
lǜ yě xiān zōng
  • The Wizard of Oz;The Wonderful Wizard of Oz;Over The Rainbow
  1. 甚至《绿野仙踪》里面的Dorothy也穿着蓝色的围裙和短袜。

    Even Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz is kitted out in a light blue pinafore and socks .

  2. 有点像“绿野仙踪”(Oz国的魔法师),或是电影“1984”的“老大哥”,把语音和来源分开,

    So sort of like the Wizard of Oz , or " 1984 's " Big Brother , separating the voice from its source ,

  3. 在一度流行的动画绿野仙踪中,TinMan“seeksaheart”。

    In the ever-popular motion picture , The Wizard of Oz , the Tin Man seeks a heart .

  4. 现在您需要打开RationalFunctionalTester脚本编辑器,查看程序的背后是什么,这样说,就像绿野仙踪中的Dorothy一样。

    Now you need open the Rational Functional Tester script editor to see what 's behind the curtain , so to speak , as Dorothy did with the Wizard of Oz.

  5. 但姿势依然僵硬,很像电影《绿野仙踪》(TheWizardofOz)中的铁皮人(TinMan),为首席执行官们开授个人魅力课程的奥利维娅輠克斯愠班(OliviaFoxCabane)如此说道。

    But he was still stiff , much like the Tin Man character in The Wizard of Oz movie , says Olivia Fox Cabane , who teaches charisma to chief executives .

  6. 就像绿野仙踪中的Dorothy一样,您需要做大量的研究从而找出如何使您的测试工具,RationalFunctionalTester,与这些控件交互。

    Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz , you 'll have to do a fair amount of searching to figure out how to make your test tool , Rational Functional Tester , interact with these controls .

  7. 旅程充满奇异的波折,最终演变成一个由片段组成的故事——一群勇敢的旅行者打败了敌人,有点像中国版的《绿野仙踪》(TheWizardofOz)。

    The journey takes many an exotic detour , and eventually evolves into an episodic story of a band of hardy sojourners fighting off enemies that resembles a Chinese version of " The Wizard of Oz. "

  8. 但华纳兄弟现任及前任高管说,推动影库价值的主要是包括这部电影、《绿野仙踪》(TheWizardofOz)、《诞故事》(AChristmasStory)和《疯狂高尔夫》(Caddyshack)等在内的片子。

    But it 's on the shortlist of films including ' The Wizard of Oz , ' ' A Christmas Story ' and ' Caddyshack ' that drive much of the library 's value , current and former Warner Bros. executives say .

  9. 这就是您引用“绿野仙踪”中Dorothy的话,看看您的狗,说“Toto,我感觉我们已经不在堪萨斯州了。”

    This is the point where you look at your dog and quote Dorothy from " The Wizard of Oz : "" Toto , I 've a feeling we 're not in Kansas anymore . "

  10. 对比一下1939年的《绿野仙踪》。

    Compare this to 1939 with " The Wizard of Oz. "

  11. 我感觉像《绿野仙踪》里的桃乐茜;

    I FEEL like Dorothy in'The Wizard of Oz ' ;

  12. 心一点都不实用除非它们能被做成牢不可破&《绿野仙踪》

    Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable .

  13. 像绿野仙踪里的狮子?

    You mean , like the lion in The Wizard Of Oz ?

  14. 《绿野仙踪》于1900年出版问世。

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published in 1900 .

  15. 我们一起看了《绿野仙踪》。

    we got to watch " The Wizard of Oz " together .

  16. 从小到大一直以来,我最喜欢的电影之一是《绿野仙踪》。

    One of my favorite movies growing up was The Wizard of OZ.

  17. 但是《绿野仙踪》独树一帜。

    But " The Wizard of Oz " stood alone .

  18. 这让我想起了《绿野仙踪》里的场景。

    It reminded me of that scene in " The Wizard of Oz. "

  19. 但如果绿野仙踪管用的话也行

    but if The Wizard Of Oz works for you , well , OK .

  20. 但是我想如果我们今天拍摄《绿野仙踪》,

    But I think if " The Wizard of Oz " were made today ,

  21. 首先,《绿野仙踪》没有什么暴力成分。

    One is there 's very little violence in " The Wizard of Oz. "

  22. 桂北绿野仙踪大西北开发与安康

    The North - West Exploitation and Ankang

  23. 那么少的黄砖路(绿野仙踪中的道路)?

    and so little yellow brick road ?

  24. 艾伦从这片绿野仙踪走出去时,与故事中的情节不太一样。

    His departure from the land of Oz was rather different from that in the fable .

  25. 这些元素借鉴自经典影片《美好人生》和《绿野仙踪》。

    Such references borrow from classics like It ` s a Wonderful Life and The Wizard of Oz.

  26. 我要说的内容和电影《绿野仙踪》有关。

    I 'm going to relate this particular article to the movie " The Wizard of Oz. "

  27. 亦真亦幻的说部大山水&清代小说《绿野仙踪》评析

    Also really also Imaginary Said a Big Scenery & The Qing Dynasty Novel Green Wild Immortal Trace Evaluates

  28. 桂北绿野仙踪

    The North of Guilin

  29. 像“绿野仙踪”这样的影片,或是契诃夫的戏剧,加利福尼亚中部的风景,

    movies like " The Wizard of Oz " or the plays of Chekhov , a central California landscape ,

  30. 《绿野仙踪》是当时造价最昂贵的一部电影,主演嘉兰一举成名。

    The Wizard of Oz , the most expensive film ever made at the time , launched Garland into stardom .