
  • 网络Green March
  1. 摩洛哥通过绿色进军赶走了西班牙老牌殖民势力,取得了西撒问题上的主动权。

    After driving away Spain , the traditional colonial power , through Green March , Morocco had the initiative in the dispute .

  2. 领取绿色通行证进军国际绿色市场&谈国际绿色贸易壁垒中的环境标志问题

    Holding the Green License , Coming into the International Green Market & About Breaking The Green Trade Barrier and The Environmental Symbol

  3. 同时,随着中国加入WTO,绿色食品国际营销也成为我国农产品打通绿色壁垒、进军国际市场的客观需要。

    With China joining WTO , the international marketing of green food becomes the objective requirement for our agricultural products marching into the international market .