-computer interaction ( HCI ) .

  15. 针对WEB网站中网页设计的系统理论研究,介绍了有关网站中网页设计的原则,以及所需要的应用方法、技巧和风格内容的探讨。

    Aimed at the theory research of the Web net station design , the design principle of net station is presented and the technical application method is discussed in this paper .

  16. XML(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage)可扩展标记语言是W3C组织于1998年2月发布的第二代Internet网页设计语言标准。

    XML ( extensible markup language ) was the standard of the second generation of internet web-design language , issued by W3C organization in feb.

  17. 我对Jesse的图表持反对意见。这些不是用户体验的元素,而是网页设计的元素。

    They design the right offers and experiences for the right customers .

  18. JSP技术的整个出发点就是允许网页设计人员创建servlet,而不必纠缠于Java代码。

    The entire point of JSP technology is to allow the page designer to create servlets without being distracted with Java code .

  19. AListApart,学习网页设计和最佳实践的首选网站。

    A List Apart , the premier site to read articles about web design and best practices , has a collection of articles on the topic of CSS dating back to1999 .

  20. 要获得客户看到我们的东西我们已经做了,无锡酒店VI设计公司看看我们的网页设计组合。

    To get a glimpse of what we 've done for our clients , please have a look at our web design portfolio .

  21. 提供网页设计,互动多媒体制作,商业摄录,剪接,广告制作,3D电脑动画,VCD制作,平面设计等。

    Web Design , Interactive Multi-Media , Video Multi-Media and Effects , Adversting , 3D Computer Animation , VCD Production , Graphic Design .

  22. 他在少年时期就有了自己的PC机(很快又换成了一台Mac电脑),上中学时自学了网页设计。

    He got his own PC computer as an adolescent ( soon followed by a Mac ) and taught himself web design in middle school .

  23. 本论文应用了VRML、面向对象的程序语言VB、Java和网页设计软件。

    The following languages and software , such as VRML , VB6.0 , Java and some other homepage design software , are used in this paper .

  24. 本文着重讨论了的建立基于WEB的企业管理信息系统的关键技术;Web数据库访问技术、用户连接技术、网页设计技术等,并简单介绍了江铜考勤子系统中采用的方案。

    The paper especially discusses the key technology in building enterprise management information system based on web : database access based on web , database connection , web page design , and introduces the method in designing the work attendance checking management subsystem briefly .

  25. 2010年,他加盟经营网页设计公司的表兄弟杰斐逊·苏亚雷斯(JeffersonSoares)。

    In2010 , he joined his cousin Jefferson Soares , who ran a company that designed Web pages .

  26. 为使实验信息系统具有更大的灵活性,论文在一般的C/S信息管理模式基础上,提出了交互式网页设计模式,从而更好的利用了网络资源,改善并方便了生物医学实验教学工作。

    Considering the flexibility , thesis puts forward a new design mode for dynamic web pages on the base of C / S design mode . Consequently , the Internet resource is better used and the teaching work of biomedicine experiment is also improved .

  27. 采用ASP网页设计技术,设计完成了评教系统网站;按不同的用户身份登录、参与评教,实现了系统的设计要求。

    Adopting ASP website design technology , the paper designs the evaluation system website , logins and participates in the evaluation using different identities , and achieves the design demands of the system . 4 .

  28. 以大庆站综合信息管理计算机网络系统的开发为背景,对基于B/S结构模式的铁路车站MIS系统的网页设计与实现方法进行了较详细的研究。

    With the design and application of Daqing railway station computer network information system , we deeply research with the way in wed page design and realized of railway station MIS based on B / S structure .

  29. 除了Blueprint和YUIGrids之外,您还可以在网络上找到10到12种可用于加速网页设计及开发的框架。

    In addition to Blueprint and YUI Grids , you can scan the Web to find ten to twelve other frameworks to accelerate the design and development of Web pages .

  30. 服务项目包括连云港网站建设、网页设计、广告设计、平面设计、网站SEO优化、网站推广、域名注册、虚拟主机等。

    Services include Lianyungang , construction sites , web design , advertising design , graphic design , website SEO optimization , website promotion , domain name registration , web hosting .