
fěn sī
  • fans;vermicelli made from bean starch;vermicelli made from bean starch, etc
粉丝 [fěn sī]
  • [vermicelli made from bean starch,etc.] 某些淀粉制成的长丝状干食品,用温水浸泡后再烹制成需要的食品花样

粉丝[fěn sī]
  1. 顺便说一句,我是你的头号粉丝。

    By the way , I 'm your number-one fan .

  2. 她随便穿了件宽松的衣服以免被大批的粉丝认出。

    She dresses down in baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers .

  3. 女粉丝冲破保安的阻拦,撕扯他的衣裳。

    Female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes .

  4. 乔伊丝·布赖特是《星际迷航》的狂热粉丝。

    Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan .

  5. 粉丝们的钱没白花。

    The fans get their money 's worth .

  6. 他们转给我的粉丝来信让我应接不暇。

    They have inundated me with fan letters .

  7. 埃德出演电视剧的时候收到了大量粉丝的来信。

    Ed was snowed under with fan mail when he was doing his television show .

  8. 我一直是你的铁杆粉丝之一,到现在快3年了。

    I 've been one of your number one fans for nigh on three years now

  9. 他是京剧的铁杆粉丝。

    He is a big fan of Beijing opera .

  10. 只要机器人能增加人的快乐,减少人的痛苦,给人们创造时间用以阅读世界级的新闻报道,我们就应该做机器人的粉丝。

    As long as robots add to the sum of human happiness , reduce suffering , and create time to read world-class journalism , we should be their fans .

  11. 《TOKNOW》(想知道)杂志在儿童出版界大受欢迎,每个月都为年轻的粉丝们带来富有挑战性的创意和乐趣的独特结合。

    TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of children 's publishing , bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month .

  12. 数百名粉丝挤满机场迎接他们。

    Hundreds of fans jammed the airport to greet them .

  13. 她是我最大的粉丝。

    She is my biggest fan .

  14. 他是我最大的粉丝,有了这样的人,你可以走得很远。

    He 's my biggest fan , and when you have that in your life you can go a long way .

  15. 他有时会戴鸭舌帽,我会告诉自己,他绝对是伯尼医生的粉丝。

    Sometimes he wore a duck hat , and I would tell myself , he was definitely a ( n ) fan of Dr. Bernie .

  16. 汤姆:真可惜!他的离开让所有粉丝,包括我,都很难过,他是NBA一位最伟大的球员。

    Tom : What a pity ! His leaving made all his fans sad , including me . He is one of the greatest players in NBA .

  17. 许多电影明星都是时尚眼镜的粉丝。

    Many movie stars are fans of fashion glasses .

  18. 她现在在网上有12万粉丝,而且这个数字还在增长。

    Now she has 120,000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing .

  19. 想象一下你是一个著名的电影明星或者一个著名的体育运动员,当你的粉丝们蜂拥而来时,你会怎么做?

    Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player , what do you do when your fans run up to you ?

  20. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  21. 在YouTube上获得粉丝的确很难,但你应该通过创建高质量的内容来做到这一点,而不是乞求浏览量。

    It 's difficult to gain a following on YouTube , but you should do so by creating quality content instead of begging for views .

  22. 有意思的是,《扫黑风暴》也吸引了不少海外粉丝,在IMDb上获得7.4分,在Mydramalist上也收获了8分。

    Interestingly , the series has also seized attention overseas , with its scores reaching 7.4 points on IMDb and 8.0 points on Mydramalist .

  23. Fandom也可以用来指代各个粉丝圈之间互相交织而成的社交网络,不同的粉丝圈都会有交叉重合。

    Fandom as a term can also be used in a broad sense to refer to the interconnected social networks of individual fandoms , many of which overlap .

  24. 同人小说是由作品的粉丝而不是原作者撰写的,其人物角色和故事背景与原作相同。英文也可以缩写为fanfic,fanfic或者fic。

    Fan fiction or fanfiction ( also abbreviated1 to fan fic , fanfic or fic ) is fiction about characters or settings from an original work of fiction , created by fans of that work rather than by its creator .

  25. 与此同时,图齐列出了另外一组他认为应该入选的明星(包括他自己)。图齐在Ins上分享的治愈系调酒教程深入人心,最近拍的CNN美食节目《寻找意大利》也俘获了一众粉丝。

    Meanwhile , Tucci — who 's captured people 's hearts with his soothing bartending tutorials on Instagram and recently , his own food-centric CNN show , " Searching for Italy " — suggested a group of other stars who he thought would also fit into the category ( including himself ) .

  26. 举重粉丝们称这一动作“金鸡独立”。

    Weightlifting fans nickname Li 's move the " flamingo " .

  27. 对于汤姆·赫兰德的粉丝来说,三月份很美好。

    March is a good month for Tom Holland fans .

  28. 如今,她在社交媒体上有超过120万的粉丝。

    For now , she has 1.2 million Instagram followers .

  29. 三是鼓动“饭圈”粉丝攀比炫富、奢靡享乐等行为;

    Inciting fans to flaunt wealth or indulge in luxury ;

  30. 我们称之为“粉丝圈”。粉丝圈可以围绕任何一个领域的人文兴趣或活动成长。

    A fandom can grow up centered around any area of human interest or activity .