
tóu wéi
  • head circumference
头围[tóu wéi]
  1. GDM新生儿头围偏小,各原始反射减弱,影响新生儿的大脑发育。

    GDM neonatal head circumference slants small , the original reflection abate , the influence of the newborn brain development .

  2. 于新生儿出生后2小时内,测量这两组新生儿的体重、身长、头围、上臂围及GDM组新生儿的血糖值。

    Newborn babies were immediately measured the weight , height , head circumference , arm circumference and blood sugar less than 2 hours after their delivery .

  3. 结果营养不良组婴幼儿头围及MI均低于正常发育组,差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。

    Results The head circumference and mentality index in malnutrition cases were lower than those in normal cases , and the differences were statistical significance ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 方法将40例营养不良婴幼儿与性别、年龄相同的正常发育的婴幼儿以1∶1配对,测量其头围及智力指数(MI)。

    Methods Forty malnutrition infants and 40 normally developed infants matched in age and sex were paired in 1 ∶ 1 and were compared on their head circumference and mentality index .

  5. 结果:1、两组早产儿头围、身长、体重的体格发育在纠正胎龄6个月、12个月差异存在统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01)。

    Two group of premature infant encircle , the height , the body weight physique growth in the correction age of the 6 months , 12 months difference existence statistics significance ( P0.05 or P0.01 ) . 2 .

  6. 结果(1)灯盏花素组与复方丹参组胎儿双顶径、股骨长、头围、腹围增大均优于常规治疗组和对照组(P0.01)。

    Results ( 1 ) Compared with the conventional group , the growth of fetal biparietal diameter , femur length , head circumference and abdomen circumference was better in the study group and the control group ( P0 . 01 ) .

  7. 两组间低血糖发生率的差异有统计学意义(P0.05)5.观察组与对照组新生儿发育水平比较:较对照组,GDM新生儿体重较大,头围偏小。

    The incidence of hypoglycemia between the two groups was statistically significant difference ( P0.05 ) 5 . The observation group and control group neonatal development level is : a control group , GDM neonatal weight is larger , the small head circumference .

  8. 结果两组新生儿出生时体重、身长、头围无明显差异,出生5d、42d时的体重身长、头围和胎粪转黄时间、黄疸指数,两组比较均有显著性差异。

    Result There is no significance difference in birth weight between two groups , however , there is significance difference in the weight , height and the time of the meconium turning yellow , when in five days and forty days between tow groups .

  9. 患儿在阻塞性脑积水发生后头围显著增大。

    The head circumference increases significantly secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus .

  10. 头围与人体尺度的相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis of Head Circumference and Human Body Circumference

  11. 比例不符的头围可能表示脑积水或小头畸形。

    Disproportionate head measurements may indicate hydrocephaly or microcephaly .

  12. 我看见一头围着橙色围巾的牛。

    I saw a cow in an orange scarf .

  13. 儿童严重外伤性脑损伤后头围、脑及海马体积

    Head circumference and brain and hippocampal volume after severe traumatic brain injury in childhood

  14. 早产儿出生后头围的加速增长

    Accelerated postnatal head growth follows preterm birth

  15. 两岁以下的婴儿都应测量头围和胸围。

    Head and chest circumference are checked on all children under two years of age .

  16. 婴儿胸围/头围比的动态变化及其意义初探

    The Preliminary Study of Dynamic Change of Chest Circumference / Head Circumference Ratio and Its Significance

  17. 经颅多普勒探测深度与儿童头围的相关性研究

    The correlative study of detecting depths of arteries with transcranial doppler and head circumference in children

  18. 方法按照随机抽样的原则抽取男女儿童共333人,测定体重、身高、头围和胸围4项指标。

    Method 333 infants were chosen to measure their weight , height , head circumference and chest circumference .

  19. 研究还发现舌体大小与身高、体重、头围等因素相关。

    Besides that we found that the tongue size is correlated to the body height , weight and head circumference .

  20. 患病率与早产、低出生体重、产时窒息、头围过小、父母文化程度偏低以及智力低下家族史等因素有关。

    There was a correlation between the incidence and premature , low cultural level of parents and positive family history of MR.

  21. 头围、胸围、上臂围中等水平上者分别占80.6%、85.6%、84.6%。

    The head , chest and upper arm circumferences of medium-sized children account for 80.6 % , 85.6 % and 84.6/0 respectively .

  22. 和其他矮小的人不同,罗密欧的身材非常匀称,他的头围是15英寸(约合38厘米),胸围是20英寸(约合50.8厘米)。

    Unlike many dwarfs , Romeo is well proportioned , with a head circumference of 15in and a chest measurement of 20in .

  23. 结果两组婴儿的身高、体重、头围评价差异无显著性,P>0.05。

    Results There was no significant difference between the two groups of height , weight and head circumference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 影响眼轴长的因素有性别、屈光状态、调节能力、前房深、玻璃体腔长和头围。

    Sex , refractive state , accommodative power , anterior chamber depth , vitreous chamber length and head circumference affected ocular axis length .

  25. 新生儿出生时体格测量指标采用出生身长、出生体重、出生头围和出生胸围等。

    Survey variables of newborns had birth length , birth weight , birth head circumference , birth chest circumference , and gestational age .

  26. 脊髓圆锥位置和胎龄、体重、头围、身高呈显著负相关。

    The position of conus medullaris terminal had a negative correlation with gestational age , body weight , head circumference and body height .

  27. 方法调查6所幼儿园的1831名儿童,男1007名,女824名;用2米标准尺测量儿童的身高,杠杆式磅称称体重,软尺测头围及胸围;

    Methods We measured the height , weight , chest measurement and head circumferences of 1831 children , the including 1007 boys and 824 girls .

  28. 每分钟单位头围大脑中动脉的最大速度及平均速度在中孕期间变化小。

    Unit head circumference maximum and mean blood flow velocities per minute of fetal middle cerebral artery were changed little during the normal second trimester .

  29. 结论合肥市城市母乳喂养婴儿身长发育优于农村婴儿,但体重、头围城乡差别不明显。

    Conclusion The height , but not weight or head circumference of urban breast fed infants was superior to rural breast fed infants in hefei city .

  30. 本次研究未发现脐带血铅、镉与新生儿出生身长、体重、头围和神经行为发育的关系。

    The study did not find cord blood lead , cadmium and birth length , weight , head circumference , and the relationship between neurobehavioral development . 2 .