
ér huà
  • suffixation of a nonsyllabic "r" to nouns and sometimes verbs, causing a retroflexion of the preceding vowel, typical of the pronunciation of standard Chinese and of some dialects;suffixation of a nonsyllabic r to nouns and sometimes verbs,causing a retroflexion of the preceding vowel,typical of the pronunciation of standard Chinese and of some dialects
儿化 [ér huà]
  • [suffixation of a nonsyllabic r to nouns and sometimes verbs,causing a retroflexion of the preceding vowel,typical of the pronunciation of standard Chinese and of some dialects] 普通话和某些方言中的一种语音现象。后缀儿字不自成音节,而和前头的音节合在一起,使前一音节的韵母成为卷舌韵母

儿化[ér huà]
  1. 第三章是对汉语儿化的经典OT分析。

    Chapter three provides a classic OT analysis of r-suffixation in Chinese to demonstrate the deficiency of classic OT for phonological opacity .

  2. 汉语儿化是一种音节融合现象。

    Retroflex suffixation in Chinese is a phenomenon of syllable merger .

  3. 现代汉语的儿化韵和音节结构

    Retr of lexion and Syllabic Structure of Modern Mandarin

  4. 论普通话“儿化韵”的发音原理及规则

    Discuss the rules or the pronunciation of chinese " rhyme of er "

  5. 北京地名的儿化现象十分普遍。

    Retroflex suffixation of place names is a very common phenomenon in Beijing .

  6. 50篇朗读材料中的儿化音节应有相对明确的标准&谈普通话水平测试的信度

    A Talk on the Reliability of Mandarin Proficiency Test

  7. 山东莱阳方言的儿化现象

    The [ ■ r ] Suffixation in Laiyang Dialect

  8. 本文从音系学的角度对汉语儿化进行分析。

    This thesis is to make a phonological analysis of the Chinese r-suffixation .

  9. 武汉话中的类儿化音变

    On One Kind of Sound Change in Wuhan Dialect

  10. 儿化是汉语独特的语言现象。

    The son is Chinese unique language phenomenon .

  11. 儿化的活用是修辞层面上的规范用法;

    The use of the suffixation of nonsyllabic " r " is rhetorically standardized .

  12. 现代汉语中词语儿化后的语义类型

    The Semantic Category for Terms with the Suffix " r " in Contemporary Chinese

  13. 并在出版物中使儿化词词形规范化。

    In publications , the word form of the suffixation " er " is standardized .

  14. 子尾词的儿化。

    The retroflection of Suffix Zi words .

  15. 山西方言儿化、儿尾研究

    Studies of the [ er ] Suffixation and [ er ] Tail in Shanxi Dialects

  16. 儿化词的家族相似性及其认知基础&以河北方言为例

    The Family Similarity of R-pronounced Words and Its Basis of Cognition & Cases from Hebei Dialect

  17. 普通话与昆明方言儿化韵的比较

    A Comparison between the " r-ending retr of lexion " in Mandarin and that in Kunming Dialect

  18. 儿化后缀诱发的词干交替研究涉及音段结构和音节结构两个板块理论和相关分析。

    The analysis of the syllable structure and segmental structure is analytically crucial and theoretically relevant to this research .

  19. 基于估计共振峰走向的汉语韵母识别方案(2)有[(?)r]韵和儿化韵;

    Speaker-independent Chinese vowel recognition based upon formant trajectory estimation ( 2 ) [ r ] vowel and r-final .

  20. 儿化词运用得当,可以使语言更加鲜明、活泼、生动。

    The son word utilization is appropriate , may cause the language to be brighter , to be lively , is vivid .

  21. 这是在语言经济原则的制约下,由儿化韵结构的不平衡性导致的必然结果。

    This is the language of economic principles constraints , the r-ending retroflexion structure led to the inevitable result of the imbalance .

  22. 海原方言有24个声母(包括零声母),32个韵母(不包括儿化韵),4个单字调。

    The haiyuan dialect has 24 initial consonants ( including zero initial ), 32 finals ( not including rhymy ), 4 single tones .

  23. 本文着重考察晋语诸方言的儿尾变调与儿化变调,分析这两种变调所遵循的不同音系规则。

    This paper investigates tone change induced by er-suffixation , showing that tones behave differently with respect to different types of morpho-phonological processes .

  24. 在文中对儿化的特点、结构进行描述,在用较多的例字加以说明。

    The treatise gives some descriptions to the feature and structures as well as illustrates it with many words which are popular and reprehensive .

  25. 这部分是讲如何在对外汉语教学中教授必读儿化词,这也是本文的第二个重点部分。

    This part mainly talks about how to teach foreigners to use the required reading R-pronounced Words , which is another key part of this paper .

  26. 汉语方言的变声、变韵、变调,以及轻声、儿化及其他小称音变等,可统称为语流音变。

    The mutation of the Chinese dialect includes the change of the initial or the final of a syllable and the tones in different language environments .

  27. 另外,对儿缀、儿化、儿尾子缀等术语作了鉴定,以便文章的理解。

    In addition , the children decorated "," children ", children end "" sub-suffix " terms were identified , so that the understanding of the article .

  28. 文化熟悉度和篇章视觉词汇量对外语阅读中词汇附带习得的影响《普通话水平测试实施纲要》中儿化词语的词形规范及数量控制

    The Effect of Cultural Familiarity and Passage Sight Vocabulary on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Through Foreign Language Reading The R-coloured Words in The Essentials of Putonghua Proficiency test

  29. 第二章对临澧方言的音变现象进行了研究分析,包括轻声、儿化、文白异读的分析。

    Chapter Two is about the research and analysis about the variability of the phonetic phenomena including analysis of light tone and er suffix and literary reading and colloquial reading .

  30. 但迁安方言中没有卷舌韵母,这一语音特点同其他一些因素使得儿化与北京话的儿化相比表现出了自己的特点。

    But the Qian'an dialect hasn 't retroflex finals , this phonetic feature and other factors make it 's r-ending retroflexion compared with ther-ending retroflexion in Beijing demonstrate own feature .