
jūn jī
  • military aircraft;military plan;Privy Council in the Qing Dynasty
军机 [jūn jī]
  • [Privy Council in the Qing Dynasty] 即军机处,清代总管军政大权的御前官署

  • 四品卿衔军机章京。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • 号为军机四卿。

  • 自四卿入军机。

军机[jūn jī]
  1. 在军机型号研制项目管理流程优化过程中,论文首先研究了军机型号研制项目管理流程优化的实施策略,主要包括流程优化的原则、步骤以及影响流程优化的因素;

    While develop the flow of project management to improve in type project of military plan , firstly study implementation of process improve of type developing project of military plan , including principle , the measure and factor influencing process improve ;

  2. 然后,研究了军机型号研制项目管理流程优化的组织建设和环境建设,并且进行了军机型号研制项目现有管理流程的识别与描述、分析与诊断和流程优化;

    Thirdly develop organizational building and environmental building of type developing project of military plan of XAC , and go on identification and describing , analysis and diagnosis , improving of project management process of type developing project of military plan of XAC ;

  3. 基于HLA的军机协同作战分布交互仿真系统

    Collaborative Fighting and Drilling Simulation System Based on High Level Architecture

  4. 基于RBF神经网络的军机研制费用估算模型研究

    Development of R & DC Estimating Model for Military Aircraft Based on RBF Neural Networks

  5. 10架飞机周一继续在印度洋搜寻马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)失联航班的踪迹,其中包括两架中国军机,这是中国军机首次参与这次搜寻工作。

    Ten planes resumed the hunt in the Indian Ocean for clues to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on Monday , including -- for the first time -- Chinese military aircraft .

  6. 熟悉历史的人会想到1983年大韩航空公司(KoreanAirLinesCo.)007号航班被击落一事。当时正值冷战(ColdWar)高潮,这架迷航的飞机误入苏联领空,被苏联战机当作敌方军机击落,导致机上269人全部遇难。

    Old-timers point to the 1983 downing of Korean Air 003490.SE 0.00 % Flight 007 , which drifted off course into Soviet airspace at the height of the Cold War , and was shot down by a Soviet jet fighter that mistook it for a hostile military craft , killing all 269 people aboard .

  7. OEC方法是美国航空系统设计实验室提出的一种对军机方案进行评估的方法,ADC模型是美国工业界武器系统效能委员会提出的计算武器作战效能的模型。

    The Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory 's OEC method is an approach to military aircraft selection and concept evaluation . The Weapon System Effectiveness Industry Advisory Committee 's ADC model is a model which to calculate the system 's efficiency mostly .

  8. 日本内阁官房副长官osamusakashita当时表示,用军机直接将救援队送往受灾地区的提议“过于敏感”。

    Osamu sakashita , deputy cabinet secretary , described then as " too sensitive " the suggestion that Japan could send them directly to the disaster area in military aircraft .

  9. 军机备件需求量修正的粗糙集方法

    A Rough Sets Method for Modifying Spares Demand of Military Aircraft

  10. 推行综合后勤保障与提高军机效费比

    Pursue integrated logistic support and enhance the cost-effectiveness of military aircraft

  11. 他是美国第28任总统,任期从1913年到1921年。美国战斗机在阿拉斯加海岸拦截了四架俄罗斯军机。

    He was the 28th U.S. president from 1913 to 1921 .

  12. 军机易损性评估体系安全度值的研究

    Study on Safety Degree for Evaluating Indexes of Airplane Vulnerability

  13. 促成张、金初晤的机缘是朝鲜(韩国)内乱和庆军入朝(韩),担任吴军机要秘书的张謇因而到了朝鲜(韩国)。

    Zhang went to Korea as the confidential secretarial of Qmg army .

  14. 军机型号研制工作网络图发展沿革及其完善

    Evolution and Perfection of Network Diagram for Aircraft Type Development

  15. 某型军机对抗仿真系统电磁环境仿真

    The Electromagnetism Environment Simulation of Some Model Avion Combat System

  16. 军机仿真系统的系统设计与先进技术

    System Design and Advanced Technologies in Avion Simulation System

  17. 军机进气道雷达隐身技术研究

    A Study of Stealth Technology of Military Aircraft Intake

  18. 自上周二起降落的百分之四十是军机。

    Forty per cent of incoming flights since last Tuesday have been military .

  19. 军机某疲劳关键部位加速腐蚀当量关系研究

    Research on accelerated corrosion equivalent relationship for the fatigue critical component of military aircraft

  20. 军机航电系统实现两级维修的关键技术

    Research on Key Technologies for the Two Level Maintenance of Military Aircraft Avionics System

  21. 某型军机多功能显示系统的仿真

    Multi-function Display System Simulation of Certain Model Avion

  22. 军机飞行员情境认知水平的实验研究

    Experiment study of pilots ' situation cognitive level

  23. 报告说,其中大多数外国军机为俄罗斯和中国籍,分别是105和80架次。

    Most were Russian and Chinese , 105 and 80 respectively , it said .

  24. 军机易损性分析中多重遮挡投影面积计算

    A New Algorithm of Multi-Shadowed Projective Area and Its Application in Fighter Aircraft Vulnerability Analysis

  25. 日本军机作为救助者而不是侵略者来到中国,这方面的象征意义也可能反弹。

    The symbolism of Japanese aircraft arriving as saviours rather than aggressors could yet backfire .

  26. 油价上涨是因为有关方面声称,以色列军机侵入了叙利亚领空。

    The price increase was triggered by claims that Israeli warplanes had penetrated Syrian airspace .

  27. 美国军机前往救援受困美国公民之时,遭到了地面火力的袭击。

    US military aircraft were hit by gunfire as they tried to rescue stranded Americans .

  28. 高速数据总线是先进军机航空电子综合化的关键支撑技术。

    High speed data bus is the key technology in avionics integration for advanced fighters .

  29. 军机维护与腐蚀控制

    The Avion Maintenance and Corrosion Control

  30. 俄罗斯军机出口的现状与隐忧

    Survey of Russian Military Aircraft Export