
xiāo suǒ
  • desolate;bleak and chilly
萧索 [xiāo suǒ]
  • [bleak and chilly;desolate] 衰败;冷落

  • 苍茫的天底下远近横着几个萧索的村落

萧索[xiāo suǒ]
  1. 栽种冬春季节开花的鳞茎植物可以在大多数花园看上去还比较萧索的时候提供多彩的装点。

    The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate .

  2. 村前村后的野草刚起始变黄,一抹斜阳映照之下,更增了几分萧索。

    Weed around the village had just changed yellow , under the setting sun , it looked more desolate .

  3. 隆冬时节,绿波形的北极光穿过夜空和萧索的蓝色黄昏,为XXX的冬季增添了一丝神秘。

    In the heart of winter , the northern lights crossing the night sky in green waves and the blue dusk of wintry evenings add a sense of mystique to the Lappish winter .

  4. 在萧索单调的冬季里,人们总是在盼望着春天。

    Monotonous in the winter , people always look forward to spring .

  5. 某些动物会泰然接受秋季的萧索

    Some will welcome the chills of autumn ,

  6. 在这个酷寒的冬季,万物萧索,唯有希望和美德坚忍不拔

    That in the depth of winter , when nothing but hope and virtue could survive

  7. 轻薄的身躯,无奈的飘落河流,和着萧索的秋风,舞动着恋恋不舍,荡漾着凄凉寂寞。

    Thin body , helplessly falling rivers , and with losing their leaves in autumn , dancing with reluctantly , waves the desolate loneliness .

  8. 青春已经撕裂在某一个缤纷的夏天,或者沉没在某一个萧索的冬天,在无知无觉之中。

    The youth has been torn away in a certain colorful summer , or it submerged into a desolate winter before I realised that .

  9. 足见有感觉的动物,有情趣的人类,对于秋,总是一样地特别能引起深沉,幽远、严厉、萧索的感触来的。

    All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive humans alike are prone to the feeling of depth , remoteness , severity and bleakness .

  10. 随后,在一个阴沉萧索的二月,疾病封闭了我的眼睛和耳朵,重新将我抛进一个新生婴儿般的无意识状态。

    Then , in the dreary month of February , came the illness which closed my eyes and ears and plunged me into the unconsciousness of a new-born baby .

  11. 白塔却高耸到云间,傻白傻白的把一切都带得冷寂萧索,整个的三海在人工的雕琢中显出北地的荒寒。

    Above towered the white dagoba , its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes , despite their man-made adornments , revealed their full northern bleakness .

  12. 我们看到了他为俱乐部带来的一切好的转变,我们陶醉在他为我们带来的一次次狂欢中,在这个萧索的寒冬,我们认为唯有团结在他身边才是唯一的正解。

    We see all the good he has done and while we revelled in the good times he has brought , I think it only right we stick by his side in this bleak spell .