
qiáo tái
  • abutment;bridge abutment;land pier;bank pier
桥台 [qiáo tái]
  • [bridge abutment] 位于桥的两端支承桥梁上部结构的基础构筑物,其作用是把桥梁与路基连接起来

桥台[qiáo tái]
  1. EPS技术及其在道路路基和桥台填筑中的应用研究

    The Application of EPS in Road Foundation and Bridge Abutment Filling Engineering

  2. 软弱地基桥台台背填筑EPS的结构分析

    Structure analysis of filling at bridge abutment back on soft foundation by using EPS

  3. H3软土固化剂加固桥台基坑的研究

    Study on the H 3 Soft Solidifying Agent for Strengthening Foundation Pit of Abutment

  4. U形桥台设计施工若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on several problems about design and construction of U-abutment

  5. 无桥台斜腿刚架桥结合FRP构件的设计研究

    Research of the Application of FRP Component in the Slant-legged Rigid Frame Bridge without Abutment

  6. EPS轻质路堤在桥台软基填方工程中的应用研究

    A Research on the Application of Expanded Polystyrene Light Embankment in Abutment Soft Foundation Filling Engineering

  7. 应用结果表明:EPS材料在桥台软基处理方面具有独特的优越性,有广泛的应用前景。

    The results highlight the advantages and prospects of using EPS in the treatment of abutment soft foundation .

  8. 试验结果表明:EPS可广泛应用于公路工程的桥台软基处理等许多特殊工程中。

    The results present sound prospects for the materials to be applied to a variety of special projects such as abutment soft foundation treatment .

  9. EPS能较圆满地解决软基的过度沉降和差异沉降以及桥台和道路相接处的差异沉降,减少桥台的侧向压力和位移等问题。

    Utilizing EPS can decrease excessive subsidence and discrepant subsidence of soft subgrade , reduce lateral pressure and displacement of bridge pier , and so on .

  10. 桥台为轻型箱式桥台,其基础为φ1.2m钻孔桩。

    The abutments are light-type box abutments , whose foundation are 1.2m bored cast-in-place piles .

  11. 因此,采用EPS填筑路堤可以显著减少地基土上覆荷载、路基沉降和作用在桥台台背上的侧压力,保证桥台和路堤的稳定。

    So the EPS embankment can reduce the plus traffic loading of foundation , settlement of the embankment and the lateral pressure remarkably , maintaining the stability of the abutment and embankment .

  12. 还有各种关于日本新鸿(niigata)地震和美国阿拉斯加(alaskan)地震中桥台位移及相关损坏的报道。

    Numerous instances of abutment displacement and associated damage have been reported in publications on Niigata and Alaskan earthquakes .

  13. T-car后桥台架疲劳试验研究

    Study on Fatigue Tests of the T-car Rear Axle in Test Bench

  14. 最后对RIC工法在郑少高速公路中的填路堤和桥台背填土压实中的应用情况进行了简单介绍。

    At the end , the paper also introduces some applications of RIC construction technology to the Zhengzhou to Shaolinsi highway .

  15. 基于FWD检测的公路桥台搭板脱空灌浆法处理灌浆法技术在预防路基不均匀沉降中的应用

    TEST STUDY ON GROUTING TREATMENT OF CAVITY UNDER BRIDGE END TRANSITION SLAB BASED ON PWD The application of grouting method in preventing uneven settlement of roadbed

  16. 本文介绍了ReinforcedEarth集团在加筋土方面的研究及项目情况,其项目领域涉及高速公路挡土墙、桥台、铁路路堤、河堤、水坝、防洪堤、工业及军事用途挡土墙等。

    Researches and projects conducted by Reinforced Earth Group in the respect of reinforced earth are presented herein . The projects involve retaining wall for high speed highway , abutment , railway embankment , river weir , flood protection dike and retaining walls for industrial and military purposes .

  17. 针对U形桥台在工程实践中容易发生的病害,提出在设计和施工侧墙、锥坡及坡角裙墙的一些具体的改进意见和措施。

    Facing on the diseases which is easily occurred during practical engineering of U - abutment , the author presents some improved proposals and measures for design and construction of side wall , truncated cone banking and skirt wall of slope footing .

  18. 利用H3软土固化剂井桩法形成复合地基,对桥台基坑软土进行固化。

    The composite foundation , which could be made using the H 3 soft soil solidifying agent and well type pile method , could strengthen the soft soil of foundation pit of abutment .

  19. 通过有限元软件MIDAS-GTS建立三维有限元分析模型,分析边坡加固措施对边坡-桥台-桩基体系整体稳定的影响。

    The slope reinforcement effect on the stability of loess slope and the abutment-pile-foundation system has been analysed by the finite element software MIDAS-GTS .

  20. 沈阳市富民桥引桥为跨径30m预应力混凝土连续刚构,主梁采用大悬臂斜腹板箱形断面,单箱三室等高度箱梁,桥墩采用双壁墩,桥台采用肋板式桥台。

    The approach spans of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang are composed of 30-m span pre-stressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structures , of which the main girder is designed as triple cells single box section of constant height , and of long cantilever and inclined webs .

  21. 为了揭示桥台后高填方路堤工后沉降的影响因素,应用ABAQUS有限元程序建立了沿桥台纵向的平面应变计算模型,对回填材料进行了相关参数的沉降敏感性分析。

    In order to analyse the post-construction settlement rules of high backfills adjacent to ( abutment ,) a plane-strain numerical model was presented by ABAQUS / standard finite element code , the influence degrees of backfills parameters on settlement were studied .

  22. 分析了F-P光纤传感器的基本工作原理,利用F-P光纤传感器对桥台后结构应变进行了短期监测,并与钢弦应变计的监测结果进行了对比,分析表明:F-P光纤传感器成活率高,可信性高。

    The article analyzes the basic operating principle of F-P fiber-optic sensor , carries out short-term monitoring on structural strain behind abutment with the sensor , contrasts it 's results with monitoring results of vibrating wire indicator , which shows that F-P fiber-optic sensor has higher success ratio and reliability .

  23. 整体式桥台桥梁的桥台结点受力性能研究

    Study of loaded property of abutment node of integral abutment bridges

  24. 高填土U型桥台病害治理研究

    A study of treating the distress for U-abutment in high fill

  25. 无桥台斜腿刚架桥横系梁的设置分析

    Analysis of Diaphragm Locating of Non-abutment Slant Legged Rigid Frame Bridges

  26. 某高填土桥台位移倾斜分析与加固建议

    Analysis and reinforcing suggestion on a high fill abutment displacement inclination

  27. 软基桥台位移及加固方案

    Displacement of Bridge Abutment on Soft Foundation and Scheme of Strengthening

  28. 高速公路石砌U型桥台台身裂缝原因及防治措施

    The Cause and Prevention Measure of U Abutment Crack in Expressway

  29. 无桥台斜腿刚架桥三维弹塑性分析

    Three-dimensional Elasto-plastic Analysis of Non-abutment Rigid Frame Bridge with Inclined Legs

  30. 带平衡重无桥台的钢筋混凝土拱状曲梁桥的研究

    The Research of Reinforced Concrete Curvilinear Beam Bridge with No Abutment