
wǎnɡ shànɡ chōnɡ lànɡ
  • surf the Internet
  1. 伊瑞克:我可不仅会网上冲浪。

    Eric : And I don 't just surf the Internet .

  2. 每天我在网上冲浪三个小时。

    I surf the Internet for about three hours everyday .

  3. 没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。

    No one knows how many people currently surf the Net .

  4. 事情很简单,那就是对大多数人来说,网上冲浪费用太高。

    The simple fact is that , for most people , surfing is too expensive .

  5. 用户可以使用它们在网上冲浪,搜索地图和天气报告。

    Users can use them to surf online and search for maps and weather reports .

  6. 他们开玩笑说他们唯一的体育运动是网上冲浪,其实这玩笑有一半说的是事实。

    They are only half joking when they say their only physical activity is surfing the Internet .

  7. Internet上的信息庞杂且分散,搜索引擎系统越来越成为人们网上冲浪和获取信息的必要工具。

    Information on the Internet is very huge and distributed , search engine has more and more become an absolutely necessary tool of Internet surfers .

  8. 您是否想像过某天可以这样,无论您在何处使用3G手持设备,都能够在网上冲浪、玩网络游戏或参加视频会议?

    Do you ever imagine that you can surf the Web , play an online game or join a videoconference no matter where you are using your3G handheld device ?

  9. 只需配置您的网络适配器,将DNS指向有效的DNS服务器,您立即就可以在网上冲浪!

    Simply configure your network adapter , direct DNS to a valid DNS server , and you 'll be surfing the Web in no time !

  10. LTE技术的发展势头正变得越来越猛。通过这种下一代无线技术,移动设备可以进行超高速网上冲浪。

    LTE , or Long Term Evolution , is gaining strong momentum as the next generation wireless technology to provide super-fast web surfing on mobiles .

  11. 对于充斥于耳的有关3g服务优势的许诺(诸如网上冲浪),很多西方消费者已经听了好几年,而结果却只是笨重的手机和不尽完善的移动网络。

    Many Western consumers were subjected to years of promises about the virtues of 3G services such as web surfing , only to be confronted by clunky handsets and inadequate mobile networks .

  12. 随着人们对互联网的运用从信息获取提升到网络游戏、IP电话、网络购物等在线应用,基于互联网的产品和应用内容也不断丰富,网上冲浪将成为生活中不可替代的一部分。

    As Internet applications now enhanced from information acquisition to online games , VOIP , online shopping , etc. , Internet-based products and content also be continually enriched , so Internet surfing will become an irreplaceable part of life .

  13. 做到安装IPTV机顶盒的用户可以实现在网上冲浪,在技术上保证利用IPTV机顶盒可以进入互联网。

    IPTV set-top boxes to install the user can achieve the " web surfing ", the technical use of IPTV set-top boxes can be guaranteed access to the Internet .

  14. 与此同时,智能手机、GPS等得到越来越广泛的应用,其提供的功能也越来越多,GPRS的出现使人们可以应用手机在任何时间,任何地点在网上冲浪,给人们的生活带来了很多方便。

    At the same time , smart mobile , GPS , etc , which supply more and more functions are widely used . With the appearance of GPRS , people can visit Internet anywhere at any time .

  15. 手机上网是指利用支持网络浏览器的手机通过WAP协议,同互联网相联,从而达到网上冲浪的目的。

    Mobile Internet means to use a mobile phone that supports the web browser via WAP protocol and is associated with the Internet to achieve the purpose of surfing .

  16. 这些艺术家从垃圾电子邮件和MySpace网站的多媒体介绍内容中提取创作元素,制造视频节目。他们把网上冲浪本身当成一种艺术形式。

    They make videos out of email spam and multimedia projects from MySpace profiles , and make a case for Web surfing as an art form in itself .

  17. 更新后的hotmail能让你在电子邮件用户端网上冲浪,这一功能叫做activeviews,这一功能使你能在收件箱里访问网站,安排行程,预定电影票。

    An update to hotmail lets you surf the web from inside your email client . This feature is called active views , it lets you visit websites and perform functions like booking travel , ordering movies on netflicks from inside your email massages .

  18. 此外,高清晰数字电视机顶盒还可以提供丰富的额外功能,例如电视购物、网上冲浪、高清视频点播、IPTV、IP电话、游戏等等,可以成为家庭多媒体娱乐中心。

    In addition , high-definition digital TV set-top-box also provides a wealth of additional functions , such as TV shopping , Internet surfing , HDTV video-on-demand , IPTV , IP phone , games and so on , which will be the multimedia entertainment centers of a family .

  19. 由HellenJ.Wang带领的一个微软研发团队提出了浏览器上的操作系统Gazelle(PDF),目的是加强网上冲浪的安全性。

    A Microsoft Research team led by Helen J.Wang has created Gazelle ( PDF ), a browser-based OS , with the declared intent to tighten security when going online .

  20. 随着高清视频、云计算等OTT业务的蓬勃发展,互联网进入大带宽业务时代,移动智能终端的普及又从一定程度上提供了网民随时随地网上冲浪的机会。

    With the rapid development of high-definition video , cloud computing and such OTT business , the Internet has entered the era of high bandwidth services , the popularity of intelligent mobile terminal also enhance the convenience of web-surfing .

  21. 现在,网上冲浪是非常普遍和流行的。

    Nowadays , surfing the Internet is very common and popular .

  22. 在网上冲浪时我遇到了一些困难。

    I met with some difficulties in suffering the net .

  23. 那天我和往常一样在网上冲浪。

    That day I was surfing the Internet as usual .

  24. 网上冲浪是当今最受欢迎的消遣之一。

    Surfing the Internet is one of the most popular recreations today .

  25. 她每天花数小时时间在网上冲浪。

    She spends hours every day just surfing the net .

  26. 凯特:你经常在网上冲浪吗?

    Kate : Do you often surf the Internet ?

  27. 网上冲浪体验??这种体验可能要借助于更快的翻译软件。

    Surfing experience that may require faster language-translation software .

  28. ADSL&网上冲浪新途径

    ADSL & the New Way Surfing on the Internet

  29. 这种浏览方式称为网上冲浪。

    This browsing is often called surfing the Net .

  30. 我能用手机网上冲浪。

    I can surf online with my hand phone .