
  1. 重论萧绎的文学派别归属

    Another discussion on the literary ascription of Xiao Yi 's works

  2. 娱情游戏纤巧圆润&试论萧绎诗歌的社会功能及艺术特色

    Social Function and Artistic Conception in the Poems of Xiao Yi

  3. 这种说法,出于对一些基本文献的误解和萧绎创作风格的忽视。

    This opinion actually results from the misunderstanding of some basic literature and from the ignorance of Xiao Yi 's writing style .

  4. 梁代的统治者萧衍、萧统、萧纲、萧绎由于其特殊的政治地位,加上他们对文学特别的重视和偏爱,在这场文学变革中扮演了非常重要的角色。

    The rulers of Liang Dynasty , Xiao Yan , Xiao Tong , Xiao Gang and Xiao Yi , played the key role in the reform because of their special political status and great interests in literature .

  5. 萧衍第七子、湘东王萧绎派大将王僧辩东讨,连败侯景,并乘胜东下,梁太守陈霸先也从广州率兵北上。

    The army led by Wang Sengbian , subordinate of King of Xiang Dong , Xiao Yi , the seventh son of Xiao Yan , beat Hou Jing and headed for the east . Even worse , governor Chen Baxian of Liang also set out with his army from Guang Dong .