
  • 网络The Green Planet;Planet Green;Greener Planet
  1. “这是一个环境娱乐频道”,绿色星球频道总经理艾莉。

    " This is an eco-tainment channel ," said Eileen O'Neill , the general manager of Planet Green .

  2. 他还将与探索频道的“绿色星球”合作制作一部十三集的真人秀《环保小镇》,记录堪萨斯城镇被飓风摧毁后的绿色重建。

    He also partnered with the upcoming Discovery Networks'Planet Green to produce Eco-Town , a13-part reality series documenting the green rebuilding of a Kansas town that was torn apart by a tornado .

  3. 据《人物》杂志报道,在英国独立电视台的一部名为《女王的绿色星球》的新纪录片中,朱莉和她的六个孩子访问了纳米比亚,以强调对森林的保护,这位女演员对这位英国女王的评价也很高。

    According to People , for a new documentary on ITV called The Queen 's Green Planet , Jolie and her six children visit Namibia to highlight forest conservation , and the actress has only kind words to say about the British monarch .

  4. 这里我们要用电动引擎,因为燃油引擎只能在有绿色植物的星球上使用。

    We have to use an electric motor because gas engines work only near green plants .

  5. 《纽约邮报》在周三也将绿色出版。这一天,邮报的标志将印成绿色,并对绿色星球电视频道进行整周的专题广告。

    The New York Post is going green on Wednesday , too : the newspaper will turn its flag green that day and feature advertisements for the channel all week .