
  1. 第一部分,分析了设置宪政编查馆的历史背景。

    In the first part , the author analyses the background of setting up the Bureau .

  2. 清末预备立宪时期宪政编查馆研究

    Study on the Constitutional Compilation Bureau during the Preliminary Stage of Constitutional Monarchy in the Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 文章结语部分从总体上对宪政编查馆及其作用进行综述,做出客观评价,揭示研究这一课题的历史意义和现实价值。

    The author comments on the influence of the Constitutional Compilation Bureau , which shows the historic significance and realistic value of studying this subject .

  4. 修订法律馆上奏大清刑律草案后,按照立法程序,朝廷下宪政编查馆交各中央部院堂官、地方各省督抚、将军都统签注意见。

    After playing the criminal law draft on revising the law hall , according to legislative procedure , The check halls under the imperial court pay every central department institute hall officer , local province superintend and general of the interconnected system the endorsing suggestions .

  5. 宪政编查馆和修订法律馆为完成商法典的编纂计划,决定举行全国性商事习惯调查,设立专门机构,编写调查提纲,并取得了丰硕的调查成果。

    The office of organizing and investing constitutional policy and the office of amending law , in order to accomplish the program of commercial codification , decided to celebrating an national investigation on commercial tradition , setting up special organizations , compiling investigation syllabus , and achieved plentiful harvest .