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  • Green bamboo;Sinocalamus oldhami
绿竹[lǜ zhú]
  1. 绿竹改良APMP制浆工艺为先用NaOH和Na2SO3对竹片进行预处理,预处理后竹片经盘磨破碎后进行APMP一段预浸渍,最后对预浸渍浆料进行漂白。

    At first bamboo chips were pretreated with NaOH and Na_2SO_3 , then they were impregnated after the pretreating bamboo chips were broken by refiner .

  2. 这些不同栽培类型绿竹的遗传距离为0.1222~0.8154,大部分在0.6以下;RAPD分子标记对竹类植物种下等级进行分类有一定的意义。

    The genetic distance among the studied cultivars was between 0.122 2 and 0.815 4 , and most of the genetic distance was below 0.6.The technique of RAPD molecular markers was helpful to the under species classification of bamboo plants .

  3. 绿竹(Dendrocalamopsisoldhami)用途广泛,成林快、笋期长、产量高、营养丰富,具有较高的经济价值和生态效益。

    Green bamboo ( Dendrocalamopsis oldhami ), which is widely used in many aspects and grows into forest fast . It has long shoot-yield period , output high , nutrient-rich with high economic value and ecological benefits .

  4. 清水带壳绿竹笋软罐头制作工艺的研究

    The Technology for The Soft Can of Bamboo Shoots with Shell

  5. 绿竹笋期生物学特性观察研究

    Observatory studies on biological characteristics of Bambusa atrovirens in spouting period

  6. 绿竹产笋能力研究

    Study on competence of yielding bamboo shoot of Dendrocalamus oldhami

  7. 同时探讨了绿竹笋保鲜问题。

    Preservation of bamboo shoots is discussed as well as .

  8. 绿竹山地栽培技术研究

    Study on Plantation Technique for D.oldhami in Mountainous Land

  9. 绿竹种源的引种水文效应分析

    Analysis on hydrological effect of Bambusa oldhami provenances

  10. 沿海沙地引种绿竹等竹子的抗盐抗旱机理研究

    Study on the Resistance Salt and Drought of the Bamboo in the Dene Coast

  11. 绿竹笋采前品质相关影响因素和采后生理特性研究

    Study on Preharvest Correlative Factor of Quality and Postharvest Physiological Character of Bamboo Shoot

  12. 不同经营方式对绿竹地下结构和林分生物量的影响

    Effects of Different Management Patterns on Root System Structure and Biomass of Bambusa oldhami

  13. 不同竹林结构对绿竹笋产量与品质影响不同。

    The yield and quality on shoots in the different bamboo forest structure were different .

  14. 采用热泵干燥装置探讨了绿竹笋脱水特性。

    Hot pump device for dehydration was used to detect dehydration characteristics of bamboo shoots .

  15. 真空冷冻干燥和热干燥绿竹笋笋干品质的比较

    Studied on the Quality Comparation between the Vacuum Freezing and Hot Drying Bamboo Drying Products

  16. 绿竹林细根周转的研究

    A Study on Fine Root Turnover

  17. 绿竹移竹蔸苗造林与插枝苗造林比较试验结果表明,两者间无显著差异;

    The results reveal that the differences between the two types of afforestation are not obvious ;

  18. 绿竹笋用林丰产机理与栽培技术研究苦竹笋材兼用林立竹结构因子关系研究

    Study on Relation of Bamboo Stem Structure Factors of Pleioblastus amarus for Bamboo Shoot and Timber

  19. 建立了硫酸盐法脱木素过程的动力学模型,研究结果表明,绿竹蒸煮过程中,木素的脱除反应为二级反应。

    Kinetic model of kraft pulping was established , lignin removing reaction belonged to two-order reaction .

  20. 绿竹笋热泵脱水的影响因素分析及工艺参数优化

    Analysis of the factors affecting hot pump dehydration of bamboo shoots and optimization of its technical parameters

  21. 盐分胁迫对沿海沙地绿竹生理生化的效应

    Effects of salt stress on physiology and biochemistry in the leaves of Dendrocalamus oldhami on the coast

  22. 本文探讨的就是在绿竹产业化过程中,政府可以起到而且应该起到的积极作用。

    The article explains what the government can do and should do during the industrialization of bamboo .

  23. 浸胶工艺对绿竹重组竹材性能的影响实木家具与竹集成材家具典型结构与加工比较分析

    Comparison and analysis of the typical structure and processing between solid wooden furniture and glued laminated bamboo furniture

  24. 在此基础上对绿竹叶锈病进行了防治药剂筛选和田间防治试验。

    On the basis of the study , the selection of control chemicals and field control tests was conducted .

  25. 1绿竹单株生物量、各器官生物量均随着胸径及年龄的增大而增加;

    All biomass and different organic biomass of individual bamboo tended to increase with diameter at breast height of age .

  26. 毛竹、绿竹和麻竹的纤维长度较长,纤维素含量均较高,均可作为制取竹浆粕的原料。

    The bamboos have longer fiber length , higher cellulose content and can be all taken as raw materials of bamboo pulp .

  27. 使形成原纤维经受或使经受原纤维形成作用竹原纤的性能及绿竹制备竹原纤的工艺研究

    To undergo or cause to undergo fibrillation . Bamboo Fiber Properties and the Technical Research on Making the Bamboo Fibers with Green Bamboo

  28. 用液膜及固体保鲜剂对绿竹笋进行保鲜,并采用聚乙烯薄膜包装后在3±1℃下进行贮藏。

    The effects of liquid film and solid preservatives on bamboo shoot storage The effect of keeping fresh bamboo shoot in 3 ± 1 ?

  29. 绿竹、红梅、古陶、青铜器等元素的植入,使简约、宁静的空间弥漫出东方特有的人文气息;

    The use of green bamboo , red plum blossom , antique potteries and bronze wares make simple and tranquil space shed special oriental culture .

  30. 为探讨山地绿竹低产林的施肥效果,在福建省福安市进行了不同肥种对株数增长率、产笋量、新老竹胸径以及退笋的影响试验。

    Experiments of fertilization were conducted in Fuan City to find out the effect of fertilization on the dendrocalamopsis oldhami low productive forest on the hill .