
duì kànɡ sài
  • dual meet
对抗赛 [duì kàng sài]
  • [pair;dual meet] 由竞争者或选手分成对子的比赛或联赛

  1. 对CBA-CUBA青年男子篮球对抗赛及运动员的分析研究

    On the CBA-CUBA Young Man Basketball Dual Meet and Athlete

  2. 2002年中、日、韩、澳国际女篮对抗赛技战术特点分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics of Skills and Tactics in 2002 International Women 's Basketball Dual Meet Among China , Japan , S.Korea and Australia

  3. 这么长时间以来,他一直在坐冷板凳,等着被召回参加板球对抗赛。

    For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket .

  4. 西印度群岛队在第五场板球对抗赛的第一个比赛日发起了一次戏剧性的反攻。

    The West Indies have staged a dramatic fightback on the first day of the fifth test .

  5. 将ERP沙盘对抗赛引入高校实验教学的尝试

    Introducing ERP Sand Table Simulation into Economy and Administration Teaching Reform

  6. 文章浅述了从ERP沙盘模拟对抗赛和尝试引入ERP沙盘模拟对抗到经济管理实验教学的尝试。

    The article introduces the ERP sand table simulation matches and attempts to introduce it into economical management experiment teaching .

  7. CBA-CUBA青年篮球对抗赛比赛现状分析研究对抗赛的四人参加此种游戏的人

    Analysis Research on the Competition Status Quo between CBA and CUBA Youth Basketball Competition

  8. 对第四届CBA-CUBA对抗赛中女运动员焦虑程度与临场技术间的相关性研究

    Relevance between anxiety level and on-the-spot technical performances of the female athletes in the fourth session of CBA-CUBA tournament

  9. 今年夏天,格拉斯哥将举办2014公益运动会,这场奥林匹克式的赛事只限不列颠及过去英国殖民地的运动员参加。9月,苏格兰高地的格伦伊格尔斯(Gleneagles)度假胜地举办莱德杯高尔夫对抗赛。

    This summer , Glasgow will stage the 2014 Commonwealth Games , Olympic-style competitions for Britain and the former British colonies , and in September Gleneagles resort in the Highlands will host the Ryder Cup golf competition .

  10. 像特里和这场对抗赛一样变得这么超凡。

    Becomes so transcendent as Terry and this fight have become .

  11. 等我们装好这场对抗赛的录像。

    Wait till we box up the videos of this fight .

  12. 在星期六,他们时常和其它学校有一个对抗赛。

    On Saturdays they often have a match against other schools .

  13. 曲棍球比赛时,两个队各由11名选手构成,进行对抗赛。

    In hockey , two teams of 11 players compete against each other .

  14. 回到与湖人的对抗赛中。

    And back on the attack against the lakers .

  15. 很欢迎来到保罗飞镖对抗赛。

    Welcome to Paul Hageman Darts Championship .

  16. 对抗赛的四人参加此种游戏的人。

    The players in such a game .

  17. 在2006年四国(中国俄罗斯、捷克澳大利亚)女篮对抗赛洛阳站中担任俄罗斯队随队翻译。

    In2006 in four-country women basketball competition Luoyang station worked as the interpreter of Russia team .

  18. 中泰拳术曼谷站对抗赛技术特点分析

    Martial art Technical Characteristics of Chinese and Thai Boxing and Analysis of Match in Bangkok Stop

  19. 对美、俄男篮对抗赛进攻速度、成功率的研究

    A Study on the Attacking Speed and Rate of Success in the US-Russia Men 's Basketball Match

  20. 年内成功举办首届世界名校赛艇对抗赛。

    During the year , the First World Racing Boat Pairs of Famous Universities was held successfully .

  21. 回合赛亦指团体对抗赛中的个人对打赛。

    The term " bout " also describes the individual Kumite competitions between opposing pairs of team members .

  22. 勇士连胜快船11场,对他们来说与快船之间已经不再是对抗赛了。

    The Warriors have won 11 straight games , and this isn 't a rivalry to them anymore .

  23. 最不寻常的建议是澳大利亚在板球对抗赛和单日赛中的衰落(这条建议来自一位印度人)。

    The most unusual suggestion was Australia 's decline in Test and one-day cricket ( from an Indian ) .

  24. 曼联队前锋路易斯?萨哈在星期六回归到曼联小队参加与森德兰在英超联赛中的对抗赛。

    Manchester United striker Louis Saha returns to the squad for the Barclays Premier League match against Sunderland on saturday .

  25. 亚姆斯特朗和格陵赖斯等组成的联合舰队,与美国在台北的全明星球队举行两场友谊对抗赛。

    J.Armstrong and Glen Rice in two friendship games against the Super Basketball League ( SBL ) All-Stars team in Taipei .

  26. 这种比赛如今被称为自由式国际象棋比赛,它有点儿像混合武术对抗赛,选手们可以使用任何他们想要用的作战技巧。

    Now called freestyle chess matches , these are like mixed martial arts fights , where players use whatever combat techniques they want .

  27. 首届乐天杯中韩围棋对抗赛今天在韩国第二大城市釜山拉开帷幕。

    The first " Le Tian Cup " China and Korea Go competition started today at Fushan , the second largest city of Korea .

  28. 星期四,在瓦尔德拉马高尔夫球场,西班牙国王卡洛斯二世宣布欧美高尔夫球对抗赛第32届莱德杯赛正式开幕。

    Spanish King Carlos II opened the32nd Ryder Cup golf tournament between Europe and America in a colourful ceremony at Valderrama course on thursday .

  29. 这里世界各地的高手如云,你可以在业馀对抗赛中测试一下你的身手。

    Test your darts skills against some of the finest players from around the world in an Amateur championship starring none other than myself .

  30. 数学大联盟杯赛在世界各地举办竞赛,包括在斯坦福大学举行年度中美对抗赛。

    The Math League organizes math contests around the world , including an annual China vs. United States event held annually at Stanford University .