
  • 网络Mandarin;beijing dialect;Pekingese
北京话 [běi jīng huà]
  • [Beijing dialect;Pekingese] 北京的汉语方言

  1. 你能区别普通话和北京话吗?

    Can you tell the difference between Putonghua and Beijing dialect ?

  2. 北京话和上海话没有任何共同之处。

    Beijing dialect has nothing in common with Shanghai dialect .

  3. 他说的是很土的北京话。

    He speaks with a broad Beijing accent .

  4. 北京话声调分布区的知觉研究

    A perceptual study on the domain of tones in Beijing Mandarin

  5. 北京话认知称谓名词特点及其社会成因

    The Characteristics and Social Causes of Cognitive Appellation Nouns in Beijing Dialect

  6. 北京话单字音声调的分组统计分析

    A statistic analysis of tone groups in Beijing Mandarin

  7. 关于北京话中V+的+处所词语句型的来源问题

    On the Origin of V + de + Loc Pattern in Beijing Dialect

  8. 北京话相对普通话而言,鼻音较重。

    Beijing dialect Mandarin relatively speaking , more nasal .

  9. 语言能力:北京话、上海话、福州话。

    Language Ability : Beijing , Shanghai , Fuzhou .

  10. 我愿意教大家学习北京话、中国话!

    I am willing to teach them to learn from Beijing dialect , Mandarin !

  11. 再次,运用比较的方法,把这些方言和成都话、北京话比较。

    Thirdly , it compares the dialects of the seven places with Beijing and Chengdu .

  12. 社会因素与北京话清入字的今调类

    Social Factors and the Evolution of Ru-sheng Characters of the Unvoiced Initials in Beijing Dialect

  13. 汉族的语言,普通话,是以北京话为基础。

    The Han language , common speech putonghua , is based on the Beijing dialect .

  14. 从封闭形式类角度看黑龙江方言与北京话的一致性

    On Consistency of Heilongjiang Dialect with Beijing Dialect : A Perspective of the Closed Form Class

  15. 山西方言疑问句的特点,一是特指问句的疑问代词和北京话不全相同;

    Firstly , interrogative pronouns of special indicative question are not the same as those in Mandarin .

  16. 谁说北京话与普通话的差异对南方人来说不太好分辨?

    Who says Beijing dialect differences with Mandarin is not a good example to distinguish between southerners ?

  17. 你是不是在炫耀你会说北京话?你很骄傲吗?

    Are you saying that you can speak ? With Peking accent ? You are proud of that ?

  18. 文章还初步比较了哈尔滨话和北京话声调主体分布的异同。

    The main distribution of tone pattern shows the steady and variable parts in each tone of Harbin dialect .

  19. 在此分类的基础上,对平遥方言的体貌范畴进行了详细的描写,将一些体貌助词的具体用法同北京话或邻近方言进行了比较,进一步挖掘其典型特征。

    In the course of describing , some usages of aspect auxiliaries are compared with those in other dialects .

  20. 第三章研究北京话里的被动标记给,着重探讨了给用法的多功能性对其被动用法的发展所起的影响。

    IN Chapter Three , we emphasize that the multi-function of " gei " will influence the development of its passive function .

  21. 汉语称谓的动态研究近百年来北京话正反问句动态研究

    The Dynamic Study of Chinese Address Forms The Dynamic Study of the Positive-and-Negative Questions in Beijing Dialect in the Last Hundred Years

  22. 清中叶以来北京话的被动给及其相关问题&兼及南方官话的被动给

    Passive " Gei " in Peking Dialect since Mid-Qing Dynasty and Related Issues of Passive " Gei " in Southern Mandarin Chinese

  23. 同样的中文音译用北京话、福建话、广东话等等念起来都很不一样,并且每一种念法都会随著岁月而演变。

    The same Chinese transliteration sounds very different in Mandarin , Fujianese , Cantonese , etc and each will evolve over time .

  24. 本章第4节简要回顾了语言变异研究、北京话的社会语言学研究以及社会分层的相关研究。

    The fourth part of this chapter briefly reviews the research of language variation , social linguistics of Beijing Mandarin and social class .

  25. 广州话和北京话中都有三个鼻音:[m]、[n]、[η]。

    There are the same three nasals found in the two dialects , [ m ] , [ n ] and [ η ] .

  26. 笔者把一些主要类型的调查结果绘制成语言地图和表格,并与山西方言和北京话的称谓系统作了对比。

    The writer drew language maps and tables to show the results . We also compared some kinship terms with Shanxi and Beijing dialects .

  27. 本文研究汉语的体貌系统,重点研究现代汉语普通话及其基础方言北京话中的体貌问题。

    This dissertation is concerned with the aspectual system in Chinese , especially that in Modern Standard Chinese and its basic dialect , Beijing Dialect .

  28. 她说得一口地道的北京话,用活泼调皮的肢体语言,将中国式幽默表演得惟妙惟肖,被中国观众誉为“洋笑星”。

    Honored as a foreign comic star , she speaks fluent Beijing dialect and operates her body language in a lively manner to perform Chinese-style humor perfectly .

  29. 事实上,北京话还是非常标准的,非常接近中国的普通话。

    In fact , as I have now learned , the Beijing language , Beijinghua , is very standard , quite similar to the main Chinese dialect , Mandarin .

  30. 后来,住过无数地方,学习过各种不同的语言,北京话却跟了我一辈子,无论如何,难舍难分。

    Afterwards , I had been to many places and learned various kinds of languages , while the Beijing dialect was the only one accompanying me all my life .