
  • 网络corresponding point;symmetric points
  1. 基于多分辨投影匹配和对应点分析的三维血管轴重建

    Reconstruction of Vessel Axis Based on the Matching of Multi-Resolution Projections and Analysis of Corresponding Points

  2. 周期系统中,在相继两循环中两个对应点之间的时间间隔。参阅frequency。

    In periodic systems , the time interval between two corresponding points on successive cycles .

  3. 本文提出了一种基于引力模型(attractivemodel)的非精确匹配算法,应用于三维空间运动点集的对应点匹配问题。

    A novel algorithm for ine act matching using an attractive model is presented , and its application to the point correspondence in 3-D motion is described .

  4. 这种算法很慢的收敛速度以及每次迭代时对应点的大量计算是其主要缺点。基于平方距离的ICP算法虽然在收敛速度上做了很大改进,但是对应点计算量大的问题没有解决。

    The slow convergence and the time-cost computing on the corresponding points are the main disadvantages .

  5. 利用基于Gabor变换特征向量的匹配算法进行对应点的辨识;

    A matching method based on Gabor wavelet transformation is employed to find the corresponding point ;

  6. 在此基础上,利用对应点的视差计算基于双CCD成像的目标深度信息。

    On the basis of such a result , the depth information is computed by using the disparity of corresponding points in two images .

  7. 采用改进的Harris算子提取特征点,根据三级匹配策略实现对应点的匹配;

    Firstly , the corners are extracted by using improved Harris operator , and matched by using three-step-matching strategy .

  8. 第三个是支持后端系统的安全访问的安全性管理,在这点上,JDBC规范并没有任何对应点。

    Third and where the JDBC specification does not have any corresponding focus is security management for enabling secure access to back-end systems .

  9. 根据从对应点组计算的刚体变换的聚类特性,提出PV(ParameterVoting)方法来估计刚体变换的初值。

    Based on the clustering characteristic of rigid transformations computed from each correspondence point pair , the PV ( Parameter Voting ) method is proposed to estimate initial rigid transformation .

  10. 经过4周的间歇性低氧暴露后,得出以下结果:1)急性低氧暴露后,与常氧下各对应点相比,安静时的甲襞微循环形态积分、总积分均显著升高(P<0.05);

    It is concluded that : 1 ) After the acute IHE , the configuration integral and overall integral of rest increased significantly compared with those of after ordinary oxygen ( P < 0.05 ) and this illuminates that significant change of nail microcirculation appeared .

  11. 在Barnard算法基础上根据SEM立体对成像的特点提出了一种基于边界特征的对应点匹配概率松弛迭代方法。

    Based on the principles of SEM stereo projection and Barnard 's method for stereo matching , an edge feature based iterated relaxation corresponding algorithm was proposed .

  12. 利用变量对应点之间的Manhattan距离调控几何纹理的形成过程和纹理合成过程,可较好地对局部颜色纹理合成和几何纹理形成的连贯性变化进行调控。

    The forming procedure of geometrical texture and synthesizing procedure of local color texture are manipulated by the Manhattan distance between two points , which is fairly good at achieving coherent change .

  13. 将起伏地形上的测点垂直投影至水平面上,并将地形上的位场u放在水平面的对应点上,这样就有一个平面上的假想位场u。

    Vertically projecting the observation point at a undulate terrain onto a horizontal plane and copying the potential u at the terrain to the corresponding point at the horizontal plane , we get a fictitious potential field on a horizontal plane .

  14. 整个过程可分为三部分:利用自定标计算摄像机内外参数,通过匹配图像对应点提取深度信息,使用Warping进行图像绘制。

    The whole procedure can be divided into three part : computing camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters by self-calibration , get depth information through matching image corresponding points and using Warping to render image .

  15. 将SIFT算法和基于区域增长匹配算法相结合应用到对应点匹配上,获得稠密匹配点,并充分利用了本系统的共线约束来提高匹配的速度和准确度。

    Combined the SIFT algorithm and region-growing algorithm applied to the corresponding point matching , obtain dense matching points and make full use of collinear constraint of the system to improve the matching speed and accuracy .

  16. 如果相机遵守针孔模型,那么每个对应点可以利用图像坐标系(ICS)和世界坐标系(WCS)之间的变换关系列出2个方程。

    For pinhole model , for each point target , two equations can be found from the relationship between image coordinate system ( ICS ) and world coordinate system ( WCS ) .

  17. 精匹配采用改进的ICP(IterativeClosestPoint)算法,大大提高了对应点的搜索效率,解决了ICP算法的类孔径问题。

    In the precise matching step , we use a modified ICP ( Iterative closest point ) algorithm which increases the speed of searching for corresponding points and solves the aperture-like problem in ICP algorithm . Finally , a laser scan matching based map building algorithm is presented .

  18. 用RANSAC算法剔除出现目标上的错误特征对应点,采用背景动态更新模型的背景差算法检测出了完整的前景目标,同时进行阴影和鬼影的去除。

    Then , we adopt background subtraction based on dynamic update background model to perfectly detect the foreground object with shadow and ghost detection and removal .

  19. 研究了Seitz的图像视点变换的原理以及实现,并且改进算法,增加了边缘检测预处理步骤,帮助用户精确快速的选择对应点对,从而使得虚拟视点下的图像更加平滑自然。

    We study the morphing view developed by Seitz and improve the algorithm : Edge detecting is added before pre-processing to help users figure out corresponding points between two original images fast and accurately . The result is smoother and more natural .

  20. 对焦平面上对应点上的等效电流进行二维快速傅立叶变换(2DFFT),求出远场抽样点上的场强,用抽样值重建了整个空域的方向图。

    The radiated field at some required samples in space can be efficiently calculated by adopting a two-dimensional fast Fourier transform ( 2DFFT ) on the corresponding effective currents on the focal plane .

  21. 摄像机自标定算法通常是非线性的,为了得到线性的方法,提出了一种在RANSAC框架下由4对图像对应点线性标定摄像机并对场景进行鲁棒性欧氏重建的方法。

    Usually , camera self-calibration is nonlinear . A linear camera calibration technique based on four point correspondences is proposed in this paper in order to obtain a linear method , and a robust Euclidean reconstruction under the random sample consensus ( RANSAC ) algorithms is computed from the images .

  22. 应用对应点治疗局部疼痛病症59例

    Treatment of local pain by stimulating corresponding sites in 59 cases

  23. 基于对应点匹配的物体深度信息测量

    Depth measurement of the object based on the corresponding points matching

  24. 面向立体柱面全景的动态规划对应点匹配方法

    Corresponding Points Match of Stereo Cylindrical Panorama Pairs Based on Dynamic Programing

  25. 对应点匹配是自标定技术中的关键步骤。

    Finding correspondence is the key step in self-calibration method .

  26. 文中提出了基于点特征的三角网格化对应点自动匹配方法。

    This paper proposes a point-feature-based automatic meshy correspondence .

  27. 一维射影对应点列的反演性

    The Inversive Property of Projective Correspondence Ranges of Points

  28. 二是立体匹配,在左右图像上寻找对应点;

    Stereo matching , searching corresponding point in a pair of stereo images ;

  29. 基于对应点的双目视觉研究

    Study of Binocular Vision Based on Corresponding Points

  30. 然后用这些对应点去匹配指纹图像的全局特征。

    Then we use the corresponding points to match the global feature of fingerprints .