
  • 网络ArF;the asean regional forum
  1. 经济上较大的对外开放度。东盟地区论坛(ARF)是亚太地区第一个官方的多边安全合作机制,基本上是按照东盟方式运行。

    ARF is an official cooperative mechanism of multi-lateral security and is operated through the ASEAN Way .

  2. 中国支持东盟地区论坛朝着既定目标不断前进。

    China supports the ARF in its continuous advance toward its set goal .

  3. 日本长期以来一直走在区域组织的前沿,它帮助建立了亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)这个论坛、东盟地区论坛(AseanRegionalForum)和东亚峰会(EastAsiasummit)。

    Japan has long been at the forefront of regional organizations , helping to establish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum , the Asean Regional Forum and the East Asia Summit .

  4. 预防性外交是冷战后亚太安全合作中的新课题,也是东盟地区论坛(ARF)的一个重要发展阶段。

    Preventive diplomacy is a new topic of Asia-Pacific security cooperation after the Cold War as well as an important phase of ASEAN Regional Forum ( ARF ) development .

  5. 双方同意共同努力,推动东盟地区论坛(ARF)作为本地区重要的多边政治安全对话论坛继续向前发展。

    We agree to work together for the continued development of the ASEAN Regional Forum , which is an important multilateral forum for political and security dialogue in the region .

  6. 朝鲜和缅甸是拥有28个成员国的东盟地区论坛(AseanRegionalForum,ARF)的传统话题。希拉里本周晚些时候将在泰国旅游胜地普吉出席这一论坛。

    North Korea and Burma , otherwise known as Myanmar , are traditional topics for the 28-member Asean Regional Forum , the regional meeting that Mrs Clinton will attend later in the week in the Thai resort of Phuket .

  7. 美国和东盟地区论坛&多边主义的视角

    The U.S. and ASEAN Regional Forum & the Perspective of Multilateralism

  8. 第二轨道外交与东盟地区论坛

    " Track Two " and the ASEAN Regional Forum

  9. 东盟地区论坛与预防性外交

    ASEAN Regional Forum and Preventive Diplomacy

  10. 东盟地区论坛是目前亚太地区唯一的泛地区官方多边安全对话与合作论坛。

    The ARF is the only pan-Asia-Pacific official multilateral security dialogue and cooperation forum at present .

  11. 在东盟地区论坛框架内保持紧密的协调与合作,促进论坛健康发展。

    B.Maintain close coordination and cooperation under the framework of ARF and promote its healthy development .

  12. 中国还于2002年9月在北京举办了东盟地区论坛军队后勤保障社会化研讨会。

    In September 2002 , China held the ARF seminar on military logistics outsourcing support in Beijing .

  13. 东盟地区论坛从建立信任措施向预防性外交阶段的过渡取得实质性成果。

    The ASEAN Regional Forum has made substantive achievements in the transition from confidence-building measures to preventive diplomacy .

  14. 参与、接受与建构以19972005年中国参与东盟地区论坛的规范建构为例

    Participation , Acceptance and Construction & Taking the Case of China 's Construction of Norms in ASEAN Regional Forum in 1997-2005

  15. 中国一直积极参加东盟地区论坛外长会议、高官会议及非官方会议。

    China has consistently taken an active part in the ARF foreign ministers ' meetings , senior officials ' meetings and unofficial meetings .

  16. 周五北韩愤怒的在东盟地区论坛上爆发口水战等最新举动,该口水战盖过了会上的其他议程。

    The outburst Friday was the latest shot in a war of words that eclipsed other issues at the ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi .

  17. 随着1994年东盟地区论坛的成立,亚太地区各国展开了预防性外交的大讨论。

    As the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum in 1994 , all the countries in the Asia-Pacific Region have had a great debate on the preventive diplomacy .

  18. 东盟地区论坛也应运而生,其独特的运行机制吸引了区域外大国纷纷参与以实现和维护自身的安全利益。

    ASEAN Regional Forum had emerged under such circumstances . With its unique operating mechanism , it attracted big countries outside to join in , achieving and maintaining their own security interests .

  19. 在东亚地区存在着军事同盟和以东盟地区论坛为代表的合作安全两种安全机制。

    There lie two kinds of safety mechanisms in the East Asia : the military alliances and the ASEAN Region Forum ( ARF ) which is taken as representative of cooperative security mechanism .

  20. 东盟地区论坛作为亚太地区最重要的官方多边安全对话渠道,对促进地区安全合作发挥了积极作用。

    The ASEAN Regional Forum ( ARF ) as the most important official channel for multilateral security dialogue in the Asia-Pacific region , plays a positive role in promoting security cooperation in the region .

  21. 现有的东亚安全合作形式主要包括双边军事同盟或准同盟、东盟地区论坛、四方会谈、六方会谈以及一系列第二轨道活动。

    The existing East Asia security cooperation forms including bilateral military alliance or quasi alliance , the ASEAN Region Forum , Four-party talks , Six-party talks , and a series of " the second track activity " .

  22. 双方将努力推动亚太经合组织在促进地区贸易投资自由化和经济技术合作以及东盟地区论坛在促进地区安全合作方面发挥更有效作用。

    The two sides will work to encourage APEC to play a more effective role in promoting regional trade and investment liberalization and economic and technical cooperation and for the ASEAN Regional Forum to play a more effective role in strengthening regional security cooperation .

  23. 但是通过东盟地区论坛等多边合作机制的发展,在追求共识、求同存异的基础上,各方通过交流寻找普遍接受的共同原则,正在形成有亚太地区特色的预防性外交理论。

    Nevertheless through the development of multi-cooperation system such as the ASEAN Regional Forum , based on pursuing consensus and remaining differences , each pursues common accepted rules via communication and the theory of preventive diplomacy with the characteristics of Asia-Pacific Region is being formulated .

  24. 东盟成员间的安全合作主要围绕东盟地区论坛、成员国建立信任措施、南中国海争端、地区低烈度威胁及军事和防务等领域开展。

    The security cooperation among ASEAN members is carried out around fields such as ASEAN Regional forum , confidence establishment among member countries , disputes in the South China Sea , regional low-intensity threats as well as military affairs and defense .

  25. 同时东盟国家还把这种安全机制运用到更广泛的亚太地区,东盟地区论坛的成立和中国加入《东南亚友好合作条约》即是东盟安全机制在这一地区的扩大。

    The security regime is also applied in Asia-Pacific , such as ASEAN founding ASEAN Regional Forum and China joining the Treaty .

  26. 冷战结束后,东盟安全合作进程明显加快,具体表现在合作安全观的形成、东盟地区论坛的创建和大国平衡战略的实施3个层面上。

    After Cold War there has been obviously increasing co-operation of ASEAN , including the formation of safety outlook of cooperation , the establishment of ASEAN forum and the implementation of great powers ' balance strategy .

  27. 东盟根据冷战后新的环境,吸收了新安全观的理论精华,构筑了东盟特色的综合安全理念和合作安全模式并制定了新的安全战略,其核心突出体现在东盟地区论坛。

    In accordance with the new international environment in Post-cold War period , ASEAN adopted the prime theory of new understanding of security and constructed a " comprehensive and cooperative " model for strategy security , which is typical of ASEAN characteristic .