
  • 网络Eastern Coastal Area;eastern seaboard
  1. 然而,WASP的生活方式主要在东部沿海地区可见。

    WASP life , though , was chiefly found on the eastern seaboard .

  2. 家庭装修零售商家得宝(HomeDepotInc.)和劳氏(Lowe'sCos.)已经开始把大批的发电机、饮用水和电池运往东部沿海地区的仓库和商店,为飓风可能造成的后果做好准备。

    Home improvement retailers Home Depot Inc. and Lowe 's Cos . began prepping for the aftermath of the storm , sending truckloads of generators , water and batteries into warehouses and stores along the Eastern Seaboard .

  3. 东部沿海地区利用FDI能力比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Capacity of Using FDI in Eastern Coastal Region

  4. FDI的产出效应在北部沿海地区最大,东部沿海地区次之。

    The effects of FDI on output decrease in order of the northern coast areas , the eastern coastal areas .

  5. 但是FDI在我国的区域分布却十分不均衡,FDI主要集中在东部沿海地区,流入中部和西部的FDI很少。

    But the regional distribution of FDI in China is very uneven , as FDI mainly flows to the eastern coastal region and rarely flows to central and western part .

  6. 基于此,我们提出一套评估地区利用外资能力的指标体系,然后通过因子分析,对东部沿海地区8个省市利用FDI能力进行评估和比较。

    From this perspective , we propose a set of index system to evaluate this capacity and then based on the factor analysis , examine and compare the 8 provinces and cities in eastern coastal region on this issue .

  7. 在对浙江东部沿海地区梨园中国梨木虱(PsyllachinensisYangetLi)调查分析的基础上,研究了中国梨木虱在梨树上的序贯抽样技术。

    On the basis of the investigation on pear psylla ( Psylla chinensis Yang et Li ) in orchards of the eastern coastal region of Zhejiang province , sequential sampling technique of pear psylla was studied .

  8. 但是,FDI的地区分布极不平衡,80%以上分布在东部沿海地区,同时东部地区经济增长速度高于西部地区,中国区域经济二元化结构日趋严重。

    But the regional distribution of FDI in China unbalances , more than 80 % FDI has concentrated in eastern region , at that time , economic growth in eastern region is faster than in western region , the economic disparity has became worse than before .

  9. 上周,上海和其他一些东部沿海地区出现严重雾霾,这种程度通常只在北京和其他北方地区才会出现,上海的污染水平一度比美国国家环境保护局(U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)设定的24小时均值限度高16倍。

    Last week , Shanghai and other parts of Eastern coastal China were hit by a bout of pollution , the severity of which is normally seen only in Beijing and other northern areas , with Shanghai 's pollution level at one point more than 16 times the limit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets for an average 24-hour period .

  10. 西部地区旅游饭店业服务质量评价与研究&兼与东部沿海地区旅游饭店业比较

    A study on service quality of tourist hotels in Western China

  11. 我国东部沿海地区差距状况以及经济低谷地区的崛起

    Regional disparity and accelerated development of backward areas in coastal China

  12. 土地综合承载力指标体系设计及评价&中国东部沿海地区案例研究

    Design and evaluation on the indicator system of land comprehensive carrying capacity

  13. 我国东部沿海地区酸雨来源研究

    The origins of acid rain in the eastern coastal areas in China

  14. 东部沿海地区小城镇可持续发展的指标体系构思

    The indicator system of sustainable town in eastern coastal region

  15. 中国东部沿海地区产业结构预测及其结构效益评价

    Forecasting and evaluation of industrial structure in China coastal areas

  16. 中国东部沿海地区乡村发展类型及其乡村性评价

    Assessment of Rural Development Types and Their Rurality in Eastern Coastal China

  17. 既发展东部沿海地区又发展西部内陆地区。

    Develop the eastern foreland and develop the western region inland region .

  18. 中山市东部沿海地区开发利用探讨

    On Development of Coastal Region in Eastern Zhongshan City

  19. 中国东部沿海地区城市扩展与土地利用效率研究

    The Urban Expansion and Land-use Efficiency Research in China 's Eastern Coastal Areas

  20. 对东部沿海地区推进城镇化进程的战略思考

    Advance the strategic thinking of the urbanization process to the eastern coastal area

  21. 东部沿海地区要率先实现现代化。

    The eastern region should achieve pioneering modernization .

  22. 东部沿海地区农业结构变动特征及区域差异分析

    Characteristics of agricultural structure changes and regional differences in eastern coastal areas of China

  23. 青岛市是我国东部沿海地区的重要开放城市。

    Tsing Dao city is an important opening city located in the eastern coastal area .

  24. 东部沿海地区贸易集聚对技术扩散效应的影响

    The Impacts of Trade Agglomeration in China 's Eastern Coastal Areas on Technological Diffusion Effect

  25. 东部沿海地区农村发展功能定位与生产要素整合模式探讨

    Research on Functions and Factors Optimization of Rural Development in Eastern Coastal Areas of China

  26. 我国东部沿海地区旅游环境相对承载力研究

    The study on the relative carrying capacity of tourism environment in eastern coastal regions in China

  27. 鸿沟的阿巴拉契亚山脉的东部沿海地区从大湖区和草原的中西部地区。

    The Appalachian Mountainsdivide the eastern seaboard from the Great Lakesand the grasslands of the Midwest .

  28. 我国东部沿海地区高后型飑线的一种形成机制

    The formation mechanism of squall line with a behind high pattern over the coast of eastern China

  29. 长期以来,东部沿海地区整体上房地产发展水平比中西部要高。

    The eastern costal areas have much better real estate development than the middle and western areas .

  30. 浙中东部沿海地区历史时期旱涝灾害的气候分析

    Climatological Analysis to Flood and Drought Catastrophes in Historical Time over Middle-East Coastal Area of Zhejiang Province