
  • 网络network control program;NCP
  1. IBM通信系统ACF/TCAM中网络控制程序的一种功能,可使该程序仿真传输控制器。

    In ACF / TCAM , the function of a network control program that enables it to emulate a transmission control unit .

  2. 使用网络控制程序(NCP)监视,维护,控制网络。

    By the use of Network Control Program ( NCP ) to monitor , manage and control network .

  3. 通道连接的网络控制程序

    Channel-attached network control program

  4. 基于Winsock的网络实时控制程序开发

    Research of Real-time Control Program Based on Winsock in LAN

  5. 可以在网络控制面板程序中,使用该设备的属性页,更改这些设置。

    You can always change these settings using the properties page for this device located in the Network control panel applet .

  6. 通过网络安全策略控制程序设置。

    Application settings are controlled by the network security policy .

  7. 提出基于神经网络的货位管理控制程序算法并完成出入库管理软件设计;

    The control program algorithm of Storage Location Management based on neural network and the design of stock in / out management software ;