
  • 网络Green Action;go green
  1. 坚持可持续发展开展绿色行动

    Sticking to Sustainable Development and Carrying out Green Action

  2. 我大声地招呼着“绿色行动小组”所有的51位成员。

    I called on all the51 members in of " Green Action Group " in a loud voice .

  3. 甚至一些真正高贵的绿色行动,也在使人分心,无视偶尔更加灰暗的现实。

    Even some genuinely noble green initiatives are there to distract from an occasionally greyer reality .

  4. 小手帕犹如一颗“绿种子”,将通过“环保手帕”飘起来全球绿色行动,它将吸引越来越多的参与。

    It is like a green seed , attracting more and more people by the global green campaign .

  5. 地球日活动在印度的蓬勃发展让组织者们看到,“10亿个绿色行动”已发展得深入而广泛。

    The groundswell of activities around Earth Day in India showed organizers how wide and deep the A Billion Acts of Green campaign has gone .

  6. 从换一个灯泡到种一棵树,团体或个人的每一个绿色行动都将使我们更加接近一个更可持续的未来。

    From switching a light bulb to planting a tree , each act of green by groups or individuals brings us closer to a more sustainable future .

  7. 他承诺将取消希思罗机场的扩建,是欧洲最繁忙的。这一直是英国在过去几年里绿色行动的目标。

    He 's promised to cancel the expansion Heathrow airport , one of Europe 's busiest . It 's been a goal of Britain 's green movement for the past few years .

  8. 宜家之前还采取过其他绿色行动,比如在宜家餐厅供应更环保的素丸子来代替瑞典肉丸,因为考虑到肉丸所用的牛肉和猪肉在生产过程中会释放较多温室气体。

    Ikea 's green drive has already seen it launch vegetarian meatballs as a more eco-friendly alternative to the Swedish meatballs served in its cafes , because of concerns about the greenhouse gas emissions from beef and pork .

  9. 在世界地球日40周年之际,让我们相聚家盒子,想一想我们的环境和未来,开展绿色行动,提倡“低碳生活”,共同守护我们唯一的家园!

    In the40th anniversary of earth day , let 's get together at Family Box , to think about our environment and future , take green actions , promote " Low Carbon Life ", and protect our one and only homeland .

  10. 这个运动的一个里程碑是“绿色手指行动”的创立。

    A milestone in the movement was the creation of Operation GreenThumb .

  11. 在今后工作中全面推行2000年8月制订的《绿色奥运行动计划》。

    Green Olympic Action Plan published in August 2000 will be fully implemented .

  12. 这家零售商还将推动由美国环保协会(environmentaldefensefund)牵头的新一轮“绿色供应链行动”(greensupplychaininitiative)。

    The retailer will also be promoting a new " green supply chain initiative " being led by the Environmental Defense Fund ( EDF ) , a non-profit group that has worked with Wal-Mart on sustainability issues in the US .

  13. 奥运绿色食品工程行动计划构想

    Conception of action plan for the olympic green food engineering program

  14. 北京提出兴办绿色奥运的行动规划从另外一个角度拓展和挖掘了绿色思想,同时也为奥林匹克运动的发展和奥运精神的宏扬添加了新的理念。

    Holding a green Olympic in Beijing extend and renew the green thoughts in some respect , and add new ideas to developing of Olympic and Olympic spirit .

  15. 三基色节能灯具有寿命长、显色指数优良、色温可调、节约电能、无辐射污染等特点,因而在倡导绿色照明的行动下得到大力推广。

    Tricolor compact fluorescent lamp is widely used at the call of " Green Lighting " because of the characteristics such as long service life , excellent color index , color temperature adjustable , energy saving , no radiation pollution , and so on .

  16. 他想让我参加他们绿色和平船的行动。

    He wants me to go on a Greenpeace boat .

  17. 根据一个题为“绿色奥林匹克运动会行动计划”的方案,在一九九八和二零零七年之间,北京会在保存和保护环境方面投入一千亿元人民币.

    According to a project entitled The Green Olympic Action Plan , between 1998 and 2007 , Beijing , we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment .

  18. 随着人们对气候变化的日益关注,世界经济正向低碳化的趋势发展,不少国家已经开始实施与绿色新政相关的行动。

    With more and more attention of people to the climatic change , the tendency to a lower-carbon economy becomes clearer and clearer . Many countries have implemented the measures related to the " Green New Deal " .

  19. 宗旨:倡导绿色文明,实践绿色行动,追求可持续发展,携手共建美好和谐的绿色家园。

    Mission : To advocate green civilization , the practice of green activism , the pursuit of sustainable development , and harmonious green earth together .

  20. 国外物流业通过立法、限制碳排放额度等措施对绿色物流及绿色供应链进行有效管理,众多企业纷纷开始了绿色物流行动。

    Foreign logistics industry manages the green logistics and green supply chain effectively through legislation and other measures to limit carbon emissions . Many companies have started green logistics operations .

  21. 作为绿色地球家园的一份子,让我们为了健康、环保与时尚,现在就加入到全球绿色行动中来吧!

    As a member of this global village , let us join in the global green campaign for health , for environment and for fashion !