
tóu fa
  • hair;lock;pile;hair on a human head;barnet
头发 [tóu fà]
  • (1) [hair]∶人头上长的毛

  • 头发上指。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • (2) [pile]∶指像软毛似的一头漂亮的短发

头发[tóu fa]
  1. 天啊,你把头发弄成什么样子啦!

    Good Lord , what have you done to your hair !

  2. 她用护发剂梳顺了头发。

    She used conditioner to remove the snarls from her hair .

  3. 你一点儿都不显老,只是有几根灰白头发!

    You 're wearing well ─ only a few grey hairs !

  4. 你竟对他的头发说三道四,真是缺心眼!

    It was tactless of you to comment on his hair !

  5. 她的头发上系着两根蓝色丝带。

    She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair .

  6. 我梳头时头发就有好多静电。

    My hair gets full of static when I brush it .

  7. 他抓住一把头发猛拉。

    He grabbed a handful of hair and jerked at it .

  8. 经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。

    Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable .

  9. 玛丽的红头发在学校里总是很惹眼。

    Mary 's red hair always made her conspicuous at school .

  10. 朱莉娅不得不克制住自己,不去抚摩他的头发。

    Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair .

  11. 约翰撩开眼前的一绺头发。

    John brushed a lock of hair from his eyes .

  12. 我的头发很快又恢复了本色。

    My hair soon grew back to its natural colour .

  13. 他那油亮的头发平平整整地梳向耳后。

    His glossy hair was sleeked back over his ears .

  14. 他的头发用了发胶,朝后/朝下梳得平平整整的。

    His hair was slicked back / down with gel .

  15. 她把头发盘在头顶上。

    Her hair was coiled on top of her head .

  16. 他把头发弄湿,梳得平平的。

    He dampened his hair to make it lie flat .

  17. 他竭力将手指从她缠绕的头发中挣脱出来。

    He tried to disentangle his fingers from her hair .

  18. 我做饭时把头发束在后面。

    I tie back my hair when I 'm cooking .

  19. 她的头发拢在后面,扎成一个马尾辫。

    Her hair was scraped back from her face in a ponytail .

  20. 你的头发你想怎么染就怎么染。

    You can dye your hair whatever colour you like .

  21. 我想把脑后的头发剪短约一英寸。

    I want about an inch off the back of my hair .

  22. 她把棕色的头发从眼前拢到脑后。

    She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes .

  23. 他的头发是黑色的,但两鬓已见斑白。

    He had black hair , greying at the temples .

  24. 史蒂夫又高又瘦,长着棕色的头发。

    Steve is tall and thin and has brown hair .

  25. 她猛地使劲扯了一下她姐姐的头发。

    She gave her sister 's hair a sharp tug .

  26. 她的头发扎在脑后打了个整齐的蝴蝶结。

    Her hair was tied back in a neat bow .

  27. 她的头发随风在脸际飘拂。

    Her hair whipped around her face in the wind .

  28. 他抬起头,拂开了脸上的头发。

    He lifted his head , flicking his hair off his face .

  29. 我父母看见我的头发时大惊失色。

    My parents really freaked when they saw my hair .

  30. 她脖子后面的头发剪得很短。

    Her hair was cut short at the nape of her neck .