
xiàn zhèng
  • constitutionalism;constitutional government
宪政 [xiàn zhèng]
  • [constitutional government] 指立宪政治

宪政[xiàn zhèng]
  1. 格拉古兄弟的改革与罗马共和宪政的衰微

    Brothers Gracchus ' Reforms and the Decline of Roman Republic Constitutional Government

  2. 宪政程序正当性及我国宪政程序的完善

    Constitutional government procedure proper and perfect in our country

  3. WTO的宗旨和基本原则以及当前国际贸易领域的发展实践已对该传统宪政基础提出了潜在挑战。

    The gist and the basic principle of The WTO plus the practices in the international trade field have already placed the potential challenge on the traditional constitution foundation .

  4. 第四、通过改良的方式来实现宪政。

    Fourth , realize the constitutional government through the improvement way .

  5. 它是西方宪政运动的产物。

    It is the outcome of the western movement of constitutionalism .

  6. 从对公民权利的保护看宪政

    An Analysis of Constitutionalism from the Perspective of Civil Rights Protection

  7. 论宪政与现代政治文明的内在契合性

    On the Inherent Connection between Constitutionalism and the Modern Political Civilization

  8. 经济宪政的社会和谐功能考量

    On the Influence of Economic Constitutionalism on Making a Harmonious Society

  9. 三是重视妇女权益的平等保护宪政思想;

    The third is emphasis on women rights in equal protections ;

  10. 同时,要采取更加有力的措施,加快我国宪政建设的步伐。

    We must adopt more stronger measures to quicken constitutionalism construction .

  11. 公共行政思想:宪政主义与管理主义的徘徊

    The thought of public administration : hesitation between constitutionalism and Managerialism

  12. 宪政是社会进步、文明的标志之一。

    Constitutional politics is a mark of social progress and civilization .

  13. 初探电子秤的平衡性论宪政的平衡性

    Firstly discuss the equilibrium of the electronic scale On Balance of Constitutionalism

  14. 幽暗意识是宪政制度的价值基石。

    Dim consciousness is a value foundation stone of the constitutional institution .

  15. 本部分主要阐述了宪政的发展历程。

    In this part we elaborate develop course Of constitutionalism .

  16. 因此柏克主张的宪政在本质上乃是贵族制的宪政。

    Thus the constitutional government claimed by Burke is that of aristocracy .

  17. 分权理论与英国宪政体制之自我解构

    Power Separation Principle and Deconstruction of Constitutional System of Britain

  18. 普通法是如何影响英国宪政的?

    How the common law affects the constitutionalism in England ?

  19. 西部大开发的宪政基础与共和精神

    The Constitutional Basis and Republic Spirit of the West Opening

  20. 论刑事诉讼正当程序的宪政意义

    The Constitutional Significance of the Due Process of Law in Criminal Procedure

  21. 三者共同支撑起西方宪政大厦。

    These three theories support the mansion of occidental constitutionalism .

  22. 李大钊的宪政思想及其实践述论

    Exposition on Li Da-Zhao 's Thought and Practice of Constitutionalism

  23. 其宪政思想主要包括以下几个方面。

    The main idea of his constitutionalism , including the following aspects .

  24. 法治&宪政形式价值;

    Rule by law , the formal value of constitutionalism ;

  25. 对于戴季陶宪政思想的这种变化,文章进行了比较详尽的原因分析。

    For this change , the thesis gives detailed reasons .

  26. 社会转型期权利失衡的宪政思考

    On right imbalance of constitutional government in social transformation period

  27. 试论我国的宪政建设

    An Exploration of the Constitutional Government Construction of Our Country

  28. 财产权利与宪政建设紧密结合在一起。

    Property rights and constitution construction are closely related together .

  29. 宪政:法治国家的根本标志

    Constitutionalism : the Basic Sign of a Rule of Law 's Country

  30. 我国乡镇长选举方式改革的宪政思考

    Constitutional Thought on the Reformation of Selection of Township Government 's Chief