
  • 网络hypertext system
  1. 关于VB超文本系统的设计和实现方法的研究

    Design and Realization of VB HyperText System

  2. 1995年,Wiki技术正式诞生,它是一种与博客、论坛相类比的互联网应用,一个多人协作式写作的超文本系统。

    Wiki , an internet web application like blog or forum , was first created in 1995 . It is a hypertext system for users to make collaborative edition .

  3. XML链接语言(XMLLinkingLanguage,XLink)是一种用来表示XML文档内链接的通用框架,以使其在诸如Web之类的超文本系统中的布局更加完整。

    XML Linking Language ( XLink ) is a generic framework for expressing links in XML documents , to complete its placement in hypertext systems such as the Web .

  4. 超文本系统是一种新兴的信息管理技术,目前已广泛应用于CAI、CSCW、WWW等众多领域。

    Hypertext is a new technology of information management , which has been used widely in many fields , such as CAI , CSCW , and WWW.

  5. 本文的工作,是致力于将关联规则的概念引入到Web挖掘系统中,将用户的访问路径以关联规则的形式表现出来,其目的在于从用户访问超文本系统的行为中发现用户的访问模式。

    In this work , we try to introduce the notion of association rule into the Web mining system and represent the user traversal path in the form of association rule . The aim is to discover the visit patterns from the Web log .

  6. 主要探讨了利用Visualc++6.0提供的分离窗口类和树型视图类,在实现超文本系统的界面和可视化目录导航中的基本应用,并给出了实现方法和实现过程。

    The basic application of separation widow type and tree view type provided by use of VISUAL C + + 6.0 in implementing system hypertext interface and visualization directory guide is mainly discussed , also implementation method and implementation procedure are given .

  7. 多媒介超文本系统HWS的用户界面的设计

    The Design of User Interface for the Hypermedia System HWS

  8. 一个多种媒体的超文本系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implemention of a multi media and hyper text system

  9. BDCard&一个通用超文本系统的实现及其应用实例

    Implementation and applications of a general purpose hypertext system & bdcard

  10. 语音超文本系统中锚点标记方式的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Styles of Audio Hyperlink Marking

  11. 信息处理发展的新动向&超文本系统

    Hypertext-a new trend in the information processing technology

  12. Dexter&超文本系统的一种标准模型

    Dexter ── A Reference Model of Hypertext

  13. 不间断电源系统的组成超文本系统信息结构组成元素&链的分析

    The Configuration of Uninterrupted Power Supply System Analysis on one of the Hypertext 's Elements-link

  14. 虚拟结构与文挡管理超文本系统的结点和链的设计

    Virtual structure and the design of nodes and links in hypertext system of documents management

  15. 在其他的话,您可以产生一个新的超文本系统,在最流行的格式。

    In other words , you can produce a new hypertext system in most popular formats .

  16. 本文介绍了超文本系统和超媒体系统的概念、系统模型和组成要素。

    This paper describes the concepts , system models and composing elements of hypertext systems and hypermedia systems .

  17. 分类主题一体化则直接用于超文本系统,并为用户提供经济有效的多种检索途径;

    Classification Subject Entirety is directly used in hypertext systems , and supplies users with economical and effective search approaches .

  18. 近年来,语音超文本系统中超链接锚点的标记方式成为该研究领域的一个热点问题。

    With the creation of more and more audio hypertext systems , the issue of how to mark audio hyperlinks recently became a hot topic .

  19. 本研究试图对语音超文本系统中信息组织与呈现进行实验探索,以期为语音超文本界面的优化设计提供心理学依据。

    This study tried to provide some guidelines of user interface design by testing the effectiveness of different information organizing structures and presenting methods in the audio-hypertext .

  20. 将超文本系统看成是一种有向加权图,经过对可信度和支持度的重新定义,使之适合于用来表示用户的访问路径,并引出复合关联规则挖掘算法。

    In the article , the hypertext system is regarded as a weighted graph and the composite association rule mining method is proposed after the redefinition of the confidence and support .

  21. 随着计算机工业的发展,高性能图形工作站、多媒体计算机、超文本系统、卫星通讯等先进技术进入了实用阶段,尽快建立海洋石油勘探开发信息系统及石油地质工作站已成为可能。

    With the development of the computer industry , many advanced techniques , such as high property graphics workstation , multiple media computer , super text system and satellite communication come into an application period .

  22. 基于GPS的三维因特网超文本信息系统的研究

    Research on the Three-dimensional Hypertext Information System of Internet Based on GPS

  23. 本文叙述了一个基于面向对象程序设计语言C++的超文本CASE系统的设计与实现过程,并对其内部结构、结点类型说明和应用环境做了详细介绍。

    In this paper , a hypertext CASE prototype programmed with C + + is described . The database structure , node class and application of system are also given in detail .

  24. 基于Dexter模型的超文本检索系统的研究

    The research of a dexter-based hypertext retrieval system

  25. 论述了GPS系统与无线网络系统的整合方式,探讨了基于GPS的三维因特网超文本信息系统实现的原理和关键问题,最后指明这一全新的技术具有巨大的潜力和广阔的应用前景。

    In this article , the merger way of GPS system and the wireless network system is discussed , the principle and key problem of the system is presented , and at last enormous potentiality and wide application prospect of this new technology are pointed out .

  26. 针对大型关系数据库的超文本查询系统的实现

    Implementation of Hypertext Query System for Large ? scale Relational Databases

  27. 超文本CAD/CASE系统综述

    A Survey on the Hypertext System in CAD and CASE

  28. 超文本智能CAI系统理论与实践

    The Theory and Application of Hypertext and Intelligent CAI

  29. 如果问题是对于超文本驱动的系统OO的模式很差劲的话我倒可以接受这一点

    If the problem is that the OO paradigm simply sucks for hypertext driven systems I 'd buy that

  30. 最后,依据上述研究成果,开发了一个基于模糊超文本的ICAI系统。

    Finally , application of the fuzzy hypertext based ICAI system based on the mentioned .