
  • 网络Suwon;SUWON-SI;Su-Won
  1. 为了打造环境友好城市,水原市计划通过鼓励骑单车出行来减少碳排放量。

    Aiming at building an environment-friendly city , Suwon has been planning to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging bicycling .

  2. 自从1997年韩国篮球联赛开始以来,三星队先是落户水原市,随后又迁至首尔,并更名为首尔三星迅雷篮球队。

    As the KBL started in1997 , Samsung franchised in Suwon and then moved to the capital city of Korea , Seoul renewing its name as Seoul Samsung Thunders Basketball Team .

  3. 据摩拜单车发布的一篇新闻稿称,该公司的无车桩自行车已投放至韩国京畿道的水原市街头,水原市也成为了第14个拥有摩拜共享单车的海外城市。

    The company 's dockless bicycles are now on the streets of Suwon , Gyeonggi Province , making it the 14th overseas city to have the bike-sharing brand , according to a Mobike press release .