
shuǐ lì fā diàn zhàn
  • hydropower station;hydroelectric power station;hydroelectric station;water power station
  1. 这里正筹划建设一座水力发电站。

    Plans are being drawn up to build a hydroelectric station here .

  2. 大型水力发电站溢洪闸弧型门微机集中自动控制系统

    Microcomputer Centralized Automatic Controlling Syetem of the Spillway Radial Gates in a Large Hydroelectric Station

  3. PLC在水力发电站液压启闭闸门监控系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in Monitoring System for Hydraulic Gate of Hydraulic Power Station

  4. 这可是中国自行设计的第一座大型水力发电站。

    It was China 's first large-scale self-designed hydro power station .

  5. 我们建立更多的水力发电站,这是重要的。

    It is important that we build more hydroelectric power stations .

  6. 水力发电站长期以来被视为清洁能源。

    Hydropower plants have long been a byword for clean energy .

  7. 水力发电站在两条河流的汇合处。

    The hydrolic power station stands at the junction of two rivers .

  8. 水力发电站最大发电量发电机(功率)输出

    Producibility of hydro electric power station dynamo output

  9. 中国风力发电机组和水力发电站的发电量为全世界最高。

    China 's wind turbines and hydropower stations are the world 's most productive .

  10. 小型水力发电站设计规范小型水力发电丛书第1号

    Code for design of small-sized hydropower stations

  11. 通过将水的势能转化成电能的水力发电站能够继续运行很长一段时间。

    Generators that convert falling water into electricity will keep working for quite a while .

  12. 水力发电站最大发电量努力以最低的成本获取最大的销量。

    Producibility of hydro electric power station Seeks the maximum volume of sales with the minimum cost .

  13. 河的上游屹立着几座不同规模的水力发电站。

    On the upper reaches of the river stand a few hydro-electric power stations of different dimensions .

  14. 在三峡电站建成之前,这可是全球装机容量最大的水力发电站。

    Before the Three Gorges hydroelectric station is completed , it is the largest hydroelectric station in the world in generation capacity .

  15. 中子法无损检测水力发电站转轮室钢衬混凝土脱空缺陷

    The Non-destructive Detecting of Inner Cavity Defect of Concrete Under Steel Plate Lining of the Runner Chamber of Hydro-power Plant by Using Neutron Method

  16. 水力发电站最终也会停止工作,原因不外乎进水口堵住了,或是和风力发电机或地热发电厂一样遇到了机械故障。

    The dam would probably succumb to either clogged intakes or the same kind of mechanical failure that would hit the wind turbines and geothermal plants .

  17. 国营的田纳西流域管理局通过水力发电站生产大量的电力供给东南部各州。

    A federal government project , the Tennessee Valley Authority , uses hydroelectric power to generate a large part of the electricity used in several southeastern states .

  18. 工业水处理冷却发电机和封水增加的涡轮轴滑动在水力发电站的密封圈使用寿命过滤。

    Treatment of industrial water for cooling generators and filtration of sealing water to increase the service life of the turbine shaft sliding-ring seals in hydroelectric power stations .

  19. 圣普政府希望投资建设能源设施,特别是水力发电站,修建一个深水港,扩建国际机场。

    The country proposes to invest in the energy sector , particularly in building hydroelectric dams , as well as building a deep water port and expand the international airport .

  20. 现在水力发电站的自动化程度越来越高,结构越来越复杂,无论哪个部件出了问题都会影响到机组的正常运转。

    Hydroelectric power stations are becoming more and more automated and complex , no matter which parts of the station facing a problem would affect the normal operation of the unit .

  21. 麦肯锡的研究显示,规模较小的水力发电站也颇具成本效益,它们是联合国碳交易计划中最受欢迎的小型项目。

    Smaller hydroelectric power plants , which are among the most popular small-scale projects registered under the UN system , are also highly cost - effective , according to the study .

  22. 中国此次承诺的200亿美元融资,大部分将投向业已宣布的项目,其中包括修复安哥拉和尼日利亚的铁路网络,以及在埃塞俄比亚修建一座水力发电站。

    The $ 20bn would go partly towards projects already announced , including the rehabilitation of railway networks in Angola and Nigeria , and the building of a hydroelectric dam in Ethiopia .

  23. 介绍了岩滩水力发电站大坝安全监测自动化观测设计的设计原则、设备选型、功能要求及各系统的设计布置等。

    Introduced in this paper are the principles , the selection of equipment type , performance requirement , and the arrangement of each system for the automatic safety monitoring design for Yantan Dam .

  24. 70年前建造的大古力水坝,凭借其庞大坚固的建筑结构,至今仍为北美洲最大的水力发电站。而美国西北部水力发电供电量要比美国其它地区都多。

    Thanks to monstrous chunks of concrete like Grand Coulee Dam , completed 70 years ago and still the largest hydroelectric facility in North America , the north-west gets more of its power from hydro than any other region of the United States .

  25. 溪洛渡水力发电站坐落在中国的金沙江(四川和云南交界处)畔,这个大坝用掉了680万立方米混凝土,当大坝蓄满水时候开闸放水的速度突破每秒50米下降水位的记录。

    The Xiluodu Hydropower Station on the Jinsha River in China - which was built with 240 million cubic feet ( 6.8 million cubic metres ) of concrete - spews out a record 164 feet ( 50 metres ) of water per second when it is in full flow .

  26. 他还说,许多政府只注意到水力发电是一种清洁能源而建造水力发电站,岂不知这样做的结果是一道道的大坝阻止了水流,消灭了鱼类资源。

    Many governments are also focusing on hydro-electric power plants as a " clean " source of energy , but this means more dams which stem water flows and kill off fish populations , he added .