
xiàn zhāng
  • charter
宪章 [xiàn zhāng]
  • [charter] 典章制度

宪章[xiàn zhāng]
  1. 宪章规定,各州皆允建立各自的政府。

    The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government .

  2. 五年后,为了表达其“鼓励并支持推动妇女”参与体育运动的职责,国际奥委会修订了《奥林匹克宪章》(OlympicCharter)。

    Five years later , it revised the Olympic Charter to express the committee 's responsibility " to encourage and support the promotion of women in sport . "

  3. 英国认为准英国人应该熟悉《大宪章》(MagnaCarta)。

    The UK felt that prospective Britons should have some familiarity with the Magna Carta .

  4. 他表示,法律服务“自《大宪章》(MagnaCarta)以来”就未曾改变过了。

    The practice of law , he says , has not changed " since Magna Carta . "

  5. 如BBC的文章所写,《大宪章》确立了一项原则,即当时贵族所代表的英格兰人民可以限制国王的权力。

    The Magna Carta established the principle that the people of England , at this stage represented by the barons , could limit the power of a king , explains a BBC article .

  6. 1215年6月15日,世界历史上最重要的文件之一签署,名为“MagnaCarta”,即拉丁语中“大宪章”之意。文件的签字双方分别是英国国王约翰与他的男爵们。

    On June 15 , 1215 , one of the most important documents in world history was signed . The document is called the Magna Carta , Latin for " Great Charter , " and was signed by John , King of England , and his barons .

  7. 哈马斯宪章称一定要毁灭以色列。

    Hamas ' charter calls for the destruction of Israel .

  8. 许多人将《大宪章》看作是专制独裁的终结。

    Many people regard the Magna Carta as the death certificate of despotism .

  9. 一代代人民的鲜血夯实了这一宪章。

    a charter expanded by the blood of generations .

  10. 《大宪章》为何如此重要?

    Why is the Magna Carta so important ?

  11. 《大宪章》也为许多国家现代法律体系奠定了基础。

    The charter also laid the foundation for the modern judicial system in many countries .

  12. 它被载入了英国大宪章。

    It was written in Magna Charta .

  13. 此后的《宪法》起草人们正是受到了《大宪章》的启示。

    The Magna Carta has been looked to for inspiration by constitution writers every since .

  14. 在加拿大,《大宪章》则是其国家普通法的一部分。

    In Canada , the Magna Carta forms part of the country 's common law tradition .

  15. 这所大学在18世纪中叶根据《国王宪章》创立,作为国王学院。

    The university was originally founded by royal edict in the mid-18th century as King 's College .

  16. 红十字会是根据一项国会宪章运作的,该宪章要求红十字会对各种自然灾害进行救助。

    The Red Cross operates under a Congressional charter that requires it to respond to natural disasters .

  17. 庆祝活动的高潮将在索尔兹伯里大教堂举行,大宪章的原本就收藏在这里的牧师会礼堂里。

    The highlight for the celebrations will be Salisbury Cathedral , whose Chapter House holds the Magna Carta .

  18. 那就是原本由51个国家签署的联合国宪章生效的日子。

    That 's when the United Nations charter , originally signed by 51 countries , went into effect .

  19. 瑞典的主席职位任重而道远。他们手上掌握的是非常关键的欧盟改革宪章的命运,众所周知的里斯本公约。

    On their plate is the fate of a key EU reform charter , known as the Lisbon Treaty .

  20. 他还重申对多边主义的支持及对联合国宪章的庄严承诺。

    He also expresses support for multilateralism and the basic norms of international relations based on the UN Charter .

  21. 活动人士表示法律具有歧视性,但国际奥委会官员称其不违反他们的宪章。

    Activists say the law is discriminatory , but international Olympic officials say it does not breach their charter .

  22. 卡梅伦在发布于学校官网上的文章中写道,《大宪章》堪称是《宪法》的前身。

    It was really a kind of proto-constitution , says Cameron in an article published on the university 's website .

  23. 在1830、40年代,欧洲的社会主义者、宪章运动人士及其他资本主义批判者开始蓄须。

    In Europe in the 1830s and 1840s , socialists , Chartists and other critics of capitalism began growing beards .

  24. 《联合国宪章》举行讨论的目的是防止战争爆发,维护人权、国际和平与安全。

    The United Nations charter discusses preventing war , having faith in human rights , maintaining international peace and security .

  25. 1945年,杜鲁门见证了联合国宪章的签署,并于联盟协商建立北大西洋公约组织。

    In June 1945 Truman witnessed the signing of the charter of the United Nations and negotiated the alliancethat became NATO .

  26. 这种协议将根据联合国宪章的规定,采取集体防御协定的形式。

    Such an agreement would take the form of a collective defense arrangement within the terms of the United Nations Charter .

  27. 你给我们看过那只船模以后,我开始看“美国宪章号”的文章。

    You know , after you showed us that cool model , I started reading up on the " U.S.S.Constitution . "

  28. 《大宪章》奠定了法律的基石,即任何人都不能凌驾于法律之上,即使国王也不例外。

    The Magna Carta established the rule of law . No one , not even the king , was above the law .

  29. 按照《联合国宪章》规定,秘书长先由安理会(由15名成员组成)推荐,再由委员会(由193名成员组成)选举产生。

    Under the UN Charter , the secretary-general is chosen by the 193-member General Assembly on the recommendation of the 15-member Security Council .

  30. 例如,美国的《独立宣言》和《人权法案》就受到《大宪章》的深刻影响;

    For example , there are strong influences from the Magna Carta in the US Declaration of Independence and US Bill of Rights .