
xīn wén zǔ
  • newsgroups
  1. 可以更改电子邮件、新闻组、日历和Internet呼叫使用的默认程序。

    You can change the default programs you use for e-mail , newsgroups , your calendar , and Internet calls .

  2. EclipsePlatform新闻组应该是您讨论有关Eclipse问题的第一站。

    The Eclipse Platform newsgroups should be your first stop to discuss questions regarding Eclipse .

  3. 他成了一个网上新闻组的用户。

    He subscribed to a newsgroup .

  4. 他们在国际新闻组有一个短期的空缺职位。

    They had a short-term vacancy for a person on the foreign desk

  5. 轻松使用internet电子邮件和新闻组阅读程序。

    Easy to use Internet e-mail and newsgroup reader .

  6. 提供对internet电子邮件和新闻组的访问。

    Provides Internet e-mail and newsgroup access .

  7. 新闻组在Internet上的应用

    Application of the NewsGroup on Internet

  8. 诸如此类的问题大多数都应该贴到相应Unix版本的新闻组中。

    Most of the these problems should be posted to the Unix-version-specific newsgroup .

  9. Eclipse新闻组拥有大量的资源,面向对使用和扩展Eclipse感兴趣的人。

    The Eclipse newsgroups has lots of resources for people interested in using and extending Eclipse .

  10. 本文就Web网页、贸易公告版、新闻组和电子邮件列表四种途径介绍Internet网络中市场信息的获取和利用。

    This article introduces four methods to get and utilize market information of Internet , such as Web page , trade bulletin board , newsgroup and E-mailing list .

  11. 我们的工作主要针对WWW页面发布系统与新闻组讨论系统进行。

    We mainly focus on WWW publishing system and Usenet discussion system .

  12. XX个新的新闻组已经建立在XX新闻服务器上。

    XX new newsgroups have been created on the XX news server .

  13. “以可持续的速度工作”,这是《敏捷宣言》的原则之一,也常常是难以实现的一条。AgileLeader新闻组最近开始讨论可持续速度的相关话题。

    Working at a Sustainable Pace is one of the principles of the Agile Manifesto that is often hard to achieve .

  14. 查看EclipseCDT新闻组,了解有关C/C++调试的开发帮助。

    Check out the Eclipse CDT newsgroups for development help around C / C + + debugging .

  15. 本操作将使情况相反即以“XX”开头的新闻组都不再能够接受HTML消息。

    This action will reverse that ; newsgroups whose name start with " XX " will no longer accept HTML .

  16. 新闻组XX可以接受HTML消息,因为所有在名称中以“XX”开头的新闻组,都被标记为能够接受HTML。

    The newsgroup XX was accepting HTML because all newsgroups whose name started with " XX " were marked to accept HTML .

  17. 请访问BIRT的网站和BIRT新闻组来了解更多信息。

    To learn more , visit the BIRT website and the BIRT newsgroup .

  18. 查看专用于Perl的Usenet新闻组和邮件列表以获取一些看法和批评。

    Look on the Usenet newsgroups and mailing lists dedicated to Perl for ideas and critiques .

  19. 在XML新闻组、邮件列表和网站的讨论论坛中(在参考资料中可以找到这些内容的链接),最常见的一个主题就是数据绑定。

    In XML newsgroups , mailing lists , and discussion forums of the Web site ( you can find links for many of these in Resources ), one of the most common themes is data binding .

  20. 在Intranet上,可开发出办公自动化、综合查询、信息发布、电子函件、新闻组等系统。

    On the Intranet , the office automation , the comprehensive inquiry , the information distribution , the E-mail , the newsgroup and other systems can be developed .

  21. 若要订阅多个新闻组,请在单击所要订阅的新闻组时按ctrl键。

    To subscribe to more than one newsgroup , press Ctrl while clicking the newsgroups you want to subscribe to .

  22. 查阅预览窗格中的邮件时,您可以使用tab键在邮件列表、预览窗格以及文件夹或新闻组列表之间移动。

    When viewing messages in the preview pane , you can press tab to move between the message list , the preview pane , and the folder or newsgroup list .

  23. 如果您喜欢开源模式的技术支持:可以自由访问源代码,并通过新闻组、blog、社区站点等方式获得技术支持,那么您可能就不会喜欢这种方式。

    If you like the open source model of support : freely available source code , support through newsgroups , blogs , community Web sites , etc. , you may dislike it .

  24. NNTPChecker组件获取NTTP服务器上指定新闻组的最新张贴内容。

    The NNTP Checker component gets the latest posts to a specified newsgroup on an NNTP server .

  25. 为此,简要介绍了Internet上的农业工程学文献资源,包括农业工程学方面数据库、图书、电子期刊、学会与会议信息、重要网站、邮递列表与新闻组等信息,旨在为农业工程工作者提供参考。

    In this article , the agricultural engineering literature resources on Internet are introduced , including databases , books , e-journals , academic society and meeting , important websites , mailing lists and newsgroups . Some search engines and their searching method is also discussed .

  26. 配置一个对新闻组或档案文件或博客进行索引以生成RSS提要的搜索引擎,将可以为广大的提要阅读器提供相关信息。

    Configuring a search engine that indexes new groups or archives or blogs to generate results as RSS feeds can provide relevant information to a large community of feed readers .

  27. 这里是图片的巡逻人员在XP中说到:它可以提取物数以千计的图片新闻组邮件,每天没有太多的努力,您的意见。

    And here is where Picture Patrol Officer XP comes in : it can extract thousands of pictures from newsgroup messages every day , without much effort from you .

  28. 每周五请加入WEFL新闻组为你准备的“周末报道”。

    Join us every Friday for " The Weekend Report " with the WEFL news team .

  29. 我曾雇过的最优秀的编程者只有高中文凭,他开发过许多伟大软件,有自己的新闻组(newsgroup),通过公司认股赚的钱就让他买下了自己的夜店(nightclub)。

    One of the best programmers I ever hired had only a High School degree ; he 's produced a lot of great software , has his own news group , and made enough in stock options to buy his own nightclub .

  30. 它是随着中文国际互联网和专门化的文学新闻组(NEWSGROUP)、文学论坛、电子文学期刊、文学网站的出现而兴起的。

    It with Chinese Internet and literature newsgroup , literature forum , electronic literary publication , literature appearance and rise of website of specialization .