
  • 网络eas;the East Asia Summit
  1. 我们希望,政治与战略议题将成为东亚峰会议程的重点。

    It is our hope that political and strategic issues will be at the forefront of the EAS agenda .

  2. 美国将非常乐于为这项努力提供帮助,并欢迎东亚峰会未来注重海洋保护工作。

    The United States would be pleased to assist this effort and would welcome a future focus on marine conservation by the EAS .

  3. 日本提议把东亚峰会转变为东亚共同体(EastAsiaCommunity)。

    Japan has proposed turning the East Asia Summit into an East Asia Community .

  4. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)将首次出席于巴厘岛召开的东亚峰会。

    Barack Obama will be in Bali for his first East Asian summit .

  5. 但他们表示,印度将在东亚峰会(eastasiasummit)等亚洲地区论坛上发挥更大的作用。

    But they said that India would have a larger part in Asian regional forums like the East Asia Summit .

  6. 日本长期以来一直走在区域组织的前沿,它帮助建立了亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)这个论坛、东盟地区论坛(AseanRegionalForum)和东亚峰会(EastAsiasummit)。

    Japan has long been at the forefront of regional organizations , helping to establish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum , the Asean Regional Forum and the East Asia Summit .

  7. 东亚峰会(eastasiasummit)的16个与会国昨日一致同意,考虑日本和澳大利亚提出的互相竞争的提议,以扩大区域合作,但未能阐明是否会将美国纳入其中。

    The 16 countries at the East Asia Summit yesterday agreed to consider competing Japanese and Australian proposals to expand regional co-operation , but failed to clarify whether the US would be involved .

  8. 双方决定,即将举行的20国集团峰会(G20Summit)、东亚峰会(EastAsiaSummit)和由美国主办的亚太经合组织(APEC)领导人会议为高层接触提供了进一步的机会。

    The two sides decided that upcoming meetings such as the G20 Summit , the East Asia Summit , and the U.S. - hosted APEC Leaders ' meeting provide further opportunities for high-level engagement .

  9. 两项计划均是围绕着东亚峰会成员国设计的。东亚峰会成员国包括日本、中国、韩国、印度、澳大利亚、新西兰、以及东盟10国(Asean)。

    Both plans would be based around East Asia Summit members Japan , China , South Korea , India , Australia , New Zealand and the 10 countries that make up the Association of South East Asian Nations ( Asean ) .

  10. 美国和俄罗斯是首次参加东亚峰会。

    The US and Russia participated for the first time .

  11. 此外,美国已被邀请参加东亚峰会。

    Elsewhere , Washington has been invited to join the East Asia Summit .

  12. 中国支持并欢迎美国参加东亚峰会。

    We support and welcome the United States ' participation in the East Asia Summit .

  13. 十六国领导人在吉隆坡召开首次东亚峰会。

    In Kuala Lumpur , leaders of sixteen countries held the first East Asia Summit .

  14. 浅析东亚峰会扩大原因及我国应对策略建议

    The Internal Reasons for the Expansion and Evolvement of East Asia Summit and Its Suggested Counter Measures

  15. 我们支持东亚峰会作为处理亚太地区政治和战略议题的主要机制。

    We support the East Asia Summit as the regions primary institution for political and strategic issues .

  16. 很高兴与诸位相聚在东亚峰会。

    It gives me great pleasure to meet with you at the East Asia Summit ( EAS ) .

  17. 首届东亚峰会的召开,为东亚区域合作搭建了一个新平台。

    The opening of the first East-Asian summit sets up a platform for the cooperation in East Asia .

  18. 这一问题很可能在这个星期克林顿参加河内的东亚峰会时被再次提及。

    The subject is likely to come up again this week when Clinton joins the East Asia summit in Hanoi .

  19. 在东亚峰会讨论的南海问题违反了中国的意愿这一个事实证明了这一点。

    The fact that the South China Seawas discussed at the recent East Asia Summit against the wishes of Chinaproves this .

  20. 最近我在访问亚太经济合作组织和出席东亚峰会期间曾表示,美国是一个太平洋国家。

    As I indicated during my recent visit to APEC and the East Asia Summit , the United States is a Pacific nation .

  21. 东亚峰会和任何机制一样,在为本地区人民带来具体成果时最有效。

    The East Asia Summit , like any institution , is most effective when it produces concrete results for the people of the region .

  22. 美国坚定地认为,诸如东亚峰会等区域性机制应该在塑造亚太地区未来的过程中发挥主导作用。

    The United States firmly believes that regional institutions such as the EAS should play a lead role in shaping the future of the Asia-Pacific .

  23. 这次东亚峰会很可能还有一项议程,那就是缅甸要争取在2014年担任东盟轮值主席。

    Also on the East Asia summit 's agenda will likely be Burma 's bid to take the annual chairmanship role of ASEAN in 2014 .

  24. 我非常高兴第一次以国务卿身份代表美国出席东亚峰会部长级会议。

    I am very pleased to represent , for the first time as Secretary of State , the United States at this East Asia Summit Ministerial .

  25. 东亚峰会和地区性论坛东南亚国家联盟也拉近了中国同亚洲邻居的距离。

    The East Asia Summit and the regional forum of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) tie it closer to its Asian neighbours .

  26. 东道主印尼作为东南亚国家联盟的主席国通过建立共识提高这次东亚峰会的声望。

    The host nation Indonesia has raised the profile of the summit through its consensus-building work as chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations . Temple mediation

  27. 下个星期,来自18个国家的领导人将出席在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行的第六届年度东亚峰会。

    Next week ( November 14-19 ) , leaders from 18 nations will gather on the Indonesian island of Bali for the sixth annual East Asia summit .

  28. 随着东亚峰会在应对当代挑战的过程中发挥作用,美国期待着以更正式的方式与之接触。

    And the United States looks forward to engaging with the East Asia Summit more formally as it plays a role in addressing the challenges of our time .

  29. 接纳美国和俄罗斯进入东亚峰会不需要漫长的程序,而是以一种平稳、务实的方式为他们参加东亚峰会铺平道路。

    There was no extended process to admit the US and Russia into the EAS . Instead a calm , pragmatic approach paved the way for their entry .

  30. 希拉里·克林顿国务卿代表美国出席了东盟部长后续会议、东盟区域论坛以及东亚峰会部长级会议。

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has represented the United States at the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference and the ASEAN Regional Forum and East Asia Summit ministerial meetings .