
  • 网络road
  1. 该模型综合考虑了GDP数据、历史汽车保有量、汽车产量、客运量、人均粗钢、人均发电、人口与公路里程对汽车保有量的影响。

    The model takes into account the impact of the GDP , history automobile ownership , automobile production , passenger volume , crude steel per capita , power generation per capita , population and road mileage on car ownership .

  2. 速查全国大中城市间公路里程及各级道路里程。

    Quick Fact road mileage among large and medium cities and all levels of road mileage .

  3. 基于改进的GM(1,1)模型的公路里程预测

    Highway Mileage Forecasting Based on Improved GM ( 1,1 ) Model

  4. 利用主成分分析法,得出泰安市耕地减少的四大驱动因子:农民人均住房面积、第一产业GDP、非农业人口和公路里程。

    The results showed that peasantry average house area , the first industry GDP , nonagricultural population and highway mileage are the four main factors of reducing cultivated land in Tai'an .

  5. 我国位于泥石流沟岸的公路里程累计800km左右。

    Total mileage along banks of debris flow valley is 800 kilometers in China .

  6. 新增公路里程35000公里,其中高速公路1313公里。

    A total of 35,000 km of new roads were added , including 1,313 km of expressways .

  7. 其次是公路里程和完善基础设施建设和规划会对汽车消费产生制约;

    Being highway mileage secondly and perfecting infrastructure construction and the plan may produce restraint to automobile consumption ;

  8. 沥青路面具有路用性能良好、前期投资费用较低等优点,占国内已建等级公路里程80%以上。

    With its good performance and low investment , flexible pavement has been used in countrywide grade highway more than 80 % .

  9. 随着国内城市化建设和公路里程数的增加,清扫车发挥着越来越重要的地位。

    With the construction of cities and the increase in highway mileage in China , sweeper is playing an increasingly important role .

  10. 法国所有公路里程都是以教堂门前广场上的“零公里”之点为起算处的。

    All French road distances are established from the " 0 km " point located on the square in front of the cathedral entrance .

  11. 受暴雨及台风影响,位于浙江41省道公路里程K54+92~K54+224处边坡发生地质灾害。

    Effecting by typhoon and rainstorm , in K54 + 92 ~ K54 + 224 milepost of No. 41 highway of Zhejiang occurred geological hazard .

  12. 随公路里程增加,生物结皮呈现从地衣苔藓藻类地衣地衣苔藓的过渡,这与土壤养分条件和干扰因子数相对应。

    The crust type along the sampling line are algae , lichen and moss , respectively , which are consistent with soil nutrient and disturbance number .

  13. 随着高等级公路里程和重型车数量的增加,路面横向轮廓变形成为一个日益突出的问题。

    As increasing of the mileage of highway and the amount of heavy vehicles , it has become an extrusive problem in pavement transverse profile distortion .

  14. 公路里程是反映公路建设发展规模的重要指标,也是计算运输网密度等指标的基础资料。

    The length of highways is an important indicator to show the development of the highway construction and to provide essential information to calculate the transport network density .

  15. 水泥混凝土路面是我国高等级路面的主要形式之一,但其高等级公路里程方面近几年增长缓慢。

    The cement concrete pavement is one of the main form of the highway in our country , but it grows slowly in the highway pavement in recent years .

  16. 随着公路里程的不断增加,公路养护的任务越来越繁重,所以公路养护机械的配置必不可少。

    The task of the maintenance of the highways becomes heavier and heavier as the mileage of the road increases constantly , so it is necessary to configure the road maintenance machinery .

  17. 十五期间,我国交通建设事业取得显著成就,各等级公路里程增加迅速,路网结构进一步完善。

    During the Tenth Five-Year Plan ( 2001-2005 ), our country has gained fulfilled success in transportation construction . Each grade of highway mileage increases quickly , and the network structure is more perfect .

  18. 公路里程迅猛发展,路网结构进一步完善,公路技术等级和路面等级不断提高,各类公路工程投资快速持续增加。

    The highway mileage rapid development , the road network structure further consummates , the road technical class and the road surface rank enhance unceasingly , each kind of highway engineering investment continues to increase fast .

  19. 但是公路里程的快速增长与道路管理水平的相对落后也带来了交通拥挤、交通安全和环境污染等社会问题。

    However , the harmony between the rapid growth of highway mileage and relatively low levels of highway is poor . This clash has also brought traffic jam , traffic safety , environmental pollution and other social issues .

  20. 监理企业需求量和供给量是分析监理市场的基础,根据公路里程、工期等指标来推导需求和供给量的计算公式,可依据公路建设发展的历史数据,对历年公路建设监理市场状况进行比较。

    According to the road mileage and construction term indicators etc. , the calculating formula is derived . Based on the history data of China highway construction development , the demand and supply quantity of supervision market can be compared .

  21. 近年来,伴随着公路里程的不断增加和汽车产业的不断发展,交通安全问题也日益严重,弯道是公路载体中特殊的构造物,线形设计复杂,是交通事故的多发地段。

    In recent years , accompanied by road course increasing and continuous development of the automobile industry , road safety becomes a serious problem increasingly . Road curve is a special structure , and its linear design is complexity leading to accident-prone .

  22. 国家每年下达的新建、改建、扩建公路里程逐年增多,随着这些大型工程的启动,建筑材料短缺的问题日益显露,其中以优质石料的短缺最为突出。

    Year by year , the mileage of highway that new set up , rectified and extend increased rapidly . As many major projects to start , the problem of materials shortage is becoming more and more seriously and shortage of high quality stone which is most prominent .

  23. 新建铁路交付营运里程896公里,电气化铁路1916公里,复线551公里,新增公路里程35000公里,其中高速公路1313公里,公路旅客周转量达到5118亿人/公里,大幅度超过了铁路的周转量。

    Newly built railways open to traffic totaled 896 km , electrified railways to 1916 km and double track railways 551 km . A total of 35000 km of new roads was added , including 1313 km of express ways . The passenger transport of high ways was 511.8 billion passenger km .

  24. 其主要原因有公路总里程仍显不足;

    Its main reason is that the total mileage of the highway still shows insufficiently ;

  25. 采用线性相关最强的公路当量里程因素,建立了人才需求预测模型。

    By using the road equivalent course volume factor , the model for talent demand prediction is established .

  26. 交通的基础建设投资力度不断加大,我国的高等级公路通车里程也逐年快速增长。

    Traffic infrastructure investment is increasing continuously , the high grade highway traffic mileage and rapid growth year after year .

  27. 现在,全自治区公路通车里程达24000多公里,其中沥青路面2000公里。

    The region 's mileage of highways opened to traffic now exceeds 24,000 km , including 2,000 km of asphalt roads .

  28. 随着我国公路通车里程的飞速增长,公路隧道数量也急剧增加。

    As the traffic mileage of the highway increases rapidly , and the number of highway tunnel raises at high speed .

  29. 26注:2005年以后的公路线路里程和晴雨通车里程包括村道里程数。

    27 Note : The data of Length of Highways and all-weather highways includes length of roads between villages from 2005 .

  30. 通过分析影响交通指标预测值的15个因素信息,预测到2015年浙江省公路总里程为94984km,其中高速公路总里程为4533km,对今后浙江省交通发展规划具有一定的指导意义。

    Input influence transportation target forecast value 15 factors information , Output transportation target-Zhejiang Province road total course and highway total course forecast value .