
lǜ dēng
  • green light;permission to go ahead with some project
绿灯 [lǜ dēng]
  • (1) [green light]∶在交叉路口指示车辆可以通行的绿色信号灯光

  • 开绿灯

  • (2) [permission to go ahead with some project]∶准予进行某事

  • 你尽管干吧,上面不会不开绿灯

绿灯[lǜ dēng]
  1. 政府已决定为这项计划开绿灯。

    The government has decided to give the green light to the plan .

  2. 绿灯表示“行”。

    The green light means ' Go ' .

  3. 他在红绿灯处停了车。

    He pulled up at the traffic lights .

  4. 红绿灯信号不协调。

    The traffic lights were out of phase .

  5. 不用停车——是绿灯。

    Keep going ─ the lights are green .

  6. 在刚过巴尔比环岛的地方,有一个临时红绿灯。

    Just past the Barlby roundabout there 's temporary traffic lights .

  7. 我不得不在红绿灯处停车,然后放下遮阳板来遮挡阳光。

    I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light .

  8. 我们永远不会给赌博开绿灯。

    We 'll never give the green light to gambling .

  9. 每个十字路口都有红绿灯。

    There are traffic lights at each crossing .

  10. 我们可以以每小时480公里的速度飞行避开红绿灯和堵车。

    We could fly at 480 km per hour , avoiding traffic lights and busy roads .

  11. 嗯,重要的是要知道,在汽车红绿灯之前就有火车的交通信号灯了。

    Well , it 's import to know that before traffic lights for cars , there were traffic signals for trains .

  12. 红灯停绿灯行这一观念对我们生活的影响远不止于交通信号。

    The idea that red means stop and green means go has influenced our lives in more ways than just traffic signals .

  13. 所以当你下次不耐烦地等红绿灯的时候,别对他们那么生气,他们肯定已经走了很长一段路了。

    So next time you are impatiently waiting at a traffic light , don 't get so mad at them , they 've certainly come a long way .

  14. 每只红绿灯的红、黄、绿灯都全部亮起,在晚霞衬托下,煞是好看。

    Each traffic light red , yellow , green light , all the bright backdrop in a sunset2 , is truly beautiful .

  15. 我赶紧叫我的女儿欣赏这难得一见的美景:“女儿你看,前面所有红绿灯的每盏灯都亮了,是不是很漂亮?”

    I quickly called my daughter to enjoy this rare3 beauty : " Honey , see , is it not very pretty in front of all the traffic lights lamp light ? "

  16. 电梯明明可以自动关闭,总有人急切地伸出手去按关门键;绿灯亮了汽车起步晚半秒钟,后面的司机就会按喇叭催促。

    People often press the close button when they step into an elevator instead of waiting for it to close automatically their horns repeatedly if you are just a few seconds slow at the turn of a green light .

  17. 它会使你回想起艺术摇滚乐教母凯特·布什(你可以去听一下《GreenLight》(《绿灯》)这首歌)。

    It could recall art-rock godmother Kate Bush ( see the single " Green Light " ) .

  18. 基于Excel的红绿灯仿真控制决策

    Traffic Light Simulation Control Decision-making Based on Excel

  19. CT:我们已经有一个WindowsForms应用(红绿灯模拟器)小例子,利用容器注入服务。

    CT : We have a small example of a Windows Forms application ( the Stoplight Simulator ) that uses the container to inject services .

  20. 基琴娜的市政大厅也为RIM亮了绿灯。

    ( rim is headquartered in Waterloo . )

  21. 即将LED路灯装置与交通红绿灯控制系统结合在一起,利用每一路段红绿灯的转换实现对下一路段灯光强弱的控制。

    About LED lights and traffic lights control system devices together , use each section of the traffic lights change to achieve the next section of the control of light intensity .

  22. 一项最终科学审查为英国医生进行线粒体置换开了绿灯,线粒体置换会诞生拥有3个人的DNA的婴儿,目的是避免基因疾病。

    A final scientific review has given a green light for British doctors to carry out mitochondrial replacement , which creates babies with DNA from three people in order to avoid genetic disease .

  23. 极小化极大熵估计量BRT优先控制交叉口的机动车相位固定最小绿灯时间计算方法

    Absolute minimum green calculation for vehicle phase at signalized intersections with bus rapid transit signal priority

  24. 交通灯控制系统通常要实现自动控制和手动控制其红绿灯的变化,基于FPGA设计的交通灯控制系统电路简单、可靠性好。

    The traffic light control system usually must realize the automatic control and the hand control . The traffic light control system based on FPGA is simple and reliable .

  25. 日本政府昨天给日本央行(bankofjapan)开了绿灯,准许后者在合适的时候结束异常宽松的非正统货币政策,从而为政界与央行之间持续数月的争吵划上了句号。

    The Japanese government yesterday gave the Bank of Japan a green light to end its unorthodox , ultra-loose monetary policy whenever it sees fit , ending months of sparring between politicians and the central bank .

  26. 在已选器件基础上,将整个控制系统程序按功能分为芯片初始化模块、红绿灯循环显示模块、中断处理模块、LED驱动模块、读时钟及写时钟模块、键盘及显示模块。

    The software of system can divide into : initialization module , circulative display module , interrupting module , LED driver module , read clock and write clock module , keyboard and display module .

  27. 有些重要情报。CIA的头头们终于给我们的贞节任务开了绿灯。

    Zero : Jack , I 've got some important news . The head of the CIA has finally given us the green light for the Virtuous mission .

  28. 在软件上,利用Visualc++和OpenCV编写程序,基本实现了视频图像的预处理,车辆数目的检测以及红绿灯的智能控制。

    For the software , the thesis used Visual C + + and OpenCV programming to realize the video image preprocessing , vehicles ' number detection , and intelligent control of traffic lights .

  29. 在美国,经过两年的激烈争吵,位于华盛顿特区的联邦通信委员会(fcc),终于为空白频段投入使用开了绿灯。

    In America , after two years of wrangling , the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) in Washington , DC , has finally given the go-ahead for white-space frequencies to be put to use .

  30. 政府为国际大学、合作项目、私立学校、全职及在职mba和emba项目开绿灯,至少允许它们起步并证明自我。

    International universities , joint programmes , private schools , full and part-time MBA and EMBA programmes have been given the green light , at least to start and to prove themselves .