
  • 网络beijing capital international airport;BCIA;capital airport;Pek;ZBAA
  1. 服务于主办城市的北京首都国际机场(BeijingCapitalInternationalAirport)周三宣布,今年上半年利润有所下降。

    Beijing Capital International Airport , which serves the host city , on Wednesday announced a drop in first half profits .

  2. 北京首都国际机场T3航站楼发生爆炸案。

    An explosion has occurred at the Terminal 3 of the Beijing Capital International Airport .

  3. 据北京首都国际机场(beijinginternationalairport)称,至周一晚间,有近500个离京航班由于天气原因而取消或延迟。

    By Monday evening , nearly 500 flights out of Beijing had been cancelled or delayed due to weather , according to the Beijing International Airport .

  4. 北京首都国际机场T3航站楼旅客区域使用后评价

    A POE Study on the Passenger 's Region in the Terminal 3 Building of Beijing Capital International Airport

  5. 南部的大兴拟建一座新机场,北京首都国际机场(BeijingCapitalInternationalAirport)已在最近的年报中表示,即将达到饱和点。按乘客数量计,该机场是全球第二繁忙的机场。

    A new airport is planned for Daxing , south of the city - Beijing Capital International Airport , the world 's second-busiest by passenger numbers , said in its latest annual report it was reaching saturation point .

  6. 桀骜不驯的阿根廷足球传奇人物马拉多纳(DiegoMaradona)周一抵达北京首都国际机场,并在随后的新闻发布会上重申,他愿意到中国执教。

    Arriving in the Beijing Capital Airport on Monday , madcap Argentinean soccer legend Diego Maradona reiterated in a press conference he would like to coach in China .

  7. 世界上最大的客机“空客A380”昨日降落北京首都国际机场,这是其首次执飞从迪拜到中国的定期航班。

    The world 's largest passenger jet , the Airbus A380 , has made its maiden voyage to China yesterday , landing at Beijing Capital International Airport from Dubai .

  8. 北京首都国际机场地面交通中心(GTC)是进出国门的一个窗口,整个钢屋架结构设计线条流畅,造型新颖别致,充分体现了现代建筑风格和新的都市风貌。

    Ground transportation centre ( GTC ) of Capital International Airport is a window to our country , the whole structure design line is gliding and the lectotype is novel and interesting , which embody fully modern architectural style and new city appearance .

  9. 因天气不好,北京首都国际机场关闭了。

    Beijing Capital International Airport has been closed due to bad weather .

  10. 北京首都国际机场新旅客航站区

    Area of the new terminal building of Beijing Capital Airport

  11. 高完成度建筑产品的设计控制&北京首都国际机场航站楼合作设计实践随感

    Design Control of High-level Accomplished Projects : Joint Design Practice of Beijing International Airport Terminal

  12. 北京首都国际机场容量评估研究

    Estimation of Beijing International Airport Capacity

  13. 本系统已于1995年8月在北京首都国际机场正式投入运行。

    The system has been used in Beijing Capital International airport in the 8 . 1995 .

  14. 北京首都国际机场3号航站楼

    Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3

  15. 北京首都国际机场以去年8900万的客流量位居第二。

    Beijing Capital International Airport , which nabbed the second spot , saw 89m passengers last year .

  16. 北京首都国际机场是中国国内唯一拥有三条跑道的国际机场。

    Beijing Capital International Airport is the only airport that consists of three terminal buildings in China .

  17. 副总统乔•拜登的正式行程于周三在北京首都国际机场开始。

    The official trip of Vice President Joe Biden started at the Beijing Capital International Airport on Wednesday .

  18. 北京首都国际机场是现在世界上第二忙碌的机场,它已超过了希思罗机场(现在已滑到了第四的位置)。

    Beijing Capital International is now the second busiest airport in the world , overtaking London Heathrow which has slipped to fourth place .

  19. 在跟团游暂停8个月后,一个由32名中国游客组成的旅行团于日前从北京首都国际机场启程飞往韩国。

    A group of 32 Chinese tourists departed Beijing Capital International Airport for South Korea , after an eight-month group travel suspension ended .

  20. 第一天:当您到达北京首都国际机场,我们经验丰富的导游将会接您,并陪您回到旅馆。

    Day1 : Upon your arrival at the Beijing Capital International Airport , our experienced guide will meet and escort you to the hotel .

  21. 最后,以纤维混凝土应用于北京首都国际机场道面为例,进行经济价值分析和社会效果评价,对纤维混凝土在机场道面上的应用前景作出客观的评价。

    Finally , carry on economic worth analysis and social effect appraisal , make objective appraisal to application prospect of fiber reinforced concrete on airfield road-surface .

  22. 在北京首都国际机场发生不文明行为、影响机场安全的游客将被记录在案,可能影响到未来的出行。

    Tourists who behave badly and threaten security at Beijing Capital International Airport will be placed on record , which could affect their future travel plans .

  23. 为提高交通效率和保护女性隐私,2016年3月8日,北京首都国际机场设立了女性专用安检通道。

    On March 8 , 2016 , Beijing Capital International Airport set up a female-only security check channel , intended to improve traffic efficiency and protect women 's privacy .

  24. 美国航空公司的波音777客机今天早上从机场起飞后不久因被怀疑机械故障返回北京首都国际机场。

    An American Airlines Boeing 777 airliner returned to Beijing Capital International Airport this morning after a mechanical malfunction was suspected shortly after it took off from the airport .

  25. 本文以北京首都国际机场为背景,对空域空中交通容量评估问题从理论和实际应用方面进行了比较系统、深入的研究。

    Based on the background of Beijing Capital International Airport , the airspace capacity evaluation is deeply and systematically researched in this article from the aspects of theories and application .

  26. 周日上午,北京首都国际机场国内航班的安检级别从三级升至二级,导致部分情绪激动的旅客发生了冲突。

    Fights broke out among angry passengers at Beijing Capital International Airport on Sunday morning , after the security level for domestic flights was raised from level three to level two .

  27. 今年1月,我在北京首都国际机场与科斯-瑞德碰头,跟他一起去义乌。义乌是浙江省的一个贸易城市,距离上海165英里。

    In January , I met Kos-Read at Beijing Capital International Airport to accompany him on a trip to Yiwu , a trading city in Zhejiang Province , 165 miles from Shanghai .

  28. 北京首都国际机场所在的顺义区、上海虹桥机场所在的长宁区的发展都表明,空港经济已成为区域经济增长的发动机。

    Beijing Capital International Airport is located in ShunYi District , Shanghai HongQiao Airport , ChangNing District , where development is that the " airport economy " has become a regional engine of economic growth .

  29. 到目前为止,马航失联乘客家属一直在北京首都国际机场附近的一家酒店内等待消息,由于缺乏来自当局和马航的信息和关注,他们越来越焦躁不安。

    Passengers ' relatives have been waiting for news in a Beijing hotel near the airport , and have been increasingly agitated because of a lack of information and attention from authorities and the airline .

  30. 以北京首都国际机场新航站楼航班信息显示系统的开发为例,来说明如何通过软件开发以增强系统的可维护性,并就其意义和作用进行了说明。

    This paper , based on development of the flight information display system in Beijing capital international airport , illustrators how to develop software to buildup system maintainability , and gives its meanings and functions at the same time .