
tóu gǔ
  • skull;cranium
头骨 [tóu gǔ]
  • [skull;cranium] 骨名。即颅,头部骨骼。由脑颅骨与面颅骨构成

头骨[tóu gǔ]
  1. 头骨在15至25岁之间长合。

    The skull bones fuse between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five

  2. 他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。

    He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull .

  3. 病人的大脑活动通过固定在其头骨上的电极进行监控。

    The patient 's brain activity is monitored via electrodes taped to the skull .

  4. 他的头骨是被来复枪的枪托砸伤的。

    The butt of a rifle had been used to bash in his skull .

  5. 他的头骨开裂了。

    He suffered a fractured skull .

  6. 子弹穿透了头骨。

    The bullet punctured the skull .

  7. 随身携带它很不容易,尤其是当把它装进一个巨大的头骨里时。

    It 's not easy to carry it around , especially when boxed inside a massive skull .

  8. 现在,研究人员们把令人惊叹的化石新发现和最新电子计算机断层扫描技术结合起来,制作出了最为先进的原始鸟类头骨3D模型。

    Now researchers have combined extraordinary new fossil discoveries with the latest CT scanning techniques to make the most advanced 3D model of the skull2 of a primitive4 bird .

  9. 但由于鸟类的头骨微小而纤细,因此很少有保存完好的化石,这使相关研究的展开变得困难。

    But their tiny delicate skulls3 have been difficult to study as they 're rarely preserved as fossils .

  10. 化石头骨虚拟3D图像的复原与矫正

    Reconstruction and remedy of virtual 3D images of fossils

  11. 国际莫扎特基金会是一个非盈利性的私人组织,由萨尔茨堡当地居民成立于1880年,其主要目的是为了保存莫扎特遗物,DNA测试所用的头骨就是由它提供的。

    The foundation , a private nonprofit organization that works to preserve Mozart 's legacy , was founded in1880 by Salzburg residents and made the skull available for the DNA tests .

  12. 沈医生给雯雯做了一个CT扫描,结果证实飞镖的刀刃插进雯雯的头骨大约2厘米深。

    Dr Shen did a computerised tomography ( CT ) scan for Wenwen . The scan confirmed that the blade had been stuck in Wenwen 's skull for about two centimetres .

  13. 这件作品名为上帝之爱(FortheLoveofGod),是这位艺术家根据两年前从伊斯灵顿一个标本商店购得的一个18世纪人类头骨,用铂金浇铸的复制品。

    The work , entitled For the Love of God , is a platinum cast of an 18th century human skull the artist bought from a taxidermy shop in Islington two years ago .

  14. 新的CT扫描技术使他们能够创建头骨的3D模型来与现代的蛇类和蜥蜴作比较,才得出此发现。

    The discovery was possible thanks to new CT scan technology that allowed them to create 3D models of the skull and compare them to that of modern snakes and lizards .

  15. Hefellandfracturedhisupperarm.他跌了跤,造成了上臂骨折。成龙浑身上下都是伤,他的头骨、眼眶、鼻子骨折三次,下巴、肩膀、胸、两根手指和一侧膝盖都曾经骨折过。

    His skull , his eyes , his nose , three times , his jaws , his shoulder , his chest , two fingers , a knee .

  16. 该应用程序可以对CT影像进行医学影像处理,并可以输出UG软件的接口文件,从而可以使后续的头骨三维建模和快速成型制造得以顺利完成。

    It can process the CT skull image in human being , output the interface file and accomplish the sequent design of skull in UG software .

  17. 记广西崇左硕豪猪(HystrixmagnaPei,1987)&头骨化石

    Note on a fossil skull of hystrix Magna pei , 1987 ( rodentia , mammalia ) from chongzuo , guangxi

  18. JollyRoger-著名的海盗旗,通常用一个头骨和交叉的骨头做象征,是海盗最显著的记号。

    Jolly Roger - The well-known pirate flags , usually represented with symbols of a skull and the crossbones . The most recognized symbol of the pirates .

  19. 利用图像处理软件中所得到的DAT文件,在CAD三维造型软件UG中重建了人体头骨的三维实体模型,为仿生制造奠定了基础。

    We reconstruct the 3-D modeling of human skull in the UG software of CAD , making use of the DAT profile gained by the former software application , which provides a basis for bionic manufacturing .

  20. 中更新世非洲Bodo人类头骨化石与周口店直立人的比较&中国与非洲人类头骨特征对比之三

    The comparisons between the Middle Pleistocene human cranium from bodo , ethiopia and the Homo erectus of Zhoukoudian

  21. 现在被人们称为陶顿25(towton25)的战士在陶顿战役前还参加过别的战斗,有愈合的头骨骨折为证。

    The soldier now known as towton 25 had survived battle before . A healed skull fracture points to previous engagements .

  22. 爱丁堡地学院HongyuYi带领的团队,通过研究的一块被称为Dinilysiapatagonica的古代爬行生物头骨才得出了结论。这种生物与当代蛇类有很大关联,大概存在于9亿年前。

    The team led by Hongyu Yi at Edinburgh 's School of GeoSciences reached the conclusion after studying a 90 million-year-old skull of the Dinilysia patagonica an ancient reptile that is closely related to the modern-day snake .

  23. 研究组选择了在比利时Goyet洞居住了几千的洞熊的头骨进行研究。

    The research group selected the skulls of40 cave bears which lived in the Goyet Cave in Belgium thousands of years ago .

  24. 如今,这两个系统使用“湿”电极,它通过头骨下导电胶收集脑波,但该公司正在研究采用干法工作电极的新版本,Bruckner说。

    Today , both systems use " wet " electrodes , which pick up the brainwaves using a conducting gel under the skullcap , but the company is working on a new version using dry electrodes , said Bruckner .

  25. 广饶新石器时代人类头骨的小变异

    Minor skeletal variants of Neolithic human skulls from guangrao , shandong

  26. 兽类头骨测量标准Ⅰ:基本量度

    A Guide to the Measurement of Mammal Skull ⅰ: Basic Measurement

  27. 但最新的扫描显示并没有头骨破裂。

    The latest scan , however , showed no skull fractures .

  28. 模型填补了头骨的缺失处。

    The mold filled in the missing sections of the skull .

  29. 把脑浆和头骨碎片都清理掉。

    Scoop up all those little pieces of brain and skull .

  30. 恐龙头骨标志头我们国家的尊严。

    The dinosaur 's skull represents the esteem of our country .