
qiáo liánɡ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • bridge engineering
  1. 基于Web的桥梁工程规范服务系统的构想

    Proposition of Web-Based Bridge Engineering Normalized Service System

  2. 基于GIS的大型桥梁工程勘察信息管理系统设计

    GIS based design of information management system investigation for large bridge engineering

  3. 集成化桥梁工程CAD系统

    Integration CAD System for Bridge Engineering

  4. NB系列泵送剂及其在桥梁工程中的应用

    NB series of pumping agents for concrete and its applications in Bridge Engineering

  5. 近年来,FRP筋在桥梁工程中的应用越来越多。

    In recent years , tendons with FRP have been increasingly used in bridge engineering .

  6. RPC的增强机理及其在桥梁工程中的应用

    Reinforced mechanism of reactive powder concrete and its engineering application in bridge

  7. RPC在桥梁工程中的应用与试验研究

    The Research and Experiment of RPC in the Bridge Engineering

  8. 在远距离跨海桥梁工程施工中,GPS定位技术正发挥着常规地面测量技术无法承担的重要作用。

    GPS has been playing a very important role which can not be taken by the traditional survey techniques in long distance sea-spanning bridge construction .

  9. SFRC在公路及桥梁工程上的应用及发展前景

    SFRC Applied to Road-Bridge Construction and Its Prospects for Development

  10. 介绍CFRP材料的特点以及在桥梁工程中的几种应用途径。

    The features of CFRP materials , and several application channels of CFRP in bridge engineering are presented in this paper .

  11. 选取基于AHP分析法二级模糊综合评价法建立公路泥石流防治工程易损性评价模型,对所调研的桥梁工程、涵洞工程、渡槽工程进行了易损性评价。

    They also can select the secondary blurring comprehensive evaluation based on the AHP analysis , and then establish the road debris flow vulnerability assessment control model .

  12. 大跨径PC箱梁桥因为其具有截面抗扭刚度大、效率高等优点,被广泛应用于中等跨径的公路桥梁工程中。

    Long span PC box girder bridges have been widely used in middling span bridges in highway engineering as they possess many merits , such as huge torsion stiffness , high section efficiency .

  13. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP材料)具有自重轻、强度高等许多优点,在桥梁工程尤其是桥梁加固工程上得到较广泛地应用。

    CFRP has many advantages , such as lightness and high strength , etc. It has been widely used in bridge engineering especially in strengthening of bridges .

  14. GPS-RTK技术在桥梁工程水下地形测量中的应用

    The Application of the GPS RTK Technology in the Surveying of the Underwater Topography in Bridge Engineering

  15. 进行了VR-GIS技术用于拱坝、桥梁工程可视化的探索。

    Visualization of arch dam and bridge engineering with VR-GIS technology are explored in this paper .

  16. 采用桥梁工程专用软件MIDAS对加劲梁节段长度进行了计算分析,决定对目标大桥采用一个标准节段的临连方式。

    Using special software for bridge engineering MIDAS calculated and analyzed girder segment length , Decided to using a standard segment of the temporary connection means for the target bridge .

  17. 利用有限元分析程序ANSYS,分别对锚固板和转向板进行了三维建模和局部应力分析,分析结果可以为相关桥梁工程的加固设计和施工提供依据。

    By the use of software ANSYS , both anchorage plate and deflecting plate are three-dimensionally modelled and local stress in them are analyzed in this paper , and the results presented may provide a basis for the relative rehabilitation design and construction of bridge engineering .

  18. 主要介绍在大型桥梁工程建设中,利用现有525号水泥研制生产60MPa高强泵送混凝土所进行的试验研究,以及现场施工质量控制初步起草了因宁片的质量标准。

    In this paper , an experimental investigation and site quality control of construction on 60 MPa high strength pumpcrete which is made from the Mark 525 cement for the major bridge project are introduced in detail .

  19. 高效预应力结构在桥梁工程领域中的应用

    The application of high efficient pre-stress structure in the bridge engineering

  20. 粉煤灰砼的耐久性能及其在桥梁工程中的应用

    The Durability of Flyash Concrete and Its Application to Bridge Engineering

  21. 桥梁工程抗震设计研究的现状和展望

    Present Status and Future of Research of Aseismatic Design of Bridges

  22. 高职《桥梁工程》项目课程教学改革的实践与探索

    Practical Study in Project-based Curriculum Teaching Reform of Vocational Bridge Construction

  23. 本文介绍立交桥梁工程的设计特点。

    The paper introduces the design characteristics of interchange bridge project .

  24. 大跨径桥梁工程施工过程中的不确定因素控制

    The uncertain factor control in large span bridge engineering construction process

  25. 村级公路及民间桥梁工程建设管理的调查研究

    Research of Construction Management for Rural Highway and Folk Bridge Engineering

  26. 钢桁式腹板组合截面在桥梁工程中的应用

    Application of Steel Truss Web Composite Structure in Bridge Construction

  27. 偏心转体施工工艺在桥梁工程中的应用与研究

    Application of the eccentric swinging technique to the construction of a bridge

  28. 跨海桥梁工程建设的若干水动力学问题

    Studies on hydrodynamic problems associated with development of marine bridges

  29. 桥梁工程设计数据库管理系统的研究

    Research of a Database Management System for Bridge Engineering Design

  30. 桥梁工程区气象安全保障系统的研究

    Study on Meteorological Safety Safeguarding System for Bridge Construction Area