  • bridge;afara
  • 架在水上或空中便于通行的建筑物:~梁。~墩。~涵。~头堡。吊~。栈~。引~。立交~。

  • 形状如桥梁的:心脏搭~手术。

  • 古同“乔”,高。

  • 古同“矫”,正,整。

  • 姓。



  • 独木桥

    single-plank [single-log] bridge;

  • 木桥

    wooden bridge;

  • 石拱桥

    stone arch bridge;

  • 铁索桥

    chain bridge;

  • 在河上架桥

    build [construct; erect; lay; stretch; throw] a bridge over a river;

  • 走过桥

    go along [across; over] a bridge ;

  • 船正从桥下通过。

    The boat is passing under the bridge.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 桥玄

    Qiao Xuan

  1. 这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。

    The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge .

  2. 桥下的支柱开始弯曲。

    The supports under the bridge were starting to bend .

  3. 那座桥随时可能坍塌。

    The bridge is liable to collapse at any moment .

  4. 修建这座桥的工作用了六个月的时间。

    The work of building the bridge took six months .

  5. 只有轻型车辆才准许通过那座旧桥。

    Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge .

  6. 轰炸机直接炸中了那座桥。

    The bomber scored a direct hit on the bridge .

  7. 我沿着田边走,又经过了那座桥。

    I skirted around the field and crossed the bridge .

  8. 这座桥现在还入不敷出。

    The bridge is still not paying its way .

  9. 那座桥不太牢固,承受不住过多的车辆。

    That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic .

  10. 那条峡谷上的桥最初是古罗马人修建的。

    The valley was originally bridged by the Romans .

  11. 我们穿过了温德拉什河上的桥。

    We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush .

  12. 这座桥用巨大的钢梁加固了。

    The bridge is reinforced with huge steel girders .

  13. 下个月将重新开始这座桥的建造工作。

    Work on the bridge will recommence next month .

  14. 这座桥是现代工程的一大成就。

    The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering .

  15. 过河最近的桥在哪儿?

    Where 's the nearest bridge across the river ?

  16. 这座桥需要加固。

    Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge .

  17. 桥的中段坍塌了。

    The central portion of the bridge collapsed .

  18. 在基本修缮工作完成之前,这座桥暂时关闭。

    The bridge will remain closed until essential repair work has been carried out .

  19. 那座桥当时是世界上最长的。

    It was the world 's longest bridge .

  20. 这座桥横跨迪河。

    The bridge crosses the River Dee .

  21. 公共汽车撞到了桥上。

    The bus hit the bridge .

  22. 那座桥在没有任何先兆的情况下坍塌了。

    The bridge collapsed without warning .

  23. 桥上行人川流不息。

    People streamed across the bridge .

  24. 离桥最近的一些房屋着火了。

    Some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire .

  25. 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥。

    You go your way and I 'll go mine .

  26. 一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。

    A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today .

  27. 他们要求坑道工兵修桥或拆雷。

    They requested sappers to mend bridges or remove mines .

  28. 桥很高,被几个大木墩托起。

    The bridge was high , jacked up on wooden piers

  29. 我们沿着桥上狭窄的钢制格架往前爬。

    We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge .

  30. 这发生在11月一个阴沉的下午,斯坦福德桥上。

    It happened at Stamford Bridge one murky November afternoon .