
  • boss;chief;leader;honcho;guv'nor
头儿 [tou er]
  • [head] 负责人

  • 他是我们的头儿

  1. 他认为自己是头儿。

    He thinks he 's the boss .

  2. Tom最近老迟到,不过我相信头儿一定不会追究。

    Tom is often late for work these days , but I 'm sure boss will cut him some slack .

  3. 其他孩子不断地耻笑他的个头儿。

    The other kids continually taunted him about his size .

  4. 他以前是大臣官署的头儿。

    He is a former head of the chancellery .

  5. 萨尔是这伙人的头儿。

    Sal was the leader of the pack .

  6. “如果你不介意,我想跟小伙子们谈一谈。”——“当然不会,头儿。”

    ' I 'd like to talk to the lads if you don 't mind . ' — ' Of course not , Chief . '

  7. 这种西瓜个头儿大。

    This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size .

  8. 问题已经解决了,没什么说头儿了。

    Now that the problem is solved , nothing remains to be said .

  9. 那还有什么活头儿?

    Then what does one want to live for ?

  10. 这小伙子个头儿不小。

    This young chap is very tall .

  11. 谁先起头儿?

    Who is going to lead off ?

  12. 太阳刚露头儿,我们就起来了。

    The sun had hardly appeared when we got up .

  13. 儿子死后,他觉得生活没个熬头儿。

    After his son 's death , he lost purpose in life .

  14. 这段唱腔有听头儿。

    This aria is a joy to listen to .

  15. 这是你挑的头儿吧?

    You started all this , didn 't you ?

  16. 咱们干的全算白饶,得打头儿重来。

    Our work was all for nothing , and we must start over again .

  17. 她是我们组的头儿。

    She is the head of our group .

  18. 一个人一提头儿,大家就议论起来了。

    When someone had set the ball rolling , everyone joined in the discussion .

  19. 他们是一头儿的。

    They are on the same side .

  20. 你这故事讲到什么时候才是个头儿呀!

    Whenever will you finish your story ?

  21. 评定职称要看业务水平,不能靠熬年头儿。

    Professional titles should be awarded on the basis of actual performance , not on seniority .

  22. 他知道越解释越糟,马上拨转话头儿谈别的了。

    Knowing that any explanation would only make matters worse ; he hastened to change the subject .

  23. 他很快地走出去,撇下侍者头儿半信半疑地瞪着这张薄薄的蓝纸

    He walked out fast , leaving the head waiter staring dubiously at the flimsy blue paper .

  24. 那个15号大街警察局的头儿,宽下巴,非常自满的杰克法雷尔(b欧内斯特海明威)

    The square - jawed , ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell , the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station ( bErnest Hemingway )

  25. 现在你们的头儿是j埃德加?

    Or are you still working for j.edgar ?

  26. 你还记得吗,头儿的儿子与Jesse玩,把他左臂弄折了?

    You remember when the chief 's son was playing with Jesse and broke his left arm ?

  27. Juan第一个到达现场并呼叫在路那头儿卖水果的父亲。

    Juan was the first to reach the scene and called his father who was further up the road selling fruit .

  28. 好了,那现在该项目的头儿有活儿可干了,他需要对BPMN模型做一个操作以便在SVN中创建一个开发项目。

    The project lead now has an action available for the BPMN model to create a development project in SVN .

  29. 排在其黑名单首位的就是甲壳虫——他们“利用肮脏、蓬乱的外表和音乐暗示,为我们与青年之间的障碍提供了基础”。FBI的头儿拒绝了埃尔维斯的帮助。

    At the top of his hit list were The Beatles , who 'd " laid the groundwork for many of the problems we are having with young people by their filthy , unkempt appearance and suggestive music . " The head of the FBI declined Elvis 's assistance .

  30. 你批评他,他总有说头儿。

    Whenever you criticize him , he always has an excuse .