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gōng hán
  • official letter;missive;official document
公函 [gōng hán]
  • (1) [official letter]∶文书的一种。用于与同级单位、部门或不相隶属的单位、部门之间的联系和商办事宜等

  • (2) [missive]∶正式的或官方的书信

公函[gōng hán]
  1. 你必须在这份公函上盖上你的

    You must impress your seal on this official letter

  2. 香港公函涵义宽泛,运用范围很广,呈现多功能特点。

    The Hong Kong 's " official letter " is extensive in the connotation and much wide in the application , and has many functions and characteristics .

  3. 掌握这些策略,有助于商务英语公函的撰写。

    These indicate language expressions are tactful in business English writing .

  4. 试论大陆、台湾、香港公函的异同

    Comparison of the Official Letters Between the Mainland , Taiwan and Hongkong

  5. 从语用观析商务英语公函的语言策略

    Language in Use in Business English Correspondence from Pragmatic Aspects

  6. 商务英语公函的特殊交际功能决定了其体裁的特殊性。

    The special communicative functions of business English letters decide their uniqueness in genre .

  7. 她拿掉公函上的带子,拆开信封,手在颤抖。

    She removed the tape from the business envelope and opened it , shaking .

  8. 关于建构主义理论在英语实用公函写作教学中的应用一项个案研究

    A Case Study of Application of Constructivism in the Instruction of Business English Letter Writing

  9. 提交单位申请公函;

    Submit official application from the institution ;

  10. 商务英语公函的体裁分析

    Genre Analysis of Business English Letters

  11. 在遣词造句方面,使用行业术语和正式辞令是公函的两大特征;

    In terms of diction , commercial terminology and formal wording are typical of these letters ;

  12. 哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的公函。

    Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand .

  13. 迁出或迁入本市的,须提交原单位和新单位的申请公函。

    When moving in or out of Rugao submit official letters from the former institution and the new institution .

  14. 李鸿章的信件主要分为公函和私函,公函上的字迹看起来正式一些,而私函则随意一些。

    These letters have official letters and personal letters , official letters seems formal , while his personal letter looks unbending .

  15. 同为公函差异明显&香港公文与内地公文比较港澳商务公函沟通的特点初探

    Comparison of Official Documents Between Hong Kong and Hinterland Studying the Communicational Characteristics of Commercial Correspondence from Hong Kong and Macao

  16. 元老们就交给他们一封给各地官吏的公函,以便护送他们平安回到犹太地方。

    And they gave them letters to their governors in every place , to conduct them into the land of Juda with peace .

  17. 为内部员工提供行政管理服务,如各种证明或申请表或对外公函盖章,办理出国签证咨询和帮助;

    Offer administrative service to internal employees , such as chopping on certificates or application forms or official letters , Visa consulting and help .

  18. 语言策略好的商务英语公函,又有利于交易双方在平等互利的基础上建立和发展商务。

    These strategies can be applied to establish business relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit by the medium of business English correspondence .

  19. 但是,如果所要写的是日常工作的备忘录、公函、资料汇总和表格的话,他们就会依靠以前写过的文字资料来节省大量时间。

    But when it comes to routine memos , letters , fact sheets and forms , they save a lot of time by relying on previously written material .

  20. 负责本部门各类商务公函的整理归档工作,以及部门间各类文件收发、传递、签收工作。

    File all the business letters of PM team , and be responsible for the sending , receiving , delivery and signing of all the documents between other departments .

  21. 在境外遗失的还需提交当地警察部门出具的遗失证明及单位公函;

    If losing the passport outside of China , the Certificate of Loss issued by local police department and official letter issued by the Work Unit must be submitted ;

  22. 书信一般分为两大类,一类是写给亲朋好友的信件,称为私人信函,另一类则是事务信函(包括公函)。

    Generally speaking , letters may be classified into two categories : one is letters to relatives and friends , called personal letters , the other is business letters .

  23. 根据该局发布的公函,未经授权的内容,包括图片、音乐、文学作品、视频和音频产品不应发布网络。

    Unauthorized content -- including pictures , music , literary works , and video and audio products -- should not be posted online , according to a release from the administration .

  24. 针对美国再次对中国光伏产品启动反倾销和反补贴调查,中国商务部周日向美方发出公函,双方的矛盾由此加深。

    Hostilities rose with a missive issued by the China 's Ministry of Commerce to the United States on Sunday over its anti-dumping measures and counter investigations on Chinese solar products .

  25. 接待单位公函(要求法人代表签名,加盖公章)、接待单位营业执照副本复印件;

    Official Letter issued by the hosting unit ( signed by the legal representative and chopped by public stamp ), and the photocopy of business license ( duplicate ) of the hosting unit .

  26. 这座铜矿的经营方力拓表示,尚未收到举行会谈的正式通知,而则艾芬豪表示尚未收到蒙古国政府的公函。

    Rio Tinto , the operator of the mine , said that it had not yet received formal notification for the talks , while Ivanhoe said it had not received a letter from the Mongolian government .

  27. 该数字远远超出了先前设定的2%的控制目标,并且促使英格兰银行行长默文。金尴尬的向财政大臣发表公函解释缘由。

    That was far enough from the inflation target of2.0 % to trigger an apparently embarrassing public letter to the chancellor from Mervyn King , the bank 's governor , to explain why it had happened .

  28. 如你此次旅游由单位支付费用,请提供一份单位公函以及能证明你单位效益良好的证明(例如:单位营业执照,介绍材料等)。

    This may be a letter from your work unit if they are paying for the trip as well as evidence that the company is a viable business , e.g.copy of business licence , advertising material etc.

  29. 乙方因不可抗力原因导致供货紧张或货源中断,应及时以正式公函向甲方及丙方通报;

    In the event of any supply difficulty or supply disruption on the part of Party B due to an event of force majeure , Party B shall promptly inform Party A and Party C by formal correspondence .

  30. 这是中华全国火柴业联合会通告各会员的公函,并附抄广东火柴行商业公会呈工商部的呈文。

    It was a circular from the All-China Association of Match Manufacturers to all its members . Attached to it was a copy of a petition sent to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry by the Kwangtung branch of the association .