
  • 网络UTTAR;uttar pradesh;state of Uttar Pradesh
  1. 这对不愿意透露姓名的新人本来定于5月1日在印度北方邦举行婚礼。

    A bride and groom who wish to remain unidentified were supposed to have the wedding for their arranged marriage on May 1 in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India . Skeptical to test his knowledge during the ceremony .

  2. 《印度教徒报》(TheHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都“无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告”。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all " ignored strong warnings from the   .   .   . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal . "

  3. 来自国大党的拉胡尔·甘地(RahulGandhi)在北方邦所有种姓中进行游说,包括达利特。

    Rahul Gandhi , a Congress Party scion , campaigns among all the state 's castes , including dalits .

  4. 印度北方邦(UttarPradesh)和美国肯塔基州等地区,也面临人才大量流失和农村地区萎缩的问题。

    Regions such as Uttar Pradesh in India and Kentucky in the United States are also facing issues including mass brain drain and dwindling villages .

  5. 该疾病源自印度北部北方邦(UttarPradesh)的两个区,今年已导致416人感染,并蔓延至其它地区。

    Originating in two districts in Uttar Pradesh in northern India , the disease has affected 416 people this year and spread to other areas .

  6. 《印度教徒报》(theHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all ignored strong warnings from the # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal .

  7. 他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(UttarPradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(KosiRiver)——一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区——的孩子们。

    They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar -- an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads .

  8. 他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(UttarPradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(KosiRiver)一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区的孩子们。

    They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar & an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads .

  9. AryavartGramin银行已经批准了在印度人口最稠密的州和主要的粮食种植地区北方邦安装8000个家用太阳能系统的贷款。

    The Aryavart Gramin bank has approved loans for the installation of8,000 solar-home-systems in Uttar Pradesh , India 's most populous state and a key grain growing region .

  10. 哪怕得到最小的由头,他也会滔滔不绝地介绍不同类型的小儿麻痹症和疫苗,然后又说,基因测试显示,这种疾病如何一度在印度北方邦(UttarPradesh)等地持续出现和传播,尽管极少有疫情全面爆发的情况。

    Given the smallest excuse , he plunges into a description of the different types of polio and vaccines - and then into the genetic tests that show how the disease once ­ persisted and spread in areas like Uttar Pradesh even when full outbreaks were rare .

  11. 根据她的陈述以及潘迪夫妇向警方所做的陈述,那天晚上普嘉与丈夫桑迪普(Sandeep)将古迪娅带到了桑迪普在北方邦的家乡——一个东部与德里交界的村庄,但她仍然拒绝嫁给潘迪的侄子。

    That night , Ms. Pandey and her husband , Sandeep , took Gudiya to Mr. Pandey 's village in the state of Uttar Pradesh , which borders Delhi to the east , according to an account provided by Gudiya as well as police statements by the Pandeys . She still refused to wed .

  12. 北方邦并不是印度仅有的面临这个问题的地区。

    It is not the only region that faces this problem .

  13. 他的义愤尤其针对势力庞大的北方邦。

    His ire is aimed especially against giant Uttar Pradesh .

  14. 北方邦的经济成就和问题

    Economic achievements and problems in Uttar Pradesh of India

  15. 即便有拉胡尔出马,国大党也未能赢得北方邦普通民众的支持。

    Even with Rahul , it failed to find grassroots support in UP .

  16. 被展示的芒果包括了很多由北方邦杂交而来的品种。

    The mangoes on show include several hybrids from northern Uttar Pradesh state .

  17. 印度北方邦落后地区的开发

    The development of backward areas in u.p , India

  18. 一个陈旧的观点是,只要能统治像大象一样巨大的北方邦,就能统治印度。

    An outdated belief is that whoever governs the elephantine state rules India .

  19. 在喀拉拉、德里和北方邦的一个县开展了评价。

    They were conducted in Kerala , Delhi and one district in Uttar Pradesh .

  20. 北方邦可谓是拒绝了一个全国性家族,选择了一个地方性家族。

    In rejecting a national dynasty , UP has opted for a local one .

  21. 但他还有机会,北方邦2012年重要的邦票选就是他翻身的良机。

    He has other opportunities , notably in Uttar Pradesh 's important state polls in2012 .

  22. 由于单在北方邦就有超过4千万的达利特人,玛雅瓦蒂的政治策略看上去很高明。

    With over40m dalits in UP alone , Mayawati 's political strategy has looked shrewd .

  23. 这种错误认知对北方邦的落后负有部分责任。

    That mistake helps explain its backwardness .

  24. 我们在比哈尔、北方邦、孟加拉邦和奥里萨邦难道没有最穷的劳动力吗?

    Dont we have the poorest raw labor in bihar , up , bengal and orissa .

  25. 北方邦警方称此人拥有某些袭击目标的详细图纸。

    Police in Uttar Pradesh say the man had detailed drawings of some of the targets .

  26. 同时,北方邦政府表示他们正计划搬迁这些农户。

    Meanwhile , the government of Uttar Pradesh says that they are planning to relocate the farmers .

  27. 2014年8月,住在印度北方邦的一个6岁的小女孩就有了这么一次被活埋的经历。

    In August 2014 , that is exactly what happened to a six-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh , India .

  28. 招待我的人就来自北方邦,名叫阿加瓦尔。

    Indeed , the person whose guest I was hailed from UP and answered to the name of Agarwal .

  29. 基因测序现已确定,脊髓灰质炎病毒与印度北方邦出现的病毒联系最为密切。

    Genetic sequencing has now determined that the poliovirus is most closely related to virus from Uttar Pradesh , India .

  30. 据当地媒体报道,印度北方邦出现了一幕典型的“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的情况。

    In the northern state of Uttar Pradesh , a classic'chicken-and-egg'scenario is playing out , according to reports in the local media .