
xīn shēng wù
  • neoplasm;neoformation
新生物[xīn shēng wù]
  1. 腮腺区新生物的CT定性诊断

    Qualitative diagnosis of CT of neoplasm in parotid region

  2. 10例患者均经听力检测,同时进行间接鼻咽镜或纤维鼻咽镜、CT和新生物的病理学检查。

    The patients underwent hearing test , indirect laryngoscopy or fiberoptic pharyngorhinoscopy , CT , and neoplasm pathologic observation .

  3. 真菌有分解塑料和创造新生物燃料及药品种类的潜能。

    Fungi have potential for breaking down plastics and generating new types of biofuels and medicines .

  4. CT检查显示,上颌窦鼻腔新生物高密度影,边界清楚,周围可见骨质吸收。

    CT revealed high density shadow and bone absorption aroud the lesion .

  5. 方法对10例可疑结肠新生物患者行结肠不同气量充气后螺旋CT扫描。

    Methods Ten patients underwent the examination of spiral CT after being charged air into colon in different cubage .

  6. 方法回顾性分析25例腮腺区新生物的CT图像,并与手术病理相对照,分析腮腺区新生物的CT表现。

    Methods The CT images of neoplasm in parotid area of 25 cases were retrospectively analyzed and were compared with the pathological results .

  7. Ki-67标记指数作为眼表新生物的一个恶性标记

    Ki-67 labeling index as a marker of malignancy in ocular surface neoplasms

  8. 因为正常组织通常表现对TRAIL的抵抗,而在肿瘤发生过程中,新生物通常获得对TRAIL的敏感性。

    Since normal tissues usually show resistance to TRAIL , TRAIL-sensitivity in neoplasm would be basically acquired during tumorigenesis .

  9. 通过某些药物的定点突变获得第二代新生物技术药物,如胰岛素、EPO和t-PA的突变体;

    Site-directed mutagenesis of some biotech drugs to get second generation biomedicines , such as mutants of EPO , insulin and t-PA.

  10. 方法:2例支气管结核、1例气管鳞癌和1例气管腺样囊性癌,在镍钛合金气道支架置入后存在新生物或肉芽组织过度生长,应用APC治疗。

    Methods : Two cases of endobronchial tuberculosis , 1 case of squamous cell carcinoma of trachea and 1 case of adenoid cystic carcinoma .

  11. 肿瘤通常是指机体在各种致癌因素作用下,由于某些特定染色体上的DNA损伤引起体细胞发生突变而导致其克隆性异常增生形成的新生物。

    The body always is affected by all kinds of carcinogenic factors that lead to tumor development . Tumor is a neoplasm which forms under some DNA impairment in definite chromosome that causes somatic cell mutation and clonally abnormality hyperplasia .

  12. 目的评价Ⅱ类新生物制品绿脓杆菌菌毛株菌苗(PAMSHA菌苗)作为免疫调节剂的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of pseudomonas aeruginosa MSHA vaccine ( PA MSHA vaccine ) used as immune modulator .

  13. 而该研究的有些目标则是有争议性的:推广DIY合成生物的理念以及激励其他人创造新生物。

    But part of the goal is more controversial : to publicize do-it-yourself synthetic biology and to inspire others to create new living things .

  14. 去年,国家情报总监詹姆斯?克拉珀(JamesClapper)把旨在制造新生物武器的基因编辑列入国家最大安全威胁。

    Last year , James Clapper , director of national intelligence , included gene editing aimed at producing new biological weapons as among the nation 's top security threats .

  15. 结论:FDS不仅是诊断乳腺导管内病变的可靠方法,而且可以帮助手术中定位切除乳腺导管内新生物。

    Conclusions : FDS is not only a reliable method of diagnosis for patients with breast intraductal lesion , but can assist in localization and in operative removal of breast intraductal neoplasm .

  16. 基本转录因子Sp1和Sp3对转录调控区GC盒有很强的亲和力,参与几乎所有细胞功能,包括细胞增殖、凋亡、分化和新生物的转化。

    Transcriptional factors Sp1 and Sp3 have a strong affinity to GC-box which is existed in the regulatory regions of genes and involved in many biological process such as cell proliferation , apoptosis , differentiation and transformation .

  17. 结果:(1)NPCM与NP均以鼻阻和鼻衄为主要症状,以病变局部结节状或息肉样新生物为主要体征。

    Results ( 1 ) Clinically , NPCM and NP not only had the leading symptoms of rhinostegnosis and rhinorrhagia , but also had the nodal or polypoid neoplasm as their main sign .

  18. 禁令制度在英美法历史悠久、应用广泛,但在我国还是一个新生物。

    Injunction has long history and wide-ranging application in Anglo-American law .

  19. 结果病理报告显示所诱发的新生物为纤维肉瘤。

    Results Pathological reports showed that the evoked neoplasma was fibrosarcoma .

  20. 鼻腔及鼻窦新生物50例分析

    Analysis of neoformation of mycteric and nasal sinuse in 50 cases

  21. 支撑喉镜下声带新生物摘除术的临床麻醉方式探讨

    A Clinical Study on Anesthesia in the Suspensive Laryngoscopy Vocal Neoplasm Enucleation

  22. 术前诊断宫颈新生物19例(5.9%);

    People living 19 cases before new diagnostic cervical ( 5.9 % );

  23. 重组人血管内皮抑制素类新生物制品是抑制新生血管作用最强、效果最好的药物之一。

    Recombinant human endostatin is the best and strongest drugs to inhibit neovascularization .

  24. 狗肠新生物活性肽的分离纯化及结构测定

    Isolation , Purification and Sequence of a Novel Bioactive Peptide from Canine Intestine

  25. 给新生物命名的灵感已不是第一次来源于动画片了。

    This is not the first time that a cartoon character inspires creative biologists .

  26. 丘脑基底节区新生物的立体定向显微激光手术

    Stereotactic micro-surgical laser operation for the treatment of the neoplasms of thalamus and basic ganglion

  27. 癌也可称为恶性、恶性肿瘤或异常新生物。

    Cancer may also be called malignancy , a malignant tumor , or a neoplasm .

  28. 资源生物技术&新生物经济革命的基石

    Resource Biotechnology & Footstone of Bioeconomy Revolution

  29. 七叶草美胸贴,采用最新生物科技水凝胶透皮技术,富含天然植物精华。

    The patch is adopted the hydrogel skin-penetrating bio-technology , rich in the botanical essences .

  30. 根癌土壤杆菌新生物变种的鉴定

    Identification of new biovar of Agrobacterium tumefaciens