
  • 网络physical growth
  1. 富含α-乳清蛋白及AA/DHA配方奶粉对足月婴儿体格生长及耐受性的影响

    Growth and tolerance of feeding a reduced protein formula enriched in bovine alpha-lactalbumin and AA / DHA in term infants

  2. 提示IGF-1/IGFBP-3水平降低与胎儿期体格生长无关;中义摘要可能与患儿生后生长发育迟缓有关;

    This indicated that the lower IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels had no relation with fetal growth , may have relation with the growth retardation after birth .

  3. 结论生后头4周予高蛋白饮食早期营养干预IUGR幼鼠,可通过促进小肠发育达到满意的体格生长追赶。

    Conclusions The high-protein diet of early nutritional intervention during 4th week of life is helpful for catch-up growth by promoting the intestinal development in rats born with IUGR .

  4. 对生长迟缓、低体重、消瘦的影响因素进行单因素X~2分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析,在排除可能的混杂因素后,探讨H.pylori感染是否仍为影响学龄前儿童体格生长的独立因素。

    The univariate x2 analysis and unconditional multiple logistic regression were performed to identify the risk factors of stunting , underweight and wasting , and the effect of H.pylori infection on growth among preschool children after controlling the possible confounding bias .

  5. 早产儿和足月小样儿的体格生长模式

    Physical growth pattern of premature and small for gestational age infants

  6. 不同喂养方式婴儿体格生长水平比较

    A Comparison of Physique Growth Level among Babies with Different Feeding style

  7. 健康儿童血浆游离氨基酸与体格生长的研究

    A study of plasma free amino acids levels on growth in children

  8. 维生素A缺乏对大鼠体格生长及生殖器官发育的影响

    Effect of vitamin A deficiency on the development and growth of rats

  9. 浙江省0-6月龄婴儿体格生长状况的评价研究

    Analysis of 0-6 Months Old Children 's Growth Status in Zhejiang Province

  10. 补充酸奶对北京郊区学前儿童体格生长的影响

    The influence of yoghurt supplementation on the growth rate of preschool children in Beijing suburb

  11. 另外,记录上海儿童每天的各项活动情况,分析儿童血脂与体格生长、膳食、运动的关系。

    Moreover , different types of daily physical activities were also recorded in Shanghai children group .

  12. 智力低下儿童的体格生长

    Physical growth in mentally retarded children

  13. 低出生体重对儿童和青少年的体格生长有长期的消极影响。

    LBW have long term effect on children 's physical growth , which persist into their adolescence .

  14. 目的了解广西农村0~3岁婴幼儿体格生长发育水平。

    Objective To comprehend the level of physical growth and development of 0-3 years old children in Guangxi country .

  15. 营养强化辅助食品补充物对甘肃贫困农村婴幼儿体格生长的影响

    Effects of nutrient fortified complementary food supplements on growth of infants and young children in poor rural area in Gansu Province

  16. 结论:做好儿童保健工作,指导家长科学喂养,可积极促进婴儿体格生长,降低儿童患病率。

    Conclusion : Good child health care and guided parental feeding can improve their physical growth and lower the possibility of illness .

  17. 现从儿童体格生长、智能发育两个方面阐述铅对儿童生长发育的不利影响及其可能机制,以期引起儿童保健医生、儿科医生、妇产科医生的重视。

    The article discusses the affect of lead on the physical growth and the intelligence development of children in order to guide the clinical practice of doctors .

  18. 学龄结论学龄儿童体格生长水平提高和性成熟年龄提前,主要是外界环境因素作用的结果,其中以营养等生活条件的改善最为重要。

    Conclusion The level of physical growth is increasing , and the sex-maturity age advanced which owe ambient circumstance , and the most importance of them is enhanced nutrition .

  19. 若此时能及早得到诊断及治疗,可避免新生儿重要脏器的不可逆性损害,更能避免体格生长、智能发育落后,甚至死亡。

    If we can get this diagnosis and treatment , can avoid the irreversible damage to vital organs , more can avoid physical growth , intelligent development backwardness , and even death .

  20. 结论婴儿体格生长最快时期在出生后3月及12月,3月龄是婴儿生长发育的第一关键期,12月龄为婴儿生长发育的第二关键期。

    Conclusion The infant fastest growth period are the first 3 months and 12 months after born . The first 3 months is the first important period of the growth and the first 12 months follows .

  21. 为探讨贫血对不同年龄儿童体格生长的影响,对1991~1997年在江苏省儿童保健研究中心接受健康检查的儿童进行了体格生长的回顾性调查。

    To investigate the effect of anemia on the growth and development in children at various ages , the retrospective study was made on growth and development in children who had regularly physical examination from 1991 to 1997 in Jiangsu Children Health Care Research Center .

  22. 方法:采用自行设计的一套早期干预方法通过指导家长对实验组实施,分别在3个月、6个月时进行体格生长和行为发育的评估,另设对照组进行比较。

    Methods Compared with control group , the high risk neonate in experimental group was trained by their trained parent every day using early intervention designed by us . The physical growth and the behavior development signs of two groups were evaluated at 3,6 month respectively .

  23. 小尾寒羊是在黄淮平原农区特定的生态条件下,经过自然选择和群众培育形成的肉、裘兼用品种,主要优点是体格大,生长快和繁殖率高;

    Small Tail Han-yang is meat and fur sheep breed that is formed by natural selection and popular breed under particular ecological condition of Huang Huai plain agricultural areas . Main merits are big conformation , fast growth and high reproductive rate .

  24. 方法根据湖北省、武汉市有关部门和单位历年发布的学生生长发育资料,统计分析不同年代体格发育指标的生长水平和月经初潮平均年龄及其长期变化(secularchangeofgrowth)趋势;

    Method Use data of physical growth of student from relative departments in Wuhan and Hubei province to analysis the level of physical growth , the mean menarche age and secular change of growth in different years ;