
  1. 我们今天开的这个会,叫做宪政促进会。

    The purpose of our meeting today is to promote or urge the establishment of constitutional government .

  2. 〔1〕吴老,指吴玉章,当时任延安各界宪政促进会理事长。

    [ 1 ] Old Comrade Wu is Comrade Wu Yu-chang , who was then Chairman of the Yenan Association for the Promotion of Constitutional Government .

  3. 今天延安各界人民的代表人物在这里开宪政促进会的成立大会,大家关心宪政,这是很有意义的。

    It is highly significant that representatives of the people of all circles in Yenan are meeting here today to inaugurate the Association for the Promotion of Constitutional Government and that everybody has become interested in constitutionalism .

  4. 通过分析我国的宪政建设道路我们会发现,我国的宪政建设一直是由国家进行推进的,民间力量参与宪政的情况少之又少,而这也是我国宪政建设缓慢的原因之一。

    Through the analysis of the construction of constitutional government in China , we will find the construction of constitutional government in China is always pushed by the state , the civilian power rarely participate in constitutional construction .