
ér tóng qī
  • childhood
儿童期[ér tóng qī]
  1. 这是一种起病于儿童期,以简单或复杂的不自主、重复、快速的一个或多个部位肌肉抽动和发声抽动为主要临床表现的神经精神疾病,可伴有不同程度的多动、注意力不集中、强迫动作或其他行为症状。

    This is a neuropsychiatric disease that starts in childhood , with simple or complex involuntary , repetitive , rapid muscle twitching , and can be accompanied by varying degrees of hyperactivity , inattention , forced movement or other behavioral symptoms .

  2. 联合作用分析发现:儿童期肥胖和成年期肥胖联合作用对CAS预测风险有统计学意义。

    Interaction analysis found that childhood obesity and adult obesity had the interaction effect on predict CAS in adulthood , P0.05 .

  3. 儿童期脑星形母细胞瘤的CT、MRI表现特征的探讨

    CT and MRI Appearances of Cerebral Astroblastomas in Children

  4. 儿童期小脑星形胶质细胞瘤的MRI特征

    MRI Features of Cerebellar Astrocytomas in Children

  5. A族链球菌(GAS)是儿童期感染的常见病原菌,可以造成严重侵袭性感染及感染后并发症。

    Group A streptococcus ( GAS ) is one of the common pathogens in children , which could result in severe invasive infections and complications of post-infection .

  6. 图雷特精神障碍(Tourettedisorder)是一种慢性儿童期发病且主要侵犯神经系统的疾病。

    Context Tourette disorder is a chronic and typically impairing childhood-onset neurologic condition .

  7. 目的:研究儿童期正常颞骨变异的发生率,CT表现及其临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the incidence and appearance of the normal variations of the temporal bone on CT scans and its clinical significance in children .

  8. 了解体块指数(BMI)在儿童期的变化特点,为儿童肥胖的评价提供依据。

    To study the changes in body mass index ( BMI ) and provide the standard measure of obesity during childhood .

  9. 神经母细胞瘤(Nb)是儿童期常见的恶性肿瘤之一,组织学上以低分化的小圆细胞为特征;

    Neuroblastoma ( Nb ), a tumor of the peripheral nervous system , is one of the most common malignancies in childhood .

  10. 结论XALD是一种X连锁隐性遗传性疾病,其临床特征为儿童期起病的进行性听力、视力障碍和智能减退。

    Conclusions ALD is an inherited disease as an X linked trait . The childhood X ALD is characteristiced by progressive auditory , visual and intelligent deterioration .

  11. 组间率的比较采用x~2检验,组间均数的比较则采用Z检验,等级资料采用秩和检验,儿童期不良经历与其自杀行为的相关性分析则采用单因素及多因素logistic回归分析。

    Chi-square test , Z test , nonparametric test and logistic regression analysis were applied to analyze the prevalence of adverse childhood experience and suicidal behavior and its correlation .

  12. 方法:对67例儿童期精神分裂症和71例正常儿童进行弓形虫抗体IgG、IgM和循环抗原检测。

    Methods : Toxoplasma antibody IgG , LgM and circular antigen ( CAg ) were measured in 67 children with schizophrenia and 71 healthy children .

  13. 结果儿童期自发性颅内出血病因以脑动静脉畸形(AVM)多见,占25/44。

    Results The most common cause of SIH was cerebral arteriovenous malformation ( AVM 25 / 44 ) .

  14. TdT在儿童期B-ALL中的表达特点

    Expression features of TdT in childhood B-ALL

  15. 结论小儿肺母细胞瘤无论在组织学、遗传学还是在临床表现及预后与成人肺母细胞瘤(PB)有明显不同,是一种少见的极易误诊的儿童期恶性肿瘤。

    Conclusion : Pleuropulmonary blastoma in children is a rare malignant neoplasm , which is quite different from adult in histology , genetic , clinical evidence and prognosis . Misdiagnosis is frequent .

  16. 神经母细胞瘤(Neuroblastoma,NB)是一种常见的儿童期恶性肿瘤,起源于神经外胚层细胞,发生于肾上腺髓质和交感神经系统。

    Neuroblastoma is a malignant childhood tumor of migrating neuroectodermal cells derived from the neural crest and destined for the adrenal medulla and the sympathetic nervous system .

  17. 目的观察儿童期肝糖原贮积症(GSD)的肾脏并发症。

    Objective To study renal involvement in hepatic glycogen storage disease ( GSD ) in childhood .

  18. 肥胖的预防研究:预防儿童期和青春期肥胖的PRESTO研究项目

    PRESTO - Prevention Study of Obesity : A project to prevent obesity during childhood and adolescence

  19. 应用四色流式细胞分析技术观察135例儿童期B-ALL患者CD58分子的表达特点;

    The expression features of CD58 in 135 cases of childhood B-ALL were analyzed by four-color flow cytometry ;

  20. 目的阐明儿童期特发性男性乳腺发育(CIG)的性质。

    Objective In order to elucidate the quality of childhood idiopathic male gynecomastia ( CIG ) .

  21. 4探讨OCD患者的儿童期心理创伤及其对OCD和人格障碍形成的影响。

    To explore childhood traumatic experiences of OCD patients including those who were also diagnosed with personality disorders and those without personality disorders .

  22. 结论小儿PPB是儿童期少见的胚胎性恶性肿瘤,CT扫描为早期诊断及观察病变变化的首选方法。

    Conclusion Pleuropulmonary blastoma is an embryonic malignant tumor which is rare in children . CT is the preferred method for the early diagnosis and the observation of the changes of the lesions .

  23. LennoxGastaut综合征(LGS)是一种儿童期顽固性癫痫。

    Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome ( LGS ) is a type of intractable epilepsy that occurs in childhood .

  24. 重视儿童期CagA阳性Hp感染的血清流行病学研究,对减少成年消化疾病发病率,提高民族健康素质具有深远的意义。

    It was important to study the CagA positive Hp infection in children with epidemiological methods . There were far-reaching significance to reduce the rates of digestive system diseases in adults .

  25. 结论:RSV及CP感染与婴幼儿哮喘急性发作关系密切,而MP感染与儿童期哮喘急性发作关系密切。

    Conclusion : The results indicate that infant asthma exacerbation is related closely to RSV and CP infections , but in children acute asthma exacerbation is related closely to MP infection .

  26. 计算以7岁时“超重”或BMI总得分的四分位数为表现的儿童期肥胖和之后出现哮喘间关系的优势比。

    Odds ratios were calculated for the association between childhood adiposity , expressed as " overweight " or as BMI z-score quartiles at7 yrs of age , and asthma development after that age .

  27. 目的探讨具有中央-颞部棘波的良性儿童期癫痫(BECT)的临床特点。

    Objective To investigate clinical characteristics of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes ( BECT ) .

  28. 注意缺陷、多动障碍(ADHD)是儿童期最为常见的一种心理行为疾病,药物治疗是ADHD主要的治疗方法之一。

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) has been one of the most common psychological and behavioral diseases in children , and pharmacotherapy is one of the main therapy of ADHD .

  29. 有两条正常BDNF基因的患者与普通人群相比,不太可能在儿童期开始发胖,也没有报告不正常的超常的暴食。

    The patients who had two working copies of the BDNF gene were no more likely to develop childhood onset obesity than the general population , and did not report unusually high levels of overeating .

  30. 结果VGS和MGS潜伏期均随年龄增长而缩短,5~13岁儿童期VGS潜伏期在200~400ms范围内,15~19岁以后稳定于200ms;

    The VGS latency of 5 to 13 years children was within the scope of 200 to 400 ms , of 15 to 19 years was 200 ms.