
jūn gǎng
  • naval port;military harbour;fortified port
军港 [jūn gǎng]
  • [naval port] 专供停泊军舰的港湾

军港[jūn gǎng]
  1. 军港维修工程车液压系统的泄漏分析与对策

    The Reason and Prevention which Naval Port Service Truck Hydraulic System 's Divulging Shallowly

  2. 因此,治理军港油类污染也成为海军治理军港环境主要任务之一。

    So , managing the oils pollution of naval port becomes one of the main tasks of managing environment of naval port .

  3. PCM复合絮凝剂的研制及其对军港舰船油污水处理工艺的研究

    The Research of the Complex Flocculant of PCM and Study on Naval Vessel Oil Sewage Disposal Craft in the Naval Port

  4. 三异涤长丝仿毛军港呢前处理工艺研究

    Study on Pretreatment Process of Wool-Like Navy Cloth of Profiled Polyester Filament

  5. 高性能陶粒混凝土维修军港码头应用技术研究

    Application technology of high-performance light-aggregate concrete for navy wharf ′ s maintenance

  6. 湛江军港各种污染物来源及其治理

    Sources of Various Pollutants in Zhanjiang Navy Harbor and the Controlling Measures

  7. 这张地图清楚地显示出军港的位置。

    This map shows clearly where the naval ports are .

  8. 治理油类污染军港的一种新型处理系统

    A new disposing system for the bilge water in the naval harbor

  9. 军港码头采用不同延寿修复技术比较研究

    Comparative study on life-extension repair technology in naval wharfs

  10. 也是我国北方重要的军港。

    As an important military harbor in North china .

  11. 凯撒在公元前48年占领英国南部的军港。

    Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC .

  12. 军港码头维修用高性能轻集料混凝土试验研究

    Experimental research on high performance light aggregate concrete for maintenance and overhaul of wharf in navy port

  13. 阐述了军港油污水间歇式处理系统的组成和处理工艺流程;

    The paper discusses a batch disposing system for the oily water from ships in a naval harbor ;

  14. 中国航空母舰辽宁舰首次靠泊青岛某军港。

    Chinese aircraft carrier , the Liaoning , has anchored for the first time in its military port in Qingdao .

  15. 改变现代海战模式的一次战役&英国海军航空兵奇袭意大利军港塔兰托从局部战争看空袭突防的电子战战术

    The War that Changed the Pattern of Modern Naval Warfare The EW Tactics in Air Strike Penetration of Local Wars

  16. 这标志着青岛航母军港已具备靠泊中国首艘航空母舰的保障能力,航母军港历时4年时间建成。

    This means the port in Qingdao now has the logistic ability to house China 's first aircraft carrier , following 4-years of construction .

  17. 军队环境保护部门负责军用船舶排污的监督和军港水域的监视;

    Environmental protection organs of the armed forces are responsible for the supervision of pollutant discharge by military vessels and surveillance of naval port waters ;

  18. 记得小时候我常带你去海军军港看大船?

    Mr. Tribbiani : Remember when you were a little kid , I used to take you to the navy yard and show you the big ships ?

  19. 结合某军港重力式码头胸墙的施工情况,分析了码头胸墙的施工质量通病,介绍了质量通病的防治措施。

    Based on the construction experience of a gravity wharf shoulder in a navy port , the construction quality common failing are analyzed , the preventive measures are especially introduced .

  20. 本文概述了设计集油污水接纳、分离处理、分析监控于一体的军港舰船油污水处理系统。

    This paper briefly deal with a new disposing system for the bilge water which has the functions of receiving , seperating , treatment , analysing , monitoring and controling the bilge water .

  21. 站在窗口循声而望,这笛声是从对面楼上的窗口传来,再听“军港之夜”等几首也是中年人喜欢的曲子。

    Standing on the window and look , this sound is from the opposite side of the window from upstairs , listen to and a few middle-aged man is like the first song .

  22. 对湛江军港污染物来源的分析结果表明,湛江军港污染物的主要来源是沿岸工业废水、生活污水、舰船油污水、舰船垃圾和沿岸工程建设的损害。

    From analysis of the sources of pollutants in Zhanjiang Navy Harbor , it 's shown that industrial and household sewage , oily waste water and refuse from vessels , and constructions along the banks are the main sources of pollutants to the harbor .