
  • 网络Super bowl;Super Cup;Supercup;Supercopa;Supercoppa
  1. 惠特尼在第二十五届超级杯赛上,用一曲《星条旗永不落》(TheStarSpangledBanner)震撼了世界,并为国歌增添了商业价值。

    Houston 's powerful rendition of " The Star Spangled Banner " at Super Bowl XXV got such an overwhelming response that it was released as a commercial single .

  2. 开始,四次平直的超级杯露面,但丢失了所有四场比赛。

    Beginning in1991 , the Buffalo Bills made four straight Super Bowl appearances , but lost all four games .

  3. 他在超级杯决赛中踩踏裁判的脚后,于上周收到了书面的禁赛通知。

    He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee 's foot during the supercup final .

  4. AC米兰几天前在意大利超级杯上打败了国际米兰。

    AC Milan defeated Internazionale Milano in the Italy Super Cup several days ago .

  5. 1977年,他执导的袭击者队获得了“SUPPERBOWL”(美国超级杯橄榄球大赛)的胜利。

    He led the Raiders to a Super Bowl victory in nineteen seventy-seven .

  6. 我知道,你这一桌子食物,从盘子到纸杯,到餐巾纸,都跟橄榄球有关,最适合超级杯的party了。

    Like for this spread , I put the snacks in nice bowls , arranged the vegetables so they look attractive , and got these festive football napkins and cups .

  7. Allrightsreserved出版商周刊格鲁登追溯他从猪皮失望改革,作为一个超级杯冠军坦帕湾海盗队的教练球员格里迪隆胜利。

    From Publishers Weekly Gruden traces his transformation from pigskin letdown as a player to gridiron triumph as a Super Bowl-winning coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers .

  8. Jeff:我认为在理想的状态里所有的服务本应该都是完全无状态的,就如同我们每年都期望Packers应该赢得超级杯(SuperBowl)一样。

    Jeff : I suppose in a perfect world all services would be perfectly stateless and the Packers would win the Super Bowl every year .

  9. 与美国橄榄球超级杯大赛(SuperBowl)和奥运会(Olympics)广告类似,营销人员希望吸引观看凯文•杜兰特和勒布朗•詹姆斯决斗的数百万观众的目光。

    Much like with the super bowl and the Olympics , marketers want to capitalize on the millions who tune in to watch Kevin Durant and LeBron James go head to head .

  10. 在NFC技术的绿湾包装令人信服地赢得了头两个超级杯,有些业主担心球队的未来合并。

    Afterthe NFC 's Green Bay Packers convincingly won the first two Super Bowls , some team owners feared for the future of the merger .

  11. Accola和在TheFray乐队当吉他手的未婚夫JosephKing第一次见面是在2年前的一次超级杯比赛上——不过她当时太害羞,没敢采取主动。

    Accola , who is the new face of the melon liqueur brand , met fianc é Joseph King ( guitarist for the band The Fray ) two years ago at a Superbowl event - but she was too shy initially to make a move .

  12. 但是,在2月5号超级杯橄榄球赛的中场表演时,英国流行歌手MIA在这个体育与广播双高峰的舞台上出人意料地唱了《我他妈的不在乎》这首歌曲,并向镜头竖起中指。

    But on February 5th , during the half-time show of the Super Bowl , the apogee of both the sporting and broadcasting year , MIA , a British pop star , unexpectedly sang " I don 't give a shit " and raised a middle finger to the cameras .

  13. 在1991年的美国橄榄球超级杯赛上演唱国歌

    3 . Singing the national anthem at the 1991 Super Bowl

  14. 我希望能帮您赢得超级杯。

    And I 'd like to win you a super bowl .

  15. 对今年的超级杯赛,你有何先见之明?

    What 's your prediction for the Super Bowl this year ?

  16. 2006年美国超级杯赛优秀广告选评

    Selective Comments on the Outstanding ADs in 2006 ' Super Bowl

  17. 今天,超级杯橄榄球赛已成为一个主要的体育赛事。

    Today , the Super Bowl is a major sporting event .

  18. 超级杯星期天是美国一年里电视观众最多的节目。

    Super Bowl Sunday is the most-watched U.S.television broadcast of the year .

  19. 您是否已经对西班牙超级杯思想呢?

    Are you already thinking about the Spanish Super Cup ?

  20. 很多流行歌手都会参加超级杯中场的表演。

    Many popular singers will perform during the Super Bowl halftime show .

  21. 你可以过来看超级杯。

    You can come over and watch the super bowl .

  22. 他们将“沃森”比作信息技术行业的“超级杯”。

    They a Super Bowl for the information technology industry .

  23. 超级杯的竞争者已经下降到最后4个队伍了。

    The race to the Super Bowl is down to four teams .

  24. 我们需要一个高收视率的电视广告时段。超级杯怎么样?

    We need a high-profile television slot . How about the Super Bowl ?

  25. 老鹰队打进超级杯了。

    The eagles are going to the super bowl .

  26. 他们把这比作是信息技术产业的超级杯。

    They compared it to a Super Bowl for the information technology industry .

  27. 超级杯星期天还是美国食品消耗第二多的日子,仅排在感恩节的后面。

    Super Bowl Sunday is also the second-largest U.S.food consumption day , following Thanksgiving .

  28. 广告商超级杯的广告商要花很多钱来支付他们打广告的时间。

    Super Bowl advertisers have to pay lots of money for their commercial time .

  29. 同时,世界各地上百万的观众将通过电视来观看第三十六届超级杯橄榄球赛。

    Millions of people around the world will be watching Super Bowl Thirty-Six on television .

  30. 南美超级杯赛。

    The South American Super Cup .