
xiàn bīng
  • gendarme;military police;MPs;military policeman;redcap
宪兵 [xiàn bīng]
  • [military police] 一支军队或某一级军事指挥机构内的组成部分,它在士兵和那些隶属于该部队的人员中间行使警察的职权,逮捕逃兵以及看管犯人

宪兵[xiàn bīng]
  1. 营地周围架着尖利的铁丝网,且有宪兵看守。

    The camp is surrounded by razor-wire fences and guarded by military police .

  2. 虽然旧时的秘密警察业已废除,但宪兵队依然存在。

    Although the old secret police have been abolished , the military police still exist

  3. n.宪兵代理大使要求在大使馆外布署额外的宪兵。

    gendarme The charge d'affaires requested that extra gendarmes be posted outside the embassy .

  4. 南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(DavidHale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(ArmyCriminalInvestigationCommand)测谎员的职位。

    David Hale of Columbia , S.C. , quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command 。 '

  5. 她讲述了德国宪兵如何在Altun1917年革命期间被贵族主人抛弃的庄园设立他们的地方总部。

    She recounted how German military police had set up their local headquarters at Altun , an estate abandoned by its aristocratic owners in the 1917 revolution .

  6. 叫宪兵来处理这个人渣。

    Have the MPS take care of this piece of shit .

  7. 有人向宪兵队告发他为间谍。

    Somebody denounced him to the military police as a spy .

  8. 剩下的的只有军人和宪兵。

    Nobody left there but the SS and the military police .

  9. 如果逃兵,一定会被宪兵逮回去。

    If I desert , the gendarmes will come and get me .

  10. 两个离岗的士兵被一个宪兵叫住并被盘问。

    Two off-duty soldiers were stopped and questioned by a military policeman .

  11. 被宪兵队告知离开。

    He was told to leave by the military police .

  12. 宪兵司令管辖下的一支特遣部队。

    A detachment under the command of a provost marshall .

  13. “是给你坐的。”一个宪兵回答。

    " It is for you ," replied a gendarme .

  14. 宪兵一直在各个酒吧四处查控。

    Military police have been sniffing around the bars .

  15. 其实我的义务在宪兵伸手抓我衣领时就停止了。

    Although that ceased when the carabiniere put his hands on my collar .

  16. 联保部队民警/宪兵联合调查队

    Joint UNPROFOR Civil Police / Military Police investigation team

  17. 管辖士兵和战俘的宪兵队成员。

    A member of the military police who polices soldiers and guards prisoners .

  18. 在我们榜单中,第一位出场的是法国国家宪兵干预组,也叫“法国国家宪兵特勤队”。

    Starting off our list are the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group from France .

  19. 新郎身着摩纳哥皇家卫队宪兵白色制服。

    The groom wore the white dress uniform of Monaco 's Carabinieri royal guard .

  20. 这是宪兵,我想他们朝战俘营方向去了。

    They 're kempei tai . I think they 're heading towards the camp .

  21. 马上给我接宪兵队!

    Connect me to the regiment MP now !

  22. 我们碰到了木板,看到的宪兵在马背上远去。

    We run up the plank and saw the gendarme on horseback behind us .

  23. 虽然宪兵,是市场上的领先地位,市场正在迎头赶上。

    Although the gendarmerie is ahead of the market the market is catching up .

  24. 宪兵骑士维护费用高昂,只有富庶国家方有财力成军。

    Expensive to maintain , though , only the wealthiest states can afford them .

  25. 一个宪兵正在院子里踱步。

    A gendarme was crossing the court .

  26. 一名宪兵军官对他的同僚们喊道。

    Shouted one officer to his colleagues .

  27. 当宪兵征召他去当兵。

    When the gendarmes took him .

  28. 它同宪兵突击队所不同的是,宪兵突击队还有一定的

    It is different with the military police commandos is that there are some military police commandos

  29. 关于双方武装部队(包括宪兵队)一体化的协定议定书

    Protocol on the Integration of the Armed Forces of the Two Parties , including the Gendarmerie

  30. 宪兵们设置路障,拉起了几道防线,以迎接预期的抗议活动,而拆弹小组的车辆呼啸而过。

    Bomb squad vehicles whizzed past lines of military police barricading roads ahead of expected protests .