
chāo kōng jiān
  • hyperspace;superspace
超空间[chāo kōng jiān]
  1. 超空间上的S-闭性质

    The property of s closed mapping in superspace

  2. 超空间及由其建立的纤维丛统一的超引力理论

    The Superspace and Its Unified Supergravity Theory

  3. Fuzzy超空间的截空间

    The Cut Spaces of Fuzzy Hyper topology

  4. 赋予Fell拓扑的连续函数下方图形超空间

    The Hyperspace of the Regions Below Continuous Maps with the Fell Topology

  5. Hausdorff扩张度量的超空间的一些性质

    Some Properties about Hyperspace Hausdorff Extended Metric

  6. 设(X,τ)是一个拓扑空间。在本文中,我们证明了在超空间2~X上局部有限拓扑e~τ与局部有限覆盖拟一致(?)

    In this paper , it is shown that the locally finite topology e on the hypers-pace 2X coincides with the topology transmitted by the locally finite covering quasiuniformity on X.

  7. 关于超空间上Whitney映射的一个问题

    An Open Question Concerning Whitney Maps on Hyperspaces

  8. 主要结果是:X正则,则其闭子集超空间局部紧当且仅当X可表示成一个紧空间与一个离散空间的拓扑和。

    The main result is as follows : Let X be a regular space , then the nonempty closed subsets hyperspace is locally compact iff X can be represented as the sum of a compact space and a discrete space .

  9. 利用James定理,证明了Banach空间上的有界线性算子的在Wk(X),W(kc)(X)等超空间上的自然扩张映射也是连续的。

    Using James theorem , we prove that the natural extension of the bounded linear operator on Banach space is continuous on hyperspace such as W_k ( X ) and W_ ( kc )( X ) .

  10. 他也不在哪个地方久待,只管生活在超空间飞船船舱那与世隔绝,半明半暗的世界里,在里头吃,在里头喝,在里头睡觉看电影,在空港干的就只是捐献DNA,好坐上下一艘远程飞船。

    He settled nowhere , but only existed in the hermetic , twilight world of the cabins of hyperspatial starships , eating , drinking , sleeping , watching movies , only stopping at spaceports to donate more DNA and catch the next long-haul ship out .

  11. X的超空间是指X的所有非空闭子集构成的集合赋以Vietoris拓扑,它是一维流形和高维流形之间的一个重要的联系纽带。

    The hyperspace of X is a specified collection of non-empty closed subsets of X with the Vietoris topology , which is very important for connecting one-dimension manifold with high-dimension manifold .

  12. 本文赋予超空间2X局部有限拓扑,并讨论此空间的一些局部覆盖性质.证明2X中的某些覆盖性质等价于局部性质。

    In this paper , we discuss some local covering properties of 2 X with locally finite topology , and prove that some covering properties are equivalent to local properties in 2 X .

  13. 局部有限拓扑超空间的基数函数

    Cardinal Functions of a hyperspace with the locally finite topology

  14. 我们从行星后面直接脱离超空间。

    We drop out of hyperspace directly behind the planet .

  15. 上半连续函数下方图形超空间

    The Hyperspace of the Regions Below of Upper Semi - continuous Functions

  16. 我想他们无法在超空间追踪我们。

    I thought they couldn 't track us in hyperspace .

  17. 超空间是指超过四个维度的空间。

    Hyperspace refers to the dimensional space which is more than four dimensions .

  18. 超空间2~X的局部覆盖性质

    Local Covering Properties of Hyperspaces 2  ̄ x

  19. 超空间2~x的紧致性租D紧性

    Compactness and d-compactness in Hyperspaces 2 ~ x

  20. 也就是说,距离芬切其在超空间里遇上事故已经一年了。

    A year since the accident in hyperspace in which Fenchurch had completely vanished .

  21. 超空间上的几乎强θ-连续对应

    Almost strong θ - continuous correspondences on super-space

  22. 母舰正在打开超空间窗口。

    The hives are opening hyperspace windows .

  23. 大量飞船从超空间出现。

    Numerous vessels dropping out of hyperspace .

  24. 连续变量的量子态受控超空间传送

    Controlled teleportation of quantum with continuous variables

  25. 关于超空间的几个基数函数

    Some cardinal functions on the Hyperspaces

  26. 超空间上诱导系统的动力学

    Dynamics of Induced Systems on Hyperspaces

  27. 它提供了基本的动力,用于驱动飞船系统,助推器和超空间驱动器。

    It provides basic energetic reactions for powering the ships systems , thrusters and hyperspace propulsion .

  28. 连续函数超空间

    The Hyperspaces of Continuous Functions

  29. 超空间上的弱连续对应

    Weakly continuous correspondences on super-space

  30. 本文用超空间方法对其有宇宙学常数的二维诱生引力进行量子化。

    The two dimensional theory of induced gravity with cosmological constant is quantized in the superspace approach .